Such a material as polyvinyl chloride is not in vain very popular in the construction industry. It is used in the manufacture of various products used in construction and finishing works. A fairly common product is PVC panels. Installation of plastic panels on walls and ceilings is a service that is provided by all construction teams without exception. But due to the simplicity of the installation operation, PVC boards can be installed on their own.
Where to start?
The first step is to take measurements and plan everything carefully. Usually this procedure is given very little attention. However, it is not enough to simply measure the length and width of the surface to be finished. It is important to take into account all the nuances even in the process of preparatory work.

If the wall or ceiling to beslabs are installed, even, then in this case, simply gluing the panels is enough. But if something more serious is planned than giving the room a good appearance, for example, adding practicality to it, then you also need to attend to the installation of a special frame system, where you can conveniently hide various communications, electrical wiring.
Required tool
Despite the fact that the installation of plastic panels is a fairly simple operation, it will not work without tools.
For work you will need a drill or punch. The drill must be equipped with an impact function. It will be possible to prepare for the installation of the frame, "pleasing" all the neighbors.
You should also prepare a stepladder, for apartments with a standard ceiling height, even inexpensive aluminum models are enough. The height of such stairs is 1.8 meters.
Next, you need a hacksaw - for metal or wood. But experts recommend a hacksaw for metal, it is most suitable for cutting PVC panels. The edges are perfectly even and neat.
To perform measurements, you will need a tape measure and a level. Experts advise to prepare another knife and hammer. Self-tapping screws or special wallpaper nails are purchased as fasteners.

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic panels provides for the mandatory use of all these tools in the process. Without them, accurate installation of the panels will not work. The only exception here is the perforator. Heneeded only to quickly level any problem areas. After the tool is assembled, you can start marking work.
First, mark the entire surface on which the plastic panels will be mounted. Since ceiling tiles are made with standard lamella sizes, it all depends on personal preference. The most popular solution for finishing the ceiling is the so-called lining. This is a long strip 10 centimeters wide. It is recommended to draw marking lines for mounting the profile after 400 millimeters. The first mark is made along the width of the panel, and you need to start from the lowest point of the ceiling. Further, using a level, marks are made around the perimeter for the installation of anchors or dowels.

Specialists recommend paying attention to the fact that the profile of the main supporting frame is always mounted perpendicular to the PVC boards. It is necessary to use not only a level in marking work, but also a rope for faster work.
How to make a fixture?
A thin rope is painted with multi-colored crayons and its ends are pressed against a wall or ceiling. Chalk marks will remain on the surface. This method allows you to significantly speed up the marking work. Such a device significantly saves the time required to perform preliminary operations.
How to assemble the frame?
It is an interconnected profile that can bemade from various materials. The frame can be made of wood, plastic, metal profile. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages and is applied depending on personal preference.
Wood frames are not used so often. These designs have more disadvantages than advantages. The tree is afraid of exposure to moisture, as well as freezing, but during the summer heat, the frame of this material can dry out. For this reason, for balconies and loggias, a wooden frame is a very controversial solution. Therefore, the installation of plastic panels in the bathroom is best done on profiles of the same material or metal.
If there are no serious restrictions on the use of wood, then the beam is attached to the base of the ceiling or wall after 60 centimeters. Dowels or impact screws can be used as fasteners. To level the level of placement of boards, use special gaskets.
But even in dry rooms, where the risk of freezing is eliminated, the wooden frame is significantly inferior in performance to similar systems made of metal or plastic elements.
PVC frame features
Plastic profile has much more advantages than wood. The first plus is the low price. Another significant advantage is light weight, which is very important if you install plastic panels on the ceiling with your own hands. In addition, the plastic profile is more convenient in the process of fastening, is not afraid of high humidity and high temperatures.
Installationvery simple and affordable. The profile is installed at the marked places after 300 millimeters. Fasteners are screwed in every meter.
It is important to note that when installing such a frame, there will definitely be places at an angle. To do this, you need to cut the profile. This is best done using a hacksaw for metal and wort. The cut will be almost invisible, and the joints will be perfectly even.
Another indisputable advantage of plastic crates: the grooves inside the profile can be used as cable channels for laying electrical wires.
Metal frame
Using metal to create a supporting frame is suitable for finishing vertical surfaces. This profile is most often used for drywall work. When installing plastic wall panels, such a strong frame is often not needed, since PVC boards are much lighter than drywall sheets.

When choosing materials for the construction of a structure, preference is usually given to a plastic profile. Using a metal frame when placing cables and wires, they must be laid in a corrugation to ensure safety in case of damage to the insulation.
Frame mounting requirements
Despite the fact that the process of installing plastic panels is simple, certain requirements are still imposed on it.
Before installation work, the panels should lie down a bit - this is true when the material was stored at low temperatures. Lamellas should be locatedperpendicular to the rails of the supporting frame. In damp rooms, cuts are made in it for ventilation. During installation, temperature gaps are taken into account. If there is some image on the panels, then the installation should start from the left corner to the right. But for plain panels this is irrelevant.
It is not necessary to carry out work in such premises, the internal temperature of which reaches 40 degrees and above. Panels can be installed in the bathroom, but it is prohibited in the steam room and sauna.
Installing PVC boards on the ceiling
After lathing work, they proceed directly to the installation of plastic panels with their own hands. The strip is cut to the length of the ceiling and the parts are installed in turn. The process starts from the last panel.
It is attached to a special corner with self-tapping screws. The corner is screwed to the transverse part on the power frame. All other strips are installed in the grooves of the previous one. Thus mounted to the end of the ceiling.
There is a possibility that there may be difficulties in the process of installing and securing the last strip, most often it may be necessary to cut the material to width. There is another approach to installing a plastic ceiling panel: turn the last strip with a lