Among the variety of indoor flowers, cacti stand out with their original appearance. Of all the representatives of this family, Gymnocalycium Mikhanovich, a plant native to South America, deserves special attention. Due to its attractive appearance, it has recently enjoyed great popularity among exotic lovers.
Wild representatives of cacti grow in groups, forming the most picturesque compositions on the rocky highlands. Being engaged in growing succulents at home, you can create something similar in a city apartment.

The plant looks rather unusual. It is a spherical stem of a chlorophyll-free form, having a red, orange or yellow color. Its diameter is usually about 6 cm. Large ribs with a triangular cross section are clearly visible on it. Like many othersrepresentatives of the cactus family, Gymnocalycium Mikhanovich is covered with grayish spines that grow 5 pieces from each areole. With age, their number decreases. The originality of this type of cacti is also in the fact that it does not differ in independence and can grow only when it is grafted onto another succulent that feeds both itself and the top. As a result, both halves develop in the same way. With good care for this plant, you can watch the cactus bloom. This usually happens during the summer. Funnel-shaped flowers of white, greenish, pink or yellow color appear at the top of the plant. Sometimes they are quite large - up to 7 cm in diameter.

Lighting Requirements
These indoor flowers are designed for windows of southern exposure, because the cactus is a light-loving plant. But it is recommended to shade it from midday sunlight, otherwise burns are not excluded. They are dry brownish spots that quickly disappear if the flower is removed in partial shade. Nevertheless, the Gymnocalycium Mikhanovich cactus needs good lighting all year round, and especially during the flowering period. With a lack of light, the plant loses its shape, its tissues become softer, and the risk of various diseases increases.
Temperature conditions
This is an equally important factor for growing cactus. It is closely related to the degree of illumination - the more light, the higher the temperature required to ensure high-quality photosynthesis. Although the Gymnocalycium cactus is a heat-loving plant, it canfeel great both at 15 and at 30⁰С. The main condition is that the temperature be constant, because the plant tolerates its jumps rather painfully. In winter, when the dormant phase begins, it is desirable to provide cooler conditions.

On hot days, it is necessary to ventilate the room where the cactus grows. Air circulation will keep it from overheating. At the same time, it is very important to avoid drafts, avoiding the influx of cold air from the street on winter days.
Mikhanovich's Gymnocalycium is not afraid of drought and tolerates excess moisture much harder - it causes roots to rot, and this gradually leads to the death of the whole plant. Watering is required moderate, so that the soil has time to dry out. In summer, it is produced as needed, depending on the state of the earthen coma; in winter, once a month is enough. It matters not only how often to water the cactus, but also with what water. It should be at room temperature, settled. With a high indicator of water hardness, a little vinegar or citric acid is added to it. Gymnocalycium is undemanding to air humidity. Spraying the plant is only enough to remove the accumulated dust from it.
There are special fertilizers for cacti. During the growing season, they are used about 1-2 times a month. In winter, top dressing is stopped, because at this time the plant needs rest. Recommended dosages are indicated on the packaging, they must be followed. It is permissible to reduce the concentration, but in no caseallow an excess of fertilizers. This can lead to various plant diseases. You can only see how a cactus blooms if you follow the rules for fertilizing. Mineral and organic top dressing must be alternated. They should have low acidity, just like the soil itself.

Mineral fertilizer is best absorbed in liquid form, so it is pre-dissolved in warm water (rain or boiled). Top dressing is carried out in the afternoon or in the evening. The next day, it is recommended to spray the plant with water.
Side layers are sometimes formed on the mother plant. In the spring, the growth point (areola) is carefully cut off and, after a little drying, it is grafted onto any kind of unpretentious green cactus. In this way, offspring are usually obtained from chlorophyll-free forms, to which Gymnocalycium Mikhanovich belongs. Reproduction by children is one of the most popular methods. It is possible to plant such layering immediately in a pre-prepared and slightly moistened substrate. It is a mixture taken in equal parts of humus, peat, sod, leaf soil and coarse sand. A special substrate for cacti purchased in a store can be dry, so it is recommended to dilute it with leaf humus or garden soil. It is enough just to put the baby on moist soil, and after a while it will take root.
This plant also propagates with the help of seeds. Such offspring are stronger, he althier and of higher quality. Sow seeds straightto the surface of the soil. The pot is covered with a film or glass, moistening the substrate from the spray gun as needed. About a month after sowing, the first shoots appear, and already in the second year of life Gymnocalycium can please with flowers. Caring for a young cactus is the same as for an adult plant.

Capacity for transplanting grown seedlings is better to choose a small volume. It is desirable that it be cylindrical and shallow.
In most cases, any disturbances in the well-being of a cactus are associated with improper care. Excess moisture leads to root rot. First, a soft dark spot appears in the lower part of the trunk, and if no measures are taken, then the plant gradually dies. It is necessary to remove the cactus from the ground as soon as possible and gently rinse the roots, freeing them from the old soil. Cut off the parts affected by rot and, after drying the rhizome slightly, place the plant in a new substrate.
A spot that appears around the areola may be the result of a sunburn or some kind of mechanical damage. But if it increases in size, this indicates a fungal infection. Gymnocalycium Mikhanovich in this case must be treated with special preparations.

Despite its small size, this indoor flower is able to decorate any interior with its appearance. It is quite unpretentious, so even a beginner can grow it. It is enough to know about the basic requirements for lighting,temperature, soil composition, how often to water the cactus and apply fertilizing correctly.