Processing wood of different species requires special skill and much more time and physical effort than it takes to produce products in a factory. But the result will also cost much more, be valued higher and look more spectacular than factory-processed wooden products. To ensure successful processing, the main thing is to choose the right multifunctional woodworking machine. In our article, we will study the advantages and features of such equipment, the main functions and types.

Main equipment functions
Woodworking machines are designed for the mechanical finishing of wood. Woodworking machines allow you to process wood of any breed efficiently and quickly. With the help of suchThe device speeds up and facilitates the workflow at times both at home and at woodworking enterprises.
Multifunctional woodworking machine combines many possibilities, which is its undeniable advantage. This type of equipment is capable of performing several types of work:
- drilling (obtaining blind and through holes);
- milling (cutting planes, grooves);
- thickening (final alignment of the material);
- grinding (smoothing sharp edges, roughness, burrs);
- sharpening (machining cylindrical products);
- planing (processing products on the surface);
- sawing (cutting and cutting parts, cross and curve sawing).

Building features
Multifunctional woodworking machines for the home are able to work continuously at home up to 6 hours. The equipment frame can be of two types: welded and cast. A machine with a welded bed is considered the best option for performing small amounts of work, for example, for processing simple products of small thickness. Units with a cast bed are considered more expensive, and accordingly, the cost of the machining process will be much higher.

Equipment Advantages
Before you buy this or that universal woodworking machine, it is important to study the merits of the equipment.
- Combinedwoodworking machines are compact, that is, one carpentry machine replaces several highly specialized ones. By opting for such machines, you save a lot of space, as you do not need to look for additional premises to accommodate a large number of machines.
- Universal, that is, combined woodworking units that perform from 3 to 5 operations. Many models are equipped with adjustment of the processing angle, rotation of the wooden part in different planes. With the help of one equipment, you can completely complete the entire processing cycle of the product.
- Additional devices can be connected to the design of many models, which provide a high level of comfort in the woodworking process. Such popular accessories are: a vacuum cleaner that ensures the cleanliness of the working area, a lighting point, clamps, stands, tabletops, roller tables, etc.

Industrial machines and their features
Professional equipment is suitable for tasks in large-scale production. Such units have large dimensions and weight in comparison with household equipment, but such multifunctional woodworking machines cope with any functions from sawing across and at an angle to forming grooves. Such a machine is equipped with everything necessary to perform fast, comfortable and, most importantly, safe work: there are stops, protective metal boxes and clamps for workpieces, as well as a device for removing chips, scraps and dust.
The power of this type of equipment is from 3 to 5 kW: 2-3 drives are usually built into multifunctional woodworking machines. Equipment that uses multiple engines most often runs on different power sources - diesel, gasoline or electric.
Table machine
Home or household multifunctional woodworking machines are used for amateur woodworking at home. Such equipment is capable of performing no more than 2-5 functions. An electric drive is built into the design of amateur equipment, the power of which is not more than 1-3 kW.
Woodworking equipment is installed mainly in home workshops, small production sites or subsidiary plots to perform the main functions - sawing and sawing. Many craftsmen even draw up drawings and make a multifunctional woodworking machine with their own hands.

Thoughtful Inexpensive Shopping
When buying equipment, it is important to pay attention not only to the price of the machine, but also to the saw diameter, bed size, drive power and productivity. When selecting a working tool, it is also necessary to evaluate the reliability of the unit, that is, the presence of protective boxes, lighting, protection of the electrical circuit of the machine. Of course, you also need to take into account the power of woodworking equipment, the expected load. Multifunctional woodworking machines with a thickness gauge can be installed at home, but more often this type of equipment is suitable forwork in large-scale production.
The purchase of such a peculiar technique cannot be called cheap, but its benefits are obvious. Listening to the advice from our article, you will not only save money, but possibly earn extra money by starting your own business.