Every summer resident dreams of growing useful plants on his plot. One of these treasures will be luffa - a washcloth from it turns out to be very pleasant and useful. The growing process will not leave indifferent neither adults nor children. After all, right before our eyes, a durable bath accessory will appear from a small seed.
What is a luffa?
Luffa belongs to the pumpkin family, Asia is considered its homeland. With its appearance, it resembles a liana and can reach a length of up to 5 meters, thanks to such qualities this plant is often used as a hedge.
Forms a weak root system that sits on the surface.
Fruits can reach a size of 70 centimeters. Depending on the degree of maturity, there are several ways to use them:
- Young fruits are widely used in cooking, they are prepared in the same way as zucchini. They have many useful qualities and are appreciated by lovers of tasty and he althy food.
- Mature specimens make an excellent loofah washcloth. Suchan unusual use is related to the structure of the vegetable. When fully mature, the fruit is firm, fibrous, and reticulate.

Useful properties
Washcloth seeds contain a huge amount of edible oil and protein. Luffa is included in many cosmetic products.
There are also vegetable and technical varieties of such a plant. They differ in the quality of the oil obtained and in the scope of its use. Industrial varieties are used to make washcloths, and the oil obtained from the seeds is used in various face masks and other cosmetics. Food varieties are used in cooking.
Useful properties are not only the fruits and seeds of the plant, but also their green part. For example, the juice from the stems of luffa in Japan is widely used to make lipstick or used as a skin cleansing lotion.
Before World War II, luffa (washcloth) was used for industrial production. Due to its light and porous texture, it has been included in various filters and diesel parts.
Also, because of its good noise isolation and high strength, the fruits of the plant were used as an inner layer in the manufacture of steel helmets and US Army vehicles.
Types of luffa
One of the most specific representatives of the gourd family is the luffa. How to make a washcloth from a plant, many gardeners who are just starting to grow it on their plots want to know. First you need to choose the right onegrade.
Luffa sharp-ribbed - this subspecies of the plant is much easier to grow, because it is less demanding on soil and care, and it is also less likely to be exposed to various diseases. Flowers bloom at night, so they are pollinated with the help of nocturnal insects or by hand. The fruits should be consumed before full maturity, when their size is 30-40 centimeters, otherwise the taste of the product will change and be bitter. In its shape, the luffa of this variety resembles a cone or a mace, the surface is ribbed, the skin does not separate well from the pulp
Fruits are consumed in the same way as cucumbers. But at the same time they are part of curries and added to soups. The leaves, shoots and flowers of the plant are also edible, and if simmered for a few minutes and mixed with oil, you can get an unusual and tasty side dish.
Cylindrical luffa - just such a subspecies is suitable for making washcloths. In their length, the fruits can reach 70 centimeters, slightly pointed towards the stalk. They are distinguished by a thin skin that is easy to separate, and delicate white flesh. The cooking method is no different from sharp-ribbed luffa
Growing seedlings
Many summer residents are wondering how to plant and grow luffa (washcloth). The answer lies in the biological characteristics of this plant. It has a fairly long growing season, so it is customary to start the process with seedling germination.
- Because luffa seeds are very hard and covered with a thick shell, they need to be prepared for planting. To do this, about a week before work, they need to be placed ina very warm place, with an air temperature of at least 40 degrees.
- Then they need to be soaked in aloe juice for 20-30 minutes.
- You need to start growing seedlings in early April, so that the fruits have time to ripen before the onset of winter cold.
- The soil must be nutritious and loose, in order to avoid the appearance of bacterial diseases, it should be disinfected.
- In 5-6 days after sowing, the first shoots should appear.
- In order for the luffa (washcloth) to receive as many nutrients as possible, during the cultivation of seedlings, it must be watered 2 times with mullein diluted in water in a ratio of one to ten.

How to choose a place for a luffa?
Before planting luffa, you need to choose the right place in which the plant will feel as comfortable as possible:
- Luffa (washcloth) does not tolerate strong winds.
- Loves sunshine.
- The plant can be planted both in a greenhouse and in open ground.
- Before planting, you need to take care of the support, it must be strong and strong, because the plant grows very quickly and gains weight. An example would be a trellis, stretched twine, or even a metal, mesh fence.

