Planting cherries in autumn: basic rules

Planting cherries in autumn: basic rules
Planting cherries in autumn: basic rules
planting cherries in autumn
planting cherries in autumn

Planting cherries in the fall starts with choosing the right spot. In this case, a whole range of different agrotechnical factors should be taken into account. Every detail matters, even the smallest ones. It is necessary to take into account the light-loving nature of cherries, which means that the site must be well lit. Choose places on a hill and where the shadow will not fall on the trees. Another important factor is wind protection. In winter, the cold wind will freeze heat-loving seedlings, and they may die.

And in the summer the pistils in the flowers will be dried, which will lead to the difficulty of natural pollination. Planting cherries in autumn or spring should be done on light fertile soils. It is unacceptable to root seedlings on acidic soils, as this will prevent the trees from absorbing nutrients. Liming will help reduce the acidity of the soil, in addition, it will be useful to add mixtures containing potassium and phosphorus.

Cherry planting time

It is generally accepted that cherries, like some other fruit trees and shrubs, are best planted in the spring. In this case, they will have enough time to root. However, in the southern or warm central regions of Russia, cherries can be planted in the autumn. The main thing is to do all the work beforeearly October, that is, about a month before the onset of frost.

planting cherries in autumn
planting cherries in autumn

Planting cherries in autumn: agricultural technology

The landing pit is dug in advance, at least two weeks in advance. Its diameter should be 80 cm, a depth of at least 50 cm. A wooden peg must be inserted into the pit, covered with a mixture of earth, humus and a small part of mineral fertilizers (60 g of potassium and 200 g of phosphorus). Then you can lower the seedling, carefully unfold its roots and sprinkle with earth. After planting, the soil is lightly compacted. Watering is required - two buckets of water inside a specially made earthen side. At the end, you need to tie the seedling to a peg - this will protect the fragile trunk.

Planting cherries in autumn: important points

Cherries are preferably planted in the spring, but it is not always possible to find seedlings during this period. However, there are quite a lot of them in the fall, so even if you do not plan to root planting material before frost, it is worth buying and digging in any free area. For this, a pit 65 cm long and 35-40 cm deep is prepared, and a slope of 45 ° is made on its southern side. The seedlings are laid and covered with soil up to the branches, after which the earth is rammed.

cherry planting time
cherry planting time

Growers also need to know that it doesn't make much sense to plant just one cherry. You need at least two trees that will pollinate each other. Not every variety is capable of self-pollination, so choose those species that will be well suited to each other. For example,"Shpanke" is well suited to "Griot", and "Lyubskaya" can pollinate "Lotovka" and "Blackblood".

Properly planting cherries in the fall is only the first step to a bountiful harvest. It is necessary to take care of seedlings - carry out timely loosening, pruning, watering, fertilize the soil and provide protection from pests. And only in this case your efforts will bring long-awaited results.
