Violet "Gold of the Nibelungs": variety description, photos and reviews

Violet "Gold of the Nibelungs": variety description, photos and reviews
Violet "Gold of the Nibelungs": variety description, photos and reviews

Elena Lebetskaya is a Ukrainian lover of violets, who, thanks to her difficult selection work, gave the world a variety of Saintpaulia of unsurpassed beauty - violet of the "LE Gold of the Nibelungs" variety. A long-term hobby did not stop at the "hobby" mark, but grew into something more - scientific activity, which resulted in the breeding of new varieties of these beautiful flowering plants - violets with the prefix "LE".

Violet Gold of the Nibelungs photo
Violet Gold of the Nibelungs photo

Short botanical reference about plants

Elena Lebetskaya's catalog today includes about 250 varieties of violets bred by her own hands, which have become the fruit of her breeding work. Among the "LE" Saintpaulias are both simple, and terry, and with fringe, and two-tone, and monotonous, and the most bizarre flowers with various patterns and shades.

This type of violet "Gold of the Nibelungs" was bred by a breeder in 2015year and is distinguished by double flowers of large size with a white-yellow color of corrugated petals, topped with an amazingly beautiful border. The same embossed dark green violet leaves are collected in a modest, neat rosette.

Domestic and foreign gardeners are amazed by the beauty of violets and are happy to supplement their collections of saintpaulias with it. Below is a photo of the violet "Gold of the Nibelungs". This truly beautiful plant has conquered the hearts of many flower lovers and today is successfully grown by lovers of green house plants not only in Ukraine and Russia, but also in many European countries.

Violet Gold of the Nibelungs reviews
Violet Gold of the Nibelungs reviews

How to care for a plant

Care is not specific. It comes down to the traditional pattern of growing violets. Watering is carried out as the soil dries up, trying not to let the water jet fall on the plant and flow to the base of the bush. Pour water gently along the edges of the flowerpot, making sure that the soil is evenly soaked. For irrigation, they take only clean and warm water, which is preliminarily defended.

It is allowed to use special fertilizers to increase the resistance of violets to diseases and pests that provoke them. It is recommended to buy such products only in a special garden center and strictly follow the instructions on the bottle with the drug. The best action, according to experts, is shown by fertilizers and additives in liquid form.

In summer, it is recommended to shade the violet "Gold of the Nibelungs", protecting it from hot rays. In winter, keep out the cold anddraft. Transplantation is carried out no more than 1 time per year, completely replacing the soil mixture from the pot. At the same time, a new flowerpot is taken with a large volume, about 1 cm wider than the previous one. This contributes to the stimulation of flowering, and not the growth of green mass and the development of the violet root system.

Le gold nibelung violet
Le gold nibelung violet

Features of "Nibelung Gold" violets

“These plants are no more capricious than other flowers grown on your windowsill,” says Elena Lebetskaya. By correctly determining the type of soil, deciding on the shape and size of the pot, you will save yourself from further problems that may arise during the cultivation of saintpaulias. Not only this is important, but also the right choice of a place for the successful cultivation of a plant. In addition to the annual transplant, it is recommended to carry out measures related to preventive treatment against diseases and pests twice a year.

Variety of violets gold of the Nibelungs
Variety of violets gold of the Nibelungs

The peculiarity of the formation of a lush beautiful bush is the optional removal of leaves from the center of the rosette, the violet "LE Gold of the Nibelungs" itself perfectly gathers into a "bouquet". If there are several outlets in the pot, remove those that are superfluous so that the plant can develop freely and form a bush.

When flower stalks for some reason cannot rise above the leaves and form a beautiful rosette, this means that the violet is sick, and insect pests have become a possible provocateur of invasion. In this case, treatment with plants is required using special substances -acaricides.

How to propagate violets of this species

Propagation of violets "Gold of the Nibelungs" is no different from the procedure for propagating other varieties of these plants. For rooting, take a leaf from a flowering plant or from a bush that is just beginning to bloom. Taking material from a depleted Saintpaulia, you only risk wasting time, since such cuttings take root for a long time and poorly.

It is advisable to take a leaf for propagation from the center of the violet rosette. It should not be young, but not too old specimen, necessarily he althy and well developed. Only such a copy of planting material will give enough babies.

By taking quality propagating material, you can be sure that he althy cuttings will produce quality violets, which will eventually grow into flowering islands on your windowsill.

What is required for rooting

For rooting, a leaf of violet "Nibelungen gold" is placed in clean water, having previously treated the cut with coal powder or potassium permanganate. After 15-20 days, roots form, which indicates the possibility of planting in a soil mixture: sandy, peat, perlite with a pH of 5, 5-6, 5. These are mandatory requirements that allow the plant to feel comfortable.

Violet gold of the Nibelungs variety description
Violet gold of the Nibelungs variety description

Reviews of flower growers about the plant

Reviews of violets "Gold of the Nibelungs" emphasize the simplicity in growing this Saintpaulia variety and confirm the true beauty of the plants. Flower growers say that with minimal care it is really possible to growbeautiful flower in a pot, pleasing for a long time flowering. Breeding varieties are unique, and the opportunity to purchase this type of violets has become a real gift for flower lovers. Having the opportunity to grow an exclusive plant on your window, and also try to breed it and see what kind of kids it will be, for flower lovers is the best opportunity to diversify their favorite hobby.

What attracts flower growers in violets: expert opinion

Some flower growers cannot believe that it is possible to breed such a beautiful variety of violets. See for yourself by looking at the photo: how saturated the color of the petals and the freshness of the leaves. The impregnation of the flower is the most beautiful, this is what wins the eyes of most buyers, who, as they say, at first were not even going to buy Saintpaulia for their home, and after acquiring one they could no longer stop.

Violet Gold of the Nibelungs reviews
Violet Gold of the Nibelungs reviews

The description of the variety of violets "Gold of the Nibelungs" colorfully characterizes the newly bred variety, which has already fallen in love with many flower growers and just those who like Saintpaulias. Such knowledge at one glance will help to distinguish the real beauty of the violet of this variety from many other species.

Do not be afraid to try growing something new, if you are fond of breeding or just growing violets, take into account the types of Saintpaulia Natalia Lebetskaya, because these are truly beautiful flowers that can become a real decoration of your window.