Automatic air vents: device and purpose

Automatic air vents: device and purpose
Automatic air vents: device and purpose

In almost every water heating system, sooner or later, the formation of gas accumulations in the pipes begins, which entails improper operation and circulation of the coolant. In such a system, increased noise and vibration occurs. Moreover, if a circulation pump is installed in the boiler, the ingress of gaseous substances into it can significantly reduce its service life. Together, all this can lead to a complete failure of the heating system and stop normal circulation. In order to prevent this, special automatic air vents are used in the construction of such systems. They divert excess air formed in the pipes to the outside, and at the same time do not allow water to flow out. Thus, the device of these devices is built on the principle of a valve.

automatic air vents
automatic air vents


According to its design, an automatic air vent (Flexvent includingnumber) is a mechanism of the float-valve type, which consists of a brass body. Inside this tool there is a special float with a spool. The latter is connected to the exhaust valve in a hinged way. At the same time, locking caps, acting as fuses, prevent unauthorized leakage of water in the event of failure of the entire device. Automatic air vents perform their functions optimally at temperatures from -10 to +120 degrees Celsius. And since it is when water boils that gaseous substances are formed in the system, such a temperature does not harm the gas outlet device, which effectively removes air from the pipes to the outside.

flexvent automatic air vent
flexvent automatic air vent

Automatic air vents: principle of operation

The algorithm of this mechanism is as follows. When there is no air in the pipe, the air vent float is in the upper position, while preventing the valve from opening (otherwise water will leak from the device). The float itself is made of a lightweight polymer material, so when gas accumulates in the system, it gradually lowers, collecting air in itself, and at the same time the valve opens. After the correct amount of air has been removed from the system, the device rises back to the top position and the outlet closes the hole through which the gas passed.

automatic angle air vent
automatic angle air vent


Automatic air vent is mountedangular most often in a vertical position at the highest points. It is with this arrangement that the largest amount of air enters the device (and, as we know, gas is lighter than water, and therefore it tends to evaporate upwards). Once at the peak point, automatic air vents begin to act and remove excess accumulation from the system in full. Such mechanisms are mounted on almost all industrial heating systems, heating devices and boilers. However, it should be noted that its presence is not a prerequisite for laying the heating system.