Transplanting in open ground
After the issue with the place is resolved, it is necessary to plant the plants themselves. If luffa is placed in a greenhouse, then the second half of May will be the best time, and if asopen ground is chosen as a permanent place of growth, then all work should be postponed until early June.
Before planting, you need to prepare holes, the depth and width of which will be 30 centimeters. The distance between plants should be at least one meter.
In order for the luffa (washcloth) to take root as best as possible in a new place, the soil must be fertilized:
- Pour half a bucket of humus into the bottom and add 2 tablespoons of potassium sulfate there.
- Or you can use half a glass of ash per plant.
You need to deepen the luffa to the cotyledon leaves, then the roots are carefully dug in, it is very important not to damage them during planting.
Plant care
Many are interested in such a plant as luffa. How to make a washcloth? To make a bath accessory, you first need to grow high-quality fruits.
Luffa leaves absorb a huge amount of moisture, so you need to carefully ensure that the soil does not dry out, and the plant has constant access to the necessary nutrients. Water for irrigation must be warm, otherwise the luffa may die. Also, experienced gardeners recommend spraying the vine itself once every two weeks or using a sprinkler.
As soon as the first mature ovaries are formed, you need to choose 3-5 of the strongest of them, the rest need to be plucked. In order for nutrients to reach the fruit, it is better to remove the side branches, the same applies to excess green mass.
Luffa, like any other plant, requires a lot ofthe amount of oxygen, so the soil needs to be loosened three times per season, given the superficial root system, this procedure must be carried out very carefully.
Pollination - only female flowers are initially formed, male flowers begin to appear only after 10-12 days. Given the peculiarity of the plant, it is almost impossible to pollinate it with the help of insects; the most reliable way would be to use the manual method. It will be possible to find out whether the work was done or not in a few days, the pollinated ovaries increase significantly in size.

You can fertilize the plant using the following substances:
- Ammonium nitrate will be used during planting, second and third loosening.
- Mullein solution must be mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Top dressing is done during the formation of ovaries.
- Complex fertilizer - you can use 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska diluted in a bucket of water. This procedure is carried out in the middle of the growing season.
- Extract superphosphate - 1 tablespoon of the substance is diluted in a bucket of water. This top dressing contributes to the ripening of the bones and the best ripening of the fruit.
When to collect luffa on a washcloth?
To use the fruits in cooking, they must be harvested while they are young. But as for the manufacture of bath accessories, the time of removal will depend only on the desire of the person himself.
To get a soft washcloth, you should collect green fruits, but for harderspecimens fit mature, brown luffa. A prerequisite will be harvesting before the onset of frost, otherwise it will be unusable.

How to make a loofah washcloth?
Luffa is a washcloth, the production of which begins with a long drying of the fruit, usually it lasts for several weeks. To prepare the plant for the process, you need to cut off the ends and get rid of the seeds. Then the future sponges are hung in a dry room, preventing them from touching each other, otherwise mechanical damage or wet spots may form, and the fruits will most likely rot.
The next step will be soaking in boiling water. Such a procedure is necessary so that the skin of the fetus softens, and it is easier to remove it.
As soon as the washcloth is almost ready, it is necessary to clean its fibers from pulp and seeds with a stiff brush.
To prepare the sponge for use, wash it in soapy water and dry it naturally by hanging it in a sunny area or by placing it in a window.
How to sew loofah washcloths?
In order for the bath accessory to be convenient to use, it is cut to the required size and the handles are tied. You can also make a washcloth in the form of a scraper. To do this, the luffe is given an oval shape, one side is completely sheathed with fabric, to which a loop is attached in advance.
If the washcloth does not stretch in hot water and does not shrink in cold water, then the whole technology was done correctly.

How to use a loofah washcloth?
Before using such a sponge, you need to soften it a little by holding it in hot water for 2-3 minutes.
Luffa is a washcloth, reviews of which always remain at the highest level. But in order not to harm your body, but to bring a beneficial effect, you should not overdo it in use (no more than twice a week). Otherwise, the body may become irritated or break the skin.
After each use of such a washcloth, be sure to use moisturizers or oils.
Luffa has the ability to remove dead skin cells, but after a month of use, the pores of the sponge become clogged and bacteria begin to multiply in them.
After each use, the washcloth must be thoroughly rinsed and dried.
The use of luffa in medicine
Very many countries in Asia and the East widely use luffa in folk medicine. A decoction of the roots and green part of the plant is an excellent remedy for stopping internal bleeding, and it is also used to treat sinuses.
Many cosmetologists recommend using luffa with homemade soap. Melted soap is poured into the holes that form after the fruit is cleaned of seeds and pulp and the resulting sponge is used in the form of a scrub. Such a cosmetic product will perfectly cleanse the skin and stimulate blood circulation in small vessels.

One of the most useful fruits for the skin gives a plant underthe name of the luffa. The washcloth, the photo of which can be seen above, is an environmentally friendly product. With enough effort, it can be grown in your garden plot. In addition, the vines on which the fruits are formed have an unusual appearance, so they are often used in landscape design.