Golden Rhododendron: description, features of cultivation and care, reproduction, photo

Golden Rhododendron: description, features of cultivation and care, reproduction, photo
Golden Rhododendron: description, features of cultivation and care, reproduction, photo

Golden rhododendron belongs to the Heather family, is a shrub with a height of 50 cm. The plant is considered poisonous.


The plant has brown to dark brown bark with low growing branches. The leaves are dense, leathery, 3-7 cm long, 1-3 cm wide. Their surface is smooth, glossy, with rich green venation, the lower part of the leaf is paler in color. The shape of the leaves is correct: oblong-oval with slightly curving edges.

The flowers of the plant are large, large-bell-shaped, pale yellow, up to 5 cm in diameter. They are collected in inflorescences of 6-10 pieces at the ends of the branches. The fruit has an oblong five-celled capsule, at the beginning of ripening it is buffy in color and slightly rough, upon reaching maturity it is smoother with many small seeds. Rhododendron blooms in the first summer month, and bears fruit in the last.

Widely distributed in Western and Eastern Siberia, the Arctic and the Far East. It grows in forests as an undergrowth, as well as in meadows, often forming thickets. Is differentrhododendron golden medicinal properties.


The use of tinctures, decoctions and tea is contraindicated for people with:

  • kidney disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • tissue necrosis.
  • Rhododendron golden: photo
    Rhododendron golden: photo


The following varieties of golden rhododendron are grown:

  • Dahurian rhododendron - one of the most beautiful species with pink-purple flowers. Refers to evergreen species, can reach 3 m in height. Strongly branched, with branches rising up and small leaves. Blooms up to 3.5 weeks. Unpretentious, easily propagated by cuttings. This species grows equally well both in the north and in central Russia.
  • Caucasian rhododendron has white flowers with pale green spots, white-pink, pale yellow with pink splashes or dark pink flowers. Grows in shady damp areas. Its branches are low, creeping. Has a delicate fragrance.
  • Ledebour's rhododendron is widespread in Altai. It has thin branches that reach 1.6 m in height. The leaves are oval green above and slightly paler below, in winter they fold up, and open in spring. The flowers are small lilac-pink.
  • Schlippenbach's rhododendron grows in Primorsky Krai, Korea, China and Japan. It has large flowers of pale pink color and a pleasant aroma. Very often used in landscape design. Gives good germination when using the seed methodbreeding.
  • Japanese rhododendron grows in numerous thickets on the slopes of the mountains of Japan. Refers to deciduous species. Its characteristic feature is the beginning of flowering before the appearance of leaves. Flowers are bright coral or pink. Looks especially good in landscape compositions with other varieties of rhododendrons.

Features of cultivation

One of the main points is the right place to plant the plant. Rhododendron does not like open sunny areas. It is desirable that it be a shaded area protected from the winds. Wild golden rhododendrons, the photos of which are presented in the article, usually hide under the canopy of trees, pines and spruces.

In addition, the plant does not tolerate stagnant water, which should be considered when choosing a suitable place. Depending on the variety of rhododendron, it needs sunlight in different ways. Large-flowered plants prefer partial shade, the rest grow well in shading. However, in areas with almost constant shade, the plant will not flower.

They plant it in the spring, so it takes root faster and adapts to a new place. More mature plants with their own clod of earth can be transplanted later in the month.

Before planting, the soil must be dug deep, pour peat, superphosphate, turf or leafy soil into the prepared hole. It must be remembered that in nature, rhododendrons grow in acidic soil rich in humus.

The root system of the plant is extremely sensitive to overheating, so the surface of the earth must be mulched. Pine is perfect for this.bark or coniferous litter. The mulching layer should be at least 5 cm, so not only the root system will be protected, but the necessary moisture will also last longer.

Kashkara or golden rhododendron: how is it useful?
Kashkara or golden rhododendron: how is it useful?

Rhododendron care

On hot and dry days, the plant needs watering, while the soil should be slightly moistened. Abundant watering of rhododendrons is as harmful as drying out.

In mountainous conditions, golden rhododendrons grow and develop at high humidity, so it is advisable to spray a bush with flowers sometimes - in the morning or in the evening. Due to irrigation with ordinary tap water, calcium and magnesium s alts accumulate in the soil over time, as a result, the plant blooms worse, and eventually loses its decorative effect. Rain or river water is ideal for watering rhododendrons.

