Since 2008, the Gala variety has been recognized as one of the most promising varieties of a vegetable called “second bread”. Potatoes, which are described in literally every article on home gardening, have become extremely popular today. In the Russian Federation, it is grown in the Yaroslavl, Tver, Vologda, Kostroma, Novgorod, Leningrad, Pskov, Kaliningrad regions.
Variety description
One of the serious advantages of culture is its early maturation. In this regard, against the background of other varieties, again, the Gala potato stands out. The description of the variety will not take up much space. The bush belongs to a semi-erect species or sprawling, the type is intermediate. The bushes and leaves are usually medium in size, and the corollas are white.

The peel and pulp have a pleasant yellow color, the shape of the tuber is round or oval, the eyes are small. The potential yield is high - about 60 tons per hectare. One bush can contain from 16 to 20 tubers with an average weight of 80 to 130 grams.
Starch content is up to 13%. This is relatively small, and those who strive for a he althy diet,Gala potatoes should be eaten. Reviews of the boiledness characterize it as good, and the taste is rated at 9 points out of 10. The protein content ranges from 3 to 3.5%, and vitamin C - up to 12 mg per 100 grams of product.
This potato variety retains all its qualities well and for a long time during storage. In addition, it is very resistant to various diseases, such as potato cancer, nematode, late blight, scab and various viral diseases. This is a table variety and keeps well in the package.
Potato variety Gala. Customer Reviews
Gala potatoes are the top sellers of 2013. The reason for this is a huge amount of positive feedback from consumers, which they willingly share with each other in the comments, on blogs and forums. Here are a few frequently mentioned benefits of this strain:
- Gala variety is relatively easy to grow due to disease resistance;
- when performing all the necessary operations of the agrotechnical plan, its potential yield is very high and amounts to 70 tons per hectare, while the marketability remains at 90%;
- quite fast maturation, which takes about 2.5 months;
- Gala potato tubers are unusually even, with shallow eyes, which allows for machine cleaning, for the same reason it is easy to wash and pack;
- this variety is resistant to damage, which makes it possible to carry out mechanical harvesting and sorting.
And, of course, the most important thingusually, first of all, consumers report - taste merits. Here again the Gala potato variety is in the lead. The characterization of gourmets who gave it nine points out of ten is no joke! Dishes from it are certainly appreciated by all! That is why, according to the results of sales in 2013, Gala potatoes again occupy the main positions. The photo below gives an idea of its appearance.

What is Gala potato good for?
100 grams of this variety contains 500 mg of potassium. In this respect, neither bread, nor meat, nor fish can be compared with it. But this microelement strengthens the heart muscle and prevents the development of sclerosis.
In addition, potatoes are a dietary product for diseases of the heart and kidneys. With peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, raw juice of this vegetable helps well. The Gala potato variety is perfect for these purposes. The characteristics of the results of those who have tried this method on themselves are impressive.

This potato is able to restore metabolism, neutralizing excess acids, due to which the body prematurely ages. The acetylcholine it contains lowers blood pressure.
Gala potatoes can also be successfully used for burns and skin diseases, for headaches and poisoning. Probably, everyone in childhood was treated for a cold with pairs of boiled potato peels. It can also be used for warming up with sciatica.
This vegetable is close to bread in its chemical composition, butthe composition of vitamins (E, K, PP, B, folic acid) and minerals - to greens. At the same time, its calorie content exceeds that of other plants by 3 times (800-900 kcal).
As you know, tuberin protein contains absolutely all the amino acids that are necessary for the human body, and it is he who is one of the components of this potato variety. A description of the percentage of daily value of vitamins and minerals contained in one serving of the product is given in the table:
A | 0, 3 | Cl | 2, 5 |
B1 | 8 | S | 3, 2 |
B2 | 3, 9 | Cu | 14 |
B5 | 6 | Mn | 8, 5 |
B6 | 15 | Cr | 20 |
C | 22, 2 | V | 373 |
PP | 9 | Zn | 3 |
Na | 0, 4 | Fe | 5 |
K | 22, 7 | Bor | 5, 8 |
Ph | 7, 2 | Co | 50 |
Especially many nutrients are found under the skin of tubers, but this is where harmful pesticides and nitrates accumulate.
You should also avoid eating green tubers. They are unsuitable even for animals, only for seeds.
Opinions of summer residents
Gala variety is in great demand among the population. It is willingly bought, and also grown on personal plots. loverscountry farming speak of it with enthusiasm.
For a long time, everyone has dreamed of a potato variety that would have the best qualities and be unpretentious at the same time. Gala potatoes are the embodiment of the aspirations of many. It tolerates heat well, does not suffer in the absence of moisture, tolerates insect raids without much loss, while quickly coping with diseases.
Gala growers say that to achieve high yields with little effort, Gala potatoes are needed. Reviews of its taste complement the list of advantages of the variety.
On the forums of fans of home gardening, summer residents share tips on growing this variety. Gala loves to be moisturized evenly. It germinates well and is cultivated under the cover of a film, so that it can be prepared for planting in advance. This is important for an early hybrid, and this potato is just a mid-early variety.
Excellent taste and beautiful appearance of the tubers primarily characterize Gala potatoes. Consumer reviews also report its excellent keeping quality. It is not surprising that its popularity among the population is growing rapidly.
"Favorite" disease variety Gala
The Gala potato variety causes the least number of problems when growing. Reviews suggest that, perhaps, his most vulnerable spot is susceptibility to a disease such as rhizoctoniosis, which is caused by a fungus.
Roots, stems, sprouts suffer from this disease. On tubers, it looks like dark lumps of high density, and on sprouts - sores. Brown. Gradually, they destroy the sprouts in the process of their growth. Such an ailment often affects the Gala potato variety. The photo below clearly illustrates the manifestations of the disease.

Potatoes affected by this fungus wither, lag behind in development. Usually infection occurs through the soil, but sometimes diseased tubers also play the role of a conductor of the disease. Rhizoctonia, if left unchecked, can reduce yields by 15-20%.
To keep Gala potatoes he althy
It is important to follow the following conditions:
- The soil for planting should not form a crust.
- It is better that the soil is warm when planting.
- Pre-treat the potatoes with a solution of boric acid. A solution of borax at a concentration of 1.5% is also suitable.
- Protects well from infection by spraying when shoots appear with the preparation "Zircon" (0.3 ml is enough for a bucket).
If nevertheless infection has occurred, it is necessary to treat the potatoes with the fungicide "Kuproksat" at the rate of 25-50 grams per bucket of water. It is recommended to repeat this procedure after 10 days. Do not forget that chemicals should not be used 3 weeks before harvest!
Potato Gala - selection product
This potato variety was bred as a result of selection. In modern Germany, new varieties of potatoes are systematically bred (each is described in great detail). The development of breeding in this country began around the middle of the 19th century. Today, 35 private enterprises are engaged in this.

Basically, these works are carried out in the B altic regions of Germany. The state financially supports the genetic bank, pays for research, develops equipment.
There is a special structure - the Federal Office, which deals with the protection of new varieties of plants. It controls the results of the work of breeders, sets standards, classifies the results.
Serious attention is paid to phytosanitary testing, potato resistance to various diseases is determined, as well as its taste and culinary qualities, the most suitable processing methods.
As a result, the new variety receives a license, which gives the right to further testing. At the next stage of testing, the suitability of cultivating a variety in a particular area is determined.
All the necessary stages of checks passed here and potatoes Gala. The description of the variety, all its advantages, allowed it to enter the top ten leading potato varieties, which occupy 35% of the area allotted for this crop. Preferences are due to the fact that there is practically no such market requirement that Gala potatoes would not meet. The characterization of his main qualities is literally amazing in its perfection.
Certified potato seed from Germany is very popular. The main exporters are the Mediterranean countries, as well as Austria and Russia.
How to plant these potatoes?
When planting potatoesGala, it is desirable to select specimens no larger than the size of a chicken egg. It is good if it is possible to warm them up in the sun 3-4 days before planting. Leave the distance between the tubers 80 cm, and the depth should not exceed half the palm.
In order to ensure good growth of the root system, it is necessary to sprinkle the emerging sprouts with earth several times. And so that the earth has time to have a good rest during the winter, you can sow rye at the place where potatoes are planted.
An important advantage of the Gala potato is that it can be grown on any type of soil, and even get a rich harvest. The main thing is competent care.
In order for this potato to lie for a long time, until the very spring, remaining in excellent condition, it is necessary to remove the tops about two weeks before digging it up.
Some care features
Gala variety gives good, friendly seedlings, the tops in the rows close quickly, while growing moderately. This variety is best suited for a second planting with last year's seeds. One of the peculiarities of the Gala variety is multituberity, and the tubers are aligned (45-55 mm).
When growing all varieties bred abroad, one can count on a decent harvest only if good agricultural practices are used. However, it is not that difficult.
It is enough to feed the plants with complex fertilizers at the second hilling at the rate of 1 tablespoon of azofoska for 4 potato bushes. And, of course, fertilize before planting. This is enough to get a great harvest.

How to protect Gala potatoes from viruses?
Usually, the variety bears excellent fruit for six years. However, some viruses can make adjustments to the lifespan of potatoes. If an ordinary, non-elite potato variety is grown in neighboring plots, then viruses can also get into your beds with aphids from this land. To prevent this from happening, you must do the following:
- It is necessary to carefully examine all the bushes when the plants reach 10-15 cm in height, and note those that have twisted leaves. Their tubers can be cooked for food, but cannot be used for seeds.
- Plants with viruses have fewer tubers, so only bushes with high yields should be left for seeds.
If you follow these simple conditions, you can significantly lengthen the life of the variety.
One of the recipes for Gala potatoes
Of course, any potato dish is suitable for this variety. It is believed that it is especially good when boiled in “pieces”, since it tends to retain its shape during cooking without being boiled.

However, Gala potatoes (reviews say this), baked in the oven in the "grill" mode, are simply magnificent! In addition, this is a very useful low-calorie instant recipe for those who want to keep their figure:
- first of all, you need to peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes;
- then put in a bowl, s alt to taste, sprinkle with natural seasoning "Italianherbs" (can be replaced at will);
- add vegetable oil at the rate of one tablespoon per 0.5-1 kg of potatoes and mix well so that a thin layer of oil covers the entire potato;
- put on a baking sheet and put in a preheated oven.
Bake on grill at 190ofor 15 minutes. If you want softer potatoes, you can lightly sprinkle the baking sheet with water. A dish garnished with fresh herbs will look more appetizing.