Plastering on lighthouses is a guarantee of even walls

Plastering on lighthouses is a guarantee of even walls
Plastering on lighthouses is a guarantee of even walls

The word "plaster" has become ordinary and natural for us. One way or another, we encounter it in everyday life, but few people think about how it appeared. But its history is one thousand years.

Lighthouse plastering
Lighthouse plastering

The most ancient traces of plaster that scientists have discovered are more than 9,000 years old. Initially, it included clay and straw. According to some historical data, the Egyptians used fired gypsum, ground into a powder, mixed with water as plaster. But thanks to the ancient Romans, decorative plaster appeared, later called "Venetian". It included waste processing marble. They were mixed with slaked lime, diluted with water and applied to the wall.

Types of plaster

Over time and the development of technology, the composition of the plaster has changed, but only one thing has remained unchanged - this is the method of its application.

Currently, during construction work, plaster on lighthouses is most often used. This method of application allows you to get a flat and vertical surface. This further allowsfacilitate finishing work such as wallpapering, ceramic tiling.

This is why lighthouse plastering has become so popular. Let's take a quick look at the technology of this process.

Initially, on the wall in one plane, set strictly vertically with

Types of plaster
Types of plaster

using the building level special plaster beacons made of thin tin. Sometimes some craftsmen use wooden or mortar beacons. The distance between them depends on which rule will be used when plastering.

Next, knead the mixture for plastering the wall. It can be a cement-based mortar or a gypsum-based stucco mixture. Apply it between the lighthouses and, having leaned on them as a rule, evenly distribute the plaster mass.

The final stage is the so-called covering - the final layer, which is subject to smoothing and grouting.

Plastering on lighthouses has one insignificant minus. When the walls are very uneven, a lot of material is consumed during leveling, which leads to a rise in cost. In cases where the creation of a strictly vertical surface is not required, and plaster is needed only to protect the wall from external influences

Decorative plaster
Decorative plaster

factors, produce plastering without the use of beacons.

And finally, decorative plaster. It is performed on an already prepared smooth surface. As the name implies, its purpose is to decorate walls. ForFor this, ready-made mixtures or self-made ones are used. They are applied with a spatula in a thin layer, after drying, either painted or waxed to give a glossy surface.

This is, of course, a brief digression. In fact, plastering on lighthouses has a lot of different subtleties and tricks. And before you decide to do it yourself, you should at least follow the work of a real master.
