Operation of the roof in the first place involves the possibility of access to it. There are several channels through which it is possible to approach the upper level of the building, including the internal one - for example, through the attic. But it is not always convenient to use this path. In some cases, the necessary repair and construction tasks are helped by special roof ladders. Roofs with this equipment are less stressed during maintenance and do not pose a danger to the user.

Features of Roof Roofs
The main distinguishing feature of such stairs is the installation configuration, in which the user gets the opportunity to move along the slope. In this case, the slope acts only as a supporting part, on which the mounting racks are fixed. Depending on the characteristics, the roof ladder may also provide for the function of an autonomous shifting bridge. So, if in the first case a permanent fixation of the device is provided, then the stair bridges are fixed temporarily. The features of this option include the ability to install the structure only on slopes that are suitable in terms of dimensional parameters.
It is important to note another difference between the roof models of stairs. As a rule, these are devices with a minimum weight and increased strength characteristics. These qualities are especially important if the roof ladder is used on a roof with a fragile and sensitive coating.

The group of roof ladders includes several varieties. First of all, these are structures that are mounted directly on the slopes. But in order to reach the very level of the roof, an appropriate device is also required. And this function is already performed by the facade roof staircase, which is installed in a wall-mounted manner and forms a path from the ground or balcony to the upper part of the house. At the same time, structures of this type should not be considered only as external ones. Another variety can be called attic models. Such a staircase also connects the attic or attic room with access to the pitched surface. According to building codes, the infrastructural support of the house must also include an emergency staircase. This applies to buildings where residential windows are higher than 3.5 m.

Classification by materials
As noted above, the features of roof stairs include stringent requirements in terms of compatibility of strength and light weight. This requirement forces manufacturers to approach the selection of materials more carefully. For example, the steel version is considered the most reliable.stairs, but it also differs in considerable weight. If you need a roof ladder for a metal tile with a rigid base, then this option is quite suitable. But the characteristics of the protective coating should be taken into account - it must necessarily prevent corrosion processes.
Alternative is aluminum. Due to the small mass, this design can be used on fragile roofing, but it is important to keep in mind the low strength characteristics of the soft metal staircase itself. Wooden structures are the least common, but they are also the most affordable. This option is best used as a transfer bridge.

Installation of the ladder structure
At the first stage of the project implementation, a technical plan is developed. The design parameters, the number of modules, acceptable and optimal methods of fastening, etc. are determined. Special fasteners are included in the set of factory metal stairs of this type. In particular, it can be roofing and ridge brackets, due to which the installation is carried out. And in the installation, it is rather not the preparation of the stairs itself that is important, but the creation of a basis for fastening in the roof niche. It is advisable to use fixation units not in the coating itself, but in the beams and frames of the truss structure. That is, the installation must be carried out through the coating. In addition to fastening hardware, a rigid seal is also used, due to which the roof ladder itself adds to the reliability. Do-it-yourself installation operationseasy enough - especially if you have a drill-driver at hand. This device will allow you to make the necessary holes in the beams and screw the ladder base at the fixation points.
Question of price
The cost of stairs is determined by many parameters. Among them are the dimensions, and the material of manufacture, and the composition of the configuration. So, an aluminum model 1.8 m long with a basic set of clamps can cost 1.5-2 thousand rubles. Steel structures rarely cost less than 2 thousand. If we talk about complex systems that include several modules in the kit, then the cost can rise to 4-5 thousand. The most attractive option in terms of performance is a galvanized roof ladder. The price of models with such a coating starts from 3 thousand and then increases to 10 thousand, if we talk about the segment of household products.

Perhaps the most important issue that should be addressed in the course of equipping a house with a roofing roof is to ensure reliability and safety. And the matter concerns not only safety for the user, but also the absence of negative factors for covering the roof. The presence of a metal structure often causes the destruction of decorative material. This may be due to the fact that the roof ladder was not properly fixed, as a result of which moisture began to spread through the connection nodes. Accordingly, such processes do not bode well for either the staircase itself or the roofing base. There are also dangersof a different nature, when an incorrect calculation of the mass was initially made. Even if at the first time of operation a heavy structure does not show signs of a dangerous impact on the roofing material, then after months or years the deformation will definitely appear.