The "Bride" flower is an interesting plant that develops better with the "Groom"

The "Bride" flower is an interesting plant that develops better with the "Groom"
The "Bride" flower is an interesting plant that develops better with the "Groom"

Campanula is a beautiful and beloved flower by flower growers ("Bride and Groom" is a popular name). It can bloom white (hence the association with the bride), blue or lilac (the association with the groom).

Indoor flower "Bride" is an ampelous ornamental perennial plant, the shoots of which do not grow up. Its flowers have the shape of a neat bell, which attracts flower growers. "Bride" feels great even with a little shading. It grows very quickly, and good care allows it to bloom profusely in the second year, delighting with delicate beautiful bells.

flower bride
flower bride

Often two varieties of Campanula are planted in one low pot. But here it is important to know that the lilac (blue) look is less tall, so you need to carefully observe that the "Bride" did not muffle the "Groom". But still, they are better together than apart, so they feel good.

Proper care allows you to admire the wonderful flowers of Campanula from spring to autumn. When the periodflowering is coming to an end, the bells need to create all the conditions for a good, good rest. Usually by this time the upper part of the shoots has time to dry out, so they can be cut off. Thus, young flower buds can subsequently develop in the lower part (it is advisable not to touch them).

Flower "Bride" is a very thermophilic plant. Ambient lighting is what she likes, but it is better to remove it from direct sunlight. The temperature in summer is moderate, and in winter you need a cool content. The optimum temperature for campanula is 13-15 degrees. It is better to protect it from drafts.

As for watering, in summer it should be plentiful and constant. In winter (during the dormant period), it should be reduced. Allow the top soil to dry completely between waterings.

indoor flower bride
indoor flower bride

For normal development and growth, the "Bride" flower requires a lot of moist air. The leaves of the plant must be absolutely clean all the time, otherwise it may be affected by aphids or spider mites. The "Bride" should be sprayed in the same place where she always stands, because it is important that during spraying the air around the pot is also moistened. And we must remember that waterlogging is as harmful as lack of moisture.

Top dressing is carried out from spring to August once every two weeks. You can use fertilizer for flowering houseplants. It is necessary to transplant the flower "Bride" every year in the spring. Substrate - equal parts of soddy, humus soil, sand and peat.

Many growerschoose for themselves the flower "Bride". Care for him also consists in reproduction, which is carried out by dividing the bush and cuttings. Cuttings that have reached 15 cm in length are planted in early spring in small pots at a temperature of 10 degrees. In the summer they are transplanted into large pots, covering them with a glass jar. The optimum temperature is 13-14 degrees. It is important not to overmoisten, as the cuttings will rot. You can not water them at all, just spray them with water. Rooted cuttings should be aired daily. After three weeks, the greenhouse can be opened, and after another one - put in a bright place, so they will quickly grow.

flower bride care
flower bride care

If the "Bride" has grown a lot, then in the spring it must be carefully removed from the pot and carefully divided into parts. When separating plants, it is important to keep the earthen ball on the roots. To make it easier, you can cut it with a sharp knife. When transplanting, it is important not to deepen the roots too much. And, of course, you can grow this flower from seeds.
