Potato, without exaggeration, is considered one of the most popular vegetable crops in the world. And Russia is no exception. The potato riots have long ended, and our compatriots, having accepted and loved this magnificent nutritious root crop, have made it the king of modern cuisine.

Today, potatoes are grown in small garden plots and vast fields of resurgent farms. A huge role is played by the breeding developments of the world's leading experts, taking into account the characteristics of the culture, its predilections and adaptive properties. Modern varieties are distinguished by increased yield, good resistance to diseases and parasites, as well as good taste. One of them is the Bellarosa potato. The reviews of farmers and gardeners about this root crop of German selection are unanimous: it is excellenthas established itself and is successfully cultivated in southern and temperate climatic latitudes. Registered in the registers of cultivated plants in Eastern European countries and the Russian Federation at the beginning of the 21st century, this variety is now grown almost everywhere in Russia.
Potato, variety "Bellarosa": main characteristics
The plant has an excellent decorative effect: an upright bush reaches 70-75 cm in height, has strong stems, juicy and large dark green foliage, blooms with bright purple inflorescences at the time of flowering.

The plantations of this potato, due to their high resistance to various diseases, maintain a he althy appearance for a long time. Withering of the aerial part occurs by the time the tubers are fully ripe. Potatoes of this variety have a very high drought resistance, enduring unfavorable periods quite calmly. The tubers of the Bellarosa variety are oval, regular in shape, large, covered with a pink rough skin, there is a small number of small eyes. The average weight of a root crop is 180-210 g. With quality care, individual tubers can reach 700-800 g.
Productivity and palatability of the root crop
Potato (Bellarosa variety) gives consistently high yields. Amazing unpretentiousness to any type of soil and weather conditions allows you to get up to 350 centners per hectare from year to year. In one nest (bush) there are 8-10 even, approximately identical root crops.

Consumers love the tastethis potato. The yellow or creamy-yellowish flesh of the root crop becomes crumbly and tender when cooked.
Why farmers and gardeners appreciate the Bellarosa potato variety
Characterization of varietal potatoes, like many types of German selection, begins with the timing of ripening. Bellarosa is an ultra-early variety. They begin to harvest it 2 months after planting. This allows gardeners in the southern regions to receive two harvests per season. Important for industrial production and qualities such as consistently high yields, which gives this potato. The Bellarosa variety has a good keeping quality. As a rule, early varieties are stored poorly, but Bellarosa is an exception. Losses during its storage are no more than 6-7%. This low percentage is also ensured by the excellent resistance of the variety to damage during harvest, as well as to viruses and diseases. This potato is not afraid of cancer, scab, golden nematode, late blight and many other misfortunes.

The balance between commercial qualities, taste properties and undemanding growing conditions made potatoes very attractive for cultivation. And the excellent taste, due to the starch content in the range of 13-16%, has become a kind of brand advertising a very popular product - Bellarosa potatoes. Customer reviews clearly demonstrate this.
Features of cultivation
Start preparing seed should be 18-20 days before planting. seed potatoes (varietyBellarosa) is scattered or laid out in boxes in 1-2 layers in a bright room and kept at a temperature of 15 ˚С to peck the eyes. A higher temperature content helps to reduce the time of germination of eyes. Experienced gardeners recommend preparing a site for planting in the fall.

When planting potatoes, it is important to remember that the tubers of the Bellarosa variety are large, and an interval of 35-40 cm must be observed between the holes, and up to 75 cm between the rows. Mineral granular potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied for planting. This variety, like many early-ripening species, needs special fertilizing with magnesium-containing substances. You can use dolomite flour (50 g / 1m2) in this capacity, which is applied along with other fertilizers.
In conclusion
Bellarosa variety - potatoes, the description of which is presented in the article, was bred not so long ago. Nevertheless, having proven itself excellently on the Russian food market, every year it is gaining more and more supporters both among consumers and producers.