The article will discuss which foundation for a one-story house is best to use. This question will arise very first, since a reliable foundation is necessary for any structure. And the construction of any building begins with the construction of the foundation. This is the most important structural part of the building. The service life of the building depends on how reliable the foundation is. There are many factors to consider when choosing the type of foundation. In particular, the features of the house, the type of materials used in construction, and most importantly, your financial capabilities.
What to look out for
To build the foundation of a one-story house from blocks, you need to install more reliable and strong reinforcement. A slightly weaker base can be used in the construction of timber houses, since the mass of the material is somewhat lower. When choosing a foundation, you need to pay attention to other equally important factors:
- Degreeseismicity of the site on which you plan to build a house.
- Relief of the site.
- Deep freezing of soil.
- How much the soil sinks, as well as its degree of heaving.
- Groundwater depth.
- Proximity of neighboring buildings.
These are factors that directly affect which foundation will be applied. It is also worth considering that it is imperative to maintain sufficient distances from neighboring structures. In particular, there must be at least 4 meters to the sewer. Otherwise, there is a risk of undermining the foundation of the house.
Internal factors
When building a foundation for a one-story house made of foam blocks, it is necessary to take into account not only the above factors.

Be sure to take into account all the internal parameters of the building, namely:
- Number of floors of the house.
- Presence of a basement.
- Total building area.
- The presence of columns in the house. It should be noted that they increase several times the specific load in the places where they are located.
- How communications will be laid. At the design stage, you need to decide where the communication networks and the foundation will join.
Only after taking into account the above factors, you can start choosing a foundation, drawing up a thorough project and implementing the structure. Next, we will look at the most popular base designs for houses.
Strip foundations
When choosing a foundation for a one-story house, the eye immediately falls on the tape structures. They are most often used in the construction of one-story structures. In addition, this type of foundation allows you to make basements through the use of its own walls.

There are several types of strip bases:
- Prefabricated monolithic.
- Team.
- Monolithic.
- Rubbed concrete.
The choice of the type of base depends on the characteristics of the soil on the site.
Construction of the strip base
And now in more detail about how to build the correct strip foundation for a one-story house. You need to carry out the following manipulations:
- Clear and level the entire area where you plan to build a house. This is one of the difficult stages, it is quite possible that one cannot do without special equipment.
- Mark up the area where construction will take place.
- Completely remove the top layer of soil so that there are no traces of vegetation - grass, roots.
- Dig a trench around the perimeter of the future building. This is the most time-consuming process, since you will have to spend a lot of effort. But you can also hire special equipment to make the process go much faster.
- Align the bottom of the pit and carefully check its levelness.
- When all the preparatory work is completed, you can start filling the pillowfrom gravel and sand. It must be moistened with water and tamped. Achieve the maximum density of the pillow.
- Then you need to lay a coating of waterproofing material, as well as a small layer of concrete mortar.
- When installing a monolithic base, you need to install the formwork, after which you must reinforce it. To do this, use the armature. It is necessary to connect the rods with a special wire, it is not recommended to use a welding machine, as it destroys the metal.
- Now it's time to pour the concrete. For the foundation of a one-story house, cement grade M200 and higher can be used. Please note that the solution must be poured in layers, the process cannot be interrupted. Otherwise, the foundation will be heterogeneous. To get rid of air bubbles, you need to use a vibrator. With a little less success and more labor, bayoneting can be done.
- When the concrete sets, you can remove the formwork and lay a layer of waterproofing. Then the foundation is covered.
There is nothing complicated in the tactics of construction, but you will have to sweat when carrying out all the work. It should be noted that waterproofing is an important component of the foundation. Make sure that the sheets of roofing material (it is he who is most often used for insulation) come to the surface of the soil. With the help of roofing felt, you create a kind of gasket between the concrete base and the ground.
Use of pile construction
But what kind of foundation is needed for a one-story house if the soil on the site is very unstable? Tape will not work to build. And ifmore precisely, it will work out, only he will not show his best side. But pile foundations allow you to transfer the load deep into, to denser soil. To connect the piles together, it is necessary to use a grillage in the upper part.

It is built from concrete mortar. The disadvantage of such a foundation structure is only one - for the installation of supports, you will need to hire special equipment. You just can't do without it. Most often, bored piles are used in the construction of houses.
How a pile foundation is built
The algorithm for building a pile foundation is a little simpler. The depth for a one-story house must be calculated for each specific case. The most important parameter in the calculations is the depth of soil freezing. However, this parameter must be taken into account when building any foundation. To build a pile foundation, you need to carry out the following work:
- First of all, level the area where you plan to build.
- Then mark the site, indicate all the details according to the plan.
- Remove topsoil to get rid of vegetation.
- Mark where the piles will be located. In these places, dig small pits. It can be said that this is some kind of kerning of the site.
- With the help of special equipment, you need to drill wells. If it is not possible to hire equipment, you can do all the work manually, but it will take a long time and spend a lot of effort.
Reinforcement of the foundation and completion of work
Next you need to perform the following manipulations:
- Assemble the rebar frame. Please note that it should protrude above the ground so that later you can build a grillage.
- At the bottom of all wells, you need to make pillows of sand and gravel. The thickness of two layers should not exceed 30 cm.
- Install reinforcement inside the well.
- It is recommended to put a formwork in the well - sheets of roofing material can be used as it.
- Now you can pour the solution and wait until it completely hardens.
- As soon as the concrete sets, it is necessary to install the grillage. In other words, tie all the piles. After that, put the formwork and pour the concrete. Finally, install a layer of waterproofing material.
As you can see, there are no difficulties in building a pile foundation. And it is much easier to build it than a tape one - all the most complex work is performed by special equipment.
Application of slab construction
But whatever foundation you choose for a one-story house, it must be carefully calculated and built taking into account all the nuances. It's time to consider another kind of foundation. We are talking about slab foundations. For one-story houses, this design is ideal, since installation is very simple. From the outside it may seem that the construction is very impressive, but in fact, construction will not cause difficulties.

The base is a huge slab, the shape of which is the same as that of the future building. Such a foundation is neededuse on heaving soils and very wet. They also show themselves well on the ground, where there is a high risk of horizontal and vertical deformations. The slab may be shallow or shallow. In the first case, the foundation is located directly on the surface of the soil. In the second case, the slab is laid by about 50 cm.
To be fair, it should be noted that there are foundations with deep laying. In this case, the slab is erected at a depth that exceeds the level of soil freezing.
Construction of slab base
First you need to decide what depth of foundation is needed for a one-story house. It depends on many factors, in particular, on the region in which the construction is carried out. Then you can proceed directly to the construction of the base:
- Prepare the site - clean it of debris, remove the topsoil and mark according to the plan.
- Create a cushion of sand and gravel. To compact it, water it.
- Pour concrete screed.
- Apply 2-3 layers of waterproofing material.
- Build a formwork around the perimeter and place spacers.
- Mount fittings and pour grout.
- If the weather is warm and dry outside, then the concrete must be wetted. Otherwise, it will begin to crack, which will adversely affect the strength.
Strengthening the foundation

Sometimes there are situations whenit is necessary to strengthen the base of the foundation. You can do this in one of the following ways:
- By increasing the base area is the most logical and simple way out of the situation.
- Strengthening the structure with injection reinforcement. With a special cement gun, it is necessary to inject the concrete mixture onto the walls of the finished foundation.
- Installation of additional piles in close proximity to the finished foundation. And on the whole base you need to make clips of concrete with reinforcement.
Preparatory work is an important stage
The first thing to do before building a foundation is to check the quality of the soil. Only then can you start laying the foundation. First determine the type of surface that is the bearing. Then calculate the depth to which you want to lay the foundation itself. Only then can the walls of the building be erected.

It should be noted that today on sale you can find a huge amount of materials from which the walls of the building are easily laid out. These are gas blocks, foam blocks, gas silicate blocks, expanded clay concrete. These materials are distinguished by high strength, low thermal conductivity (they retain excellent heat), and most importantly, their mass is very small. Building a brick house will cost much more than a foam block house.
Self-testing the ground
In order to determine the type of foundation for a one-story house, you need to check the soil. To do this, you need to make a well in1-2 meters deep. You can visually determine the quality of the soil. You can also dig a small hole. So you will understand to what level the top layer of fertile soil lies.

But such a check is very relative, if it is not possible to conduct it, you need to lay a reinforced foundation using piles or concrete pillars. It is worth noting that in most cases, analyzes are not carried out - they are guided by how the neighbors did nearby.