Potato has deservedly been considered the “second bread” in Russia for almost three hundred years. Almost all of it is quite tasty and nutritious, quite simple in agricultural technology, well stored, unlike most vegetables, and gives very plentiful harvests. Delicious “foreigners” are slowly being added to the orderly range of varieties traditional for Russian selection, which include German Jelly potatoes, which are gradually gaining popularity among gardeners. It will be discussed in the article.
Description of Jelly potato variety
According to their technical characteristics, all varieties of potatoes are ranked by ripening time (early, mid-early and late) and purpose (fodder and table).

The timing of ripening usually determines the possibility of growing a crop in a particular climatic region (which is natural, since every vegetable must reach a certain degree of ripeness before harvesting).
The Jelly potato variety is listed in the State Register of Breeding Achievements as a mid-early and table crop. The tubers ripen about three months after the seed is planted in the soil. We cultivate itmainly in the Central region. Patented by Europlant Pflanzenzucht GMBH. Dutch selection.
When grown, Jelly potatoes look quite decorative: tall, even bushes with large green leaves and medium-sized bright white inflorescences. In leaves, attention is usually paid to the average waviness of the edges, resembling such ruffles. Jelly potato tubers, according to the description, resemble a chicken egg weighing about 84-135 grams. There are usually quite a lot of them in the nest, up to 15 pieces, and they are about the same size. On visual examination, a rough yellow surface with small eyes is noted. The dark yellow flesh is very starchy (lab tests show a starch content of around 18%) and is therefore quite filling and tasty.
All the beauty and appetizing are successfully conveyed by the photos of Jelly potatoes presented in this article.

Jellie potatoes are successfully used in first and second courses, and even in desserts. One of the most characteristic features is a pronounced creamy taste and rich potato aroma.

Since it does not belong to the so-called boiled varieties, it is perfectly used in the manufacture of chips.

But, despite the exquisite taste, do not forget that Jelly, like any other potato, is very high in calories, which is contraindicated for people suffering frommetabolic disorder, obesity or diabetes.
The Jelly potato variety is very well stored (up to 86% of potatoes do not lose their commercial properties and taste), the marketability level reaches 95%. It is quite high-yielding - from 150 to 290 centners per hectare. In the Tula region, a kind of record was even registered - from a hectare planted with Jelly potatoes, they harvested as much as 335 centners of the crop.
It is desirable to store it in dry ventilated rooms equipped with temperature and humidity controllers. Of course, the creation of such conditions can afford mainly large agricultural enterprises. For the home, you can purchase an ordinary room thermometer to monitor the temperature, and evaluate the degree of humidity in an organoleptic way (feeling). The recommended storage temperature should be between +1 and +3 degrees.
Before winter storage, it is desirable to cool potato tubers. The cooling process should be carried out gradually, about half a degree per day. In the spring, when the ambient temperature steadily rises, night and morning ventilation is recommended to prevent tubers from sprouting.
Preparing for landing
Before planting any potato, it is recommended to remove seed from cold storage, place in open boxes in a warm room. After a while, sprouts will appear on the nodules.

If the air is dry, it is recommended tocalled irrigation by spraying. Under the influence of light in the tubers, the process of photosynthesis and the production of a substance called solanine will begin. It is a poisonous glycoalkaloid. The tubers will turn green. It is life-threatening to eat such potatoes, so we can assume that seed material from shrews and other rodents is being processed in this way. They encroach on green tubers in the ground much less frequently. In addition, the sprouts on such potatoes are much stronger and more viable than on ordinary potatoes.
Almost any soil is suitable for growing Jelly, the variety is rather unpretentious. The only thing I would like to focus on is the recommendation to use crop rotation. If any potato is planted in the same place for several years in a row, then the probability of depleting the site and infecting it with specific potato pests is very high. The best place for planting potatoes is those beds or fields where winter crops, legumes or lupins grew last season.
The seed material is usually planted in rows, which are located at a distance of 75-80 cm from each other (thus, a kind of reserve of land is created for future hilling). In the row itself, the distance between the seed tubers should not be less than thirty centimeters. At the same time, it is customary to plow high-quality mineral or organic fertilizers into the soil.
Do not forget the moment that when planting potatoes at the optimal early time in the presence of well-prepared and well-heated soilthe yield increases by about 25-30% compared to the volume of the crop obtained as a result of a late planting. In recent years, the method of planting potatoes under spunbond has been especially popular. It saves plants from late return frosts, provides access to moisture and does not allow weeds to show increased activity. Green shoots appear early and quite amicably.

The main care for potatoes is the timely loosening of the soil and the hilling of bushes to form a powerful root system. For the entire period of growth, bushes are recommended to be spudded at least 2 times, the best option is at least 3 times. A week before harvest, to speed up the ripening of tubers, it is recommended to mow the tops.
The variety is considered drought-resistant, so watering is practically not required.
Jelly is nearly immune to traditional potato diseases such as rhizoctoniosis, golden cyst nematode and potato cancer pathogen. Accordingly, preventive treatment is not required at all. Only late blight can be considered the only disaster, affecting mainly tops and sometimes tubers.

From late blight, plants are usually sprayed in proportions according to the instructions for use with the following drugs: Arcedil, Ridomil MC, Oxyhom, Ditamin M-45, copper oxychloride and Kuproksat. But in no way should such processing be carried out later than 30 days.before the expected potato harvest.
Opinion of gardeners
The desire of amateur gardeners to improve the methods of agricultural technology and increase the return on their labors is obvious. Therefore, when choosing a variety for planting, feedback on the qualities of plants received directly from the same ordinary inhabitants is usually carefully studied.
Reviews about Jelly potatoes are usually very positive and positive. For example, experienced gardeners on thematic forums talk about the fact that Jelly struck with his productivity. Ceteris paribus, Jelly turned out to be the most productive in the garden among more than thirty varieties. Another gardener reports that although Jelly is tasty and beautiful, she does not suffer damage from blows and cuts. Almost all summer and autumn the whole family enjoyed it. It is noted that Jelly is not as sensitive to damage as Vineta. Often summer residents describe the consumer properties of Jelly: medium starchyness; cooks well - soft, but does not fall apart. You can also fry. The taste seems to be normal. Of course, sometimes they say that there are varieties that are tastier. But we all have different tastes for potatoes.
In conclusion
Almost the same reviews about the Jelly potato variety can be heard from professionals. They generally suggest that it can be grown commercially. Therefore, we can safely say that this potato "German" in Russia has a great future. Although it causes a certain sadness the fact that varieties of foreign rather than Russian selection are gaining the greatest popularity.