After the inflorescences wither, they must be removed - so as not to damage the axillary buds. This procedure contributes to the enhanced flowering of the bush next year.

Rhododendron golden: medicinal properties
Rhododendron golden: medicinal properties


Preparing a plant for winter is an integral part of caring for it to preserve its beneficial properties. Golden rhododendron and other evergreen species tolerate wintering worse. In turn, deciduous varieties - Ledebour, Dahurian, Canadian, Schlippenbach, Japanese - winter quite well. In extreme cases, with the onset of cold weather, the root neck of the plant can be covered with dry leaves.

Evergreen rhododendrons, including winter-hardy ones,it is necessary to cover from strong winds and the sun, otherwise the plant dries out a lot and recovers for a long time.

Severe frosts negatively affect the root system of all rhododendrons, so first of all you need to take care of its warming.

Air temperature up to -10°C is not terrible for the plant, but if the soil is covered prematurely, the root neck will begin to rot, which will inevitably lead to its death. It is not necessary to cover the soil around the rhododendron with the first snowfall, the best time to insulate it is November. If there is snow, they rake it up and put mulch around it in a dense layer.

In the spring, you should also not rush to open the plant: in the first 1.5 months, the roots are still sleeping, and the leaves that have appeared easily burn out in the sun. Only when the snow has completely melted, and the earth has warmed up a little, you can remove the insulation of the rhododendron.

Properties of golden rhododendron
Properties of golden rhododendron


Golden rhododendron (kashkara) is propagated by seed, layering or cuttings. Wild rhododendron propagated by seeds.

If we talk about cuttings, then choose semi-lignified branches and cut at an angle of 45 °. They are prepared in June. The length of the cutting should be 5-8 cm. The cut is treated with various growth stimulants, then the cutting is immersed in the prepared soil and the ground is pressed around. Water thoroughly and cover with foil. The plant is left in a warm place at a temperature of 24-26 ° C, this method of reproduction gives the best result.

When propagating by layering, choose the strongestthe lower branch of the bush, bend and sprinkle with earth. After some time, the branch will take root and sprout. It is carefully cut and transplanted to a new place. However, this method is not suitable for every type of rhododendron.

Rhododendron golden (kashkara)
Rhododendron golden (kashkara)

Rhododendron diseases

Fungal diseases can be infected by plants with excessive watering, as well as sprouts planted in heavy clay soil. In addition, most diseases caused by fungi spread very quickly in humid environments and in cool weather.

Other diseases of Rhododendron aureus are listed below:

  • Mosaic. Small yellow spots appear on the affected plant, over time they darken and become brown. The bush slows down development, blooms less. The leaves become rough and unattractive. As a rule, harmful insects are carriers of the disease. For preventive purposes, the plant is sprayed with agents that protect against the attack of aphids, bedbugs and other pests. If affected branches or leaves are found, they are cut and burned.
  • Cercosporosis is another unpleasant disease. It is characterized by the appearance of dark spots with a reddish edging. In rainy weather, the leaves of the plant are covered with a gray coating. Leaves on the lower branches of the bush are especially affected.
  • Anthracnose is a fungal disease in which dark spots of irregular shape form on the leaves. With the course of the disease, the greens dry and fall off. In order to fight, the affected areas are cut off, andthe plant is completely sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.
  • Rhododendron golden: medicinal properties and contraindications
    Rhododendron golden: medicinal properties and contraindications

Golden rhododendron (kashkara): how is it useful?

Due to the huge amount of trace elements and vitamins, the plant is widely used in folk medicine.

Infusion of golden rhododendron has proven itself well at:

  • headaches;
  • cardiac pathologies;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • gout;
  • insomnia and irritability;
  • as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Decoctions are used to treat stomatitis and periodontal disease, women's diseases, influenza and SARS, irritability and many others.

golden rhododendron
golden rhododendron

Taking into account the medicinal properties of golden rhododendron, infusions and decoctions are made, which are also used in veterinary medicine. Before using them, be sure to read the recommendations of doctors, contraindications and dosage.
