When you move into a new apartment or just make repairs to an existing one, you want the floor to be in order too. But to lay parquet, linoleum or laminate, you need a strictly horizontal base. And here the question arises: how to level concrete floors? It is quite possible to do it yourself, thanks to which you can save money, and you do not need special skills. It will be enough for you to see at least once before how such work was carried out from outside.

If we talk about how to level concrete floors, then it is worth noting that any work begins with markings. Find the highest point on the floor. This is done using a hydraulic level, a good cord, goblets or chocks of various heights. Two people first pull the cord diagonally from corner to corner, and the third onlytouches the level to this cord, inserting it strictly horizontally. All bumps on the floor should be below this cord. When you have reached the goal, a beacon is placed on the floor in the center of the room, a chock of the required height is selected, and marks are placed on the walls in the corners of the room where the cord is located. The second diagonal must be built in the same way.

When talking about how to level concrete floors, it should be noted that the highest bumps are usually in the corners of the room, as well as where the seams are located. If the difference in height is large enough, then it is worth evaluating, maybe it is better to cut down a high hillock than to fill almost the entire room with cement.

Understanding how to properly level the concrete floor, it is necessary to draw a marking line along the marks from the cord. This line can rise to the same height depending on the bumps, but it cannot be lowered, because the central beacon has already been set to the highest point. Now you should move the cord along the lines on the walls to put additional beacons on the floor of the room. The distance between them should be 70 centimeters. It is necessary to check the correctness of their exposure several times in order to exclude the formation of new irregularities. To do this, the cord should be pulled from wall to wall in all directions. The markings on the walls should be at the same level with the height of the beacons.
Dealing further with how to level concrete floors. The next step is to start pouring. Before this floormust be covered with soil. For screed, you can use a regular cement mortar, but it is recommended to use a special mixture. The density of the solution should be selected depending on how thick the cement screed will be. Here the principle is very simple - the thicker the screed, the thicker the solution should be. Installation of concrete floors should be carried out as carefully as possible, evenly filling the space with mortar. In this case, the screed should pass exactly along the exposed beacons. The surface should be leveled with a wooden lath very carefully. When the screed sets a little, the beacons must be removed, and the solution should be poured in their place. The surface should be well hardened, so do not walk on it ahead of time.
Now you know how to level concrete floors.