Starkrimson is an apple tree that has long won a place in the hearts of lovers of this fruit. Due to its taste and simple care rules, this tree is very popular with gardeners. What's more, the Starcrimson apple trees you can see here are so eye-catching that many people can't resist trying them.
General information

This variety can become the pearl of any garden. Starkrimson is an apple tree that differs from its relatives not only in the external beauty of the fruits, but also in the long period of time when they can be stored without showing any signs of decay. This is a fruit that was bred by American breeders at the beginning of the last century. They did this by crossing Starkin and Delicious varieties. This was done in order to improve the yield of apple trees. The variety belongs to spur species, and they all differ in both taste and quality. It is also worth noting such beneficial qualities of a tree as a compact size and a non-spreading crown. These qualities make it possible to profitably plant and grow trees for commercial purposes. Exactlytherefore, you can notice the presence of such trees in almost all private areas. Surprisingly, having a small size and a rare crown, the tree brings a very good harvest. And this is another reason for its commercial use. Thus, the Stavropol Territory and the territory of the North Caucasus are widely using all these advantages.
Starkrimson (apple tree): description

If we talk about the appearance of the tree, then, in addition to short stature and a small crown, it has a gray-brown trunk with powerful branches that become thicker every year. Starkrimson is an apple tree with dark green egg-shaped leaves. Each leaf is medium in size, with finely serrated edges and a sharp tip. On the reverse side, the leaves are rough to the touch. When the flowering period begins, you can observe the buds of a delicate pink shade, which subsequently turn into snow-white flowers.
The apples themselves are considered quite large, with an average weight of about two hundred grams. The shape of the fruit resembles a cone. But on the tree, the fruits can vary in size. There are larger ones and there are smaller ones. Those that are smaller are often round in shape. The apple has a light green color with a purple bloom. After full ripening, the fruit acquires a dark red hue. The whole peel is covered with small dots and has a rigid structure. As for the pulp, much depends on ripening. If the apple is ripe, then the color will be yellow, and it tastes juicy, sweet with a slight sourness. If the fruit is not ripe, then its pulp willgreen, and the taste is sour. It is worth noting that this variety has a peculiarity: the longer the apple lies, the richer its aroma and taste becomes.

Starkrimson apple seedlings begin to bear fruit about three years after planting, but with proper care they can bear fruit earlier. The older the apple tree becomes, the more fruit it begins to bear. A feature of this variety is the fact that the tree does not tolerate frost very well. Even small frosts can destroy an apple tree, so it is recommended to grow it in the southern part of the country. The Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov Region of Russia are quite favorable regions for growing this tree. You should also pay attention to the humidity of the climate. The fact is that in a dry climate, the fruits of an apple tree become smaller, and the taste becomes less saturated. Moreover, in order for a tree to bear fruit regularly, it needs a pollinator. Both Jonathan and Golden, who grow no more than two kilometers from this site, can play this role.
The Starkrimson apple variety is not very capricious, but still requires some effort and attention to itself in the growing process.

Experts advise following these guidelines:
- Water the tree constantly so that the ground never dries out. On average, an apple tree requires about ten liters of water three times a week.
- Control the number of ovaries on branches. If there will betoo much, the fruits will be small and the taste will deteriorate.
- Annually carry out the formation of the crown, cutting off all excess branches, dry shoots, and also reduce the central shoot by three buds.
- It is recommended to stretch the branches when the tree reaches three years, that is, before the first harvest. To do this, you need to bend the branches from the trunk and, stretching them, fix them in this form. This will prevent the branches from breaking later under the weight of the apples.
- Treat trees with special preparations ("Kuprosil", "Strobi", etc.) so that they do not become a victim of scab. It is especially necessary to do this in the process of tying buds and flowering.
- Remove fallen leaves under the trees, and spray the very ground around the apple trees with a solution of ten percent ammonium nitrate. All this will protect the tree from disease.
Starcrimson is an apple tree with many virtues. She has a lot of advantages, which make us start the process of growing this tree in our garden. You can name such advantages of the variety as:
- small period of waiting for the first harvest of a tree from the moment of planting a seedling,
- an annual rich harvest,
- small size of the tree, which makes it possible to plant a small plot of land with a large number of trees,
- beautiful appearance of the fruit, making it attractive for sale,
- rich taste and aroma that makes you buy this variety again and again,
- the ability of fruits to remain intact for a long time.

Starkrimson apple trees, photos of which you see here, have not only advantages, but also some disadvantages. They also need to be considered when planning a garden plot. Among the most important cons:
- dry climate intolerance,
- great sensitivity to frost,
- low resistance to scab,
- great risk of fruit damage by "bitter pitting" during storage.
But still, these disadvantages cannot stop the gardener who decided to grow this variety in his garden, as the advantages of the tree clearly outweigh.