Many growers and summer residents would like to deal with unpretentious crops that tolerate the lack of moisture, heat, insect attacks, and are also able to quickly get rid of various diseases. At the moment, about 280 species of this vegetable are registered. They are specially acclimatized and also included in the list of vegetable crops that are recommended for industrial cultivation and storage.

Gala potatoes were bred by breeders for those who want to make as little effort as possible, while not sacrificing the quality and volume of the crop.
Do I need to choose varieties or can I blindly buy seed, without taking into account its suitability for climatic conditions? This is a rhetorical question, since a properly selected potato will be an opportunity to get about 900 kg of crop per hundred square meters of land, as well as grow an earthen apple, whose weight will be about 3 kg! In this article, we will take a closer look at the Gala potato variety. Wewe will learn how to plant it, what diseases it is prone to, and also find out its benefits.
Potato "Gala": variety description, photo
This variety is one of the early ripe ones. About 2.5 months have passed since its planting, after which you can already serve fragrant new potatoes to the table. And such success can be achieved in the middle lane - there in recent years the weather has often been dry.

The Gala potato has the following characteristics:
- description of the variety, the photo of which is presented in this article, you can start with the fact that this plant has slightly wavy, large, juicy green leaves;
- potato flowers are small, white;
- tubers grow medium in size and oval, an average of 120 g, covered with a pale yellow skin with a small number of eyes - such smooth potatoes are quick and pleasant to peel;
- during cooking, it does not change the structure, does not darken;
- vegetable has a low starch content - this is important for people who prefer a he althy diet;
- Gala potatoes are perfectly stored, provided that the tops are removed a couple of weeks before the tubers are harvested.
The characteristics of potatoes will be incomplete, if not to say that this variety is very productive. Getting 25 potatoes from a bush is the dream of every summer resident.
Potato variety "Gala", which easily survives various troubles, is often affected by rhizoctoniosis. This disease manifests itself inthe form of a fungus that destroys the lower region of the stem. Therefore, the fight against it should be one of the main tasks of the plant breeder. Prevention is not difficult, especially since at the moment the choice of harmless drugs is very large.
It is also necessary to pay attention to the diseases that are caused by the leafroll virus, but the Gala potato is resistant to it. Sometimes he also suffers from late blight of tops, even less often - late blight of tubers. The variety tolerates the attack of scab, nematodes, cancer, Y virus very well.

Consequently, the resistance to various types of diseases that usually affect many varieties is simply excellent in this variety, which makes it a competitive product, as well as the most favorite variety of many gardeners.
Dignity of the variety
Gala potatoes are suitable for people who value their time and effort, in addition, for those for whom the following factors matter:
- don't waste your time caring for plants;
- not dependent on pickup time;
- get a rich harvest on any soil;
- keep it safe, without worrying about safety;
- eat a young delicious potato already at the moment when it just bloomed at the neighbors.
How to plant?
"Gala" - potatoes (reviews about it can be read in the article below) when planting should not be larger than a chicken egg. It must be warmed up in the sun three days before planting. It is more efficient to plant tubers at a distance of eighty centimeters, as well as to a depth of no morethan half a hand. Moreover, if the emerging sprouts are sprinkled several times with earth, it is possible to contribute to the active growth of the root system. In order for the earth to "rest", you can plant rye during the winter for the period of planting potatoes.
Foreign and domestic practice has clearly established that the use of he althy potato seed material helps to increase yields by several times in comparison with degenerate ordinary material. It should be noted that the Gala potato accumulates a fungal, viral, bacterial infection, while losing its yield over time, in other words, it degenerates. Therefore, as often as possible, it is necessary to change the variety to seed elite material.

Gala (potato): reviews
Reading the reviews about this potato, we can conclude that this has recently been a very popular variety. Many say that it is resistant to various diseases and gives a rich harvest. Although there are those people who show dissatisfaction with him. This is mainly due to the fact that it degenerates over time.