The popularity of potatoes in our country can only be compared with the popularity of bread. A lot of dishes are prepared from this versatile vegetable, and it is generally unthinkable to imagine a garden without a plot reserved for potatoes. There are many varieties. They differ not only in terms of ripening and yield, but also in the form in which their taste qualities are optimally revealed. But Tuleevsky potatoes can be consumed in absolutely any form, except, of course, raw.
Characteristics of this garden crop
This variety appeared as a result of ten years of painstaking work of domestic breeders. Tulesky potatoes have a medium early ripening period. It matures in an average of 100 days. It is characterized by compact, medium height bushes with white flowers and dark green leaves. Oval tubers with superficial eyes are yellow in color, the same color as the pulp. The peel of the same color has a mesh structure.

The yield of the variety is excellent. According to gardeners, digging such potatoes is a pleasure. Variety Tuleevsky from one bush can produce up to twenty pieces of fruit. smallpotatoes are extremely rare. On average, the weight of one potato can be 250-350 grams. In exceptional cases, he, with the right care, of course, can reach a figure of half a kilogram.
Potato Benefits
The keeping quality of this potato is excellent. He is not afraid of diseases like scab, late blight, potato cancer, to which other varieties are so susceptible. And resistance to parasites and rot explains the good condition of potatoes after prolonged storage. However, in fairness, it is worth mentioning the susceptibility of the variety to the golden potato nematode.
The unusual yield of the variety was mentioned a little higher. Moreover, the amount of harvest does not depend much on geographical latitudes.
The unsurpassed taste of potatoes in boiled, fried and baked form is noted by everyone who has ever tried it. Tuleevsky is in no way inferior to the reference taste of Adretta. Spoiled tubers are extremely rare when dug up and after long storage.

Tuleevsky potato is drought resistant, as the breeders themselves note.
In terms of early maturity, the variety is not inferior to any other known variety.
Seed potatoes
Potatoes for planting this variety should be purchased in advance, as it will need to be warmed up in a warm room before planting in the ground. To do this, Tuleevsky potatoes, the description of which was presented above, should be laid out in a thin layer and left for several weeks. The lighting in the room should begood, but warming tubers should not get direct sunlight.

They prevent the formation of the corned beef enzyme in potatoes, which is responsible for the protective properties of the variety from diseases and cold weather. The light should be diffused.
How to plant the Tuleevsky seed variety
A variety is planted in the grooves. A few days before planting, seed tubers should be cut and allowed to warm up already in this state. Planting these potatoes is not worth it. Variety Tuleevsky requires a place for development. The optimal planting pattern is 70 to 40. Before planting in the ground, each tuber should be dipped in wood ash. If possible, strength and patience, then the bottom of the hole should be covered with rotten grass or small twigs that can protect the seeds from suddenly returning frosts.
What care is required for the miracle variety Tuleevsky
Tuleevsky potatoes do not need special care, but a few rules should be taken into account when growing, since it is their precise implementation that will ensure good yields. The first thing this variety really needs is hilling, which will need to be done three times per season. The first time this will need to be done after the appearance of the first shoots. The second time - during the flowering period. And do not worry about the fact that the flower stalks are damaged or come off. This does not affect the yield of potatoes. The third hilling occurs at the moment when the tops are already leaning towards the row spacing.

Tuleevsky Potato (description of the variety can be read above) does not need watering at all. This unpretentious vegetable will not require a drop of water throughout the summer.
In the case of this variety, we will have to forget about chemical fertilizers that are familiar to us. Superphosphate and ammonium nitrate are strictly prohibited. The variety responds well to manure and humus. If the land was previously fertilized, then this is not necessary either.
However, reviews indicate possible voids in the middle of the tuber, which appear with a lack of boron in the soil. Tubers with voids inside cannot be stored for a long time. So it's best to experiment with planting a small area first to make sure the soil is suitable and has all the nutrients it needs.
Storage of Tuleevsky
If the potato met all the expectations and there is a desire to plant it next year, then you can immediately select the required number of tubers and leave them for seeds. A place for storing seeds should be found secluded, that is, seed tubers should not be near other varieties. Fruits intended for food will be perfectly stored next to other varieties.
Potatoes should be prepared for storage by washing them and laying them out in a thin layer in a bright place. After drying, seed potatoes can be lowered to the main storage place. The air temperature in the selected room should not exceed +3 °C. Humidity should be 95%. If a significant fluctuation in air temperature is expected, then seed tubersit is necessary to additionally insulate with a layer of straw or other improvised material.

The Tuleevsky potato, the photo of which is presented above, according to the reviews of gardeners, justifies its popularity. With a minimum of power, time and financial costs, the harvest is simply magnificent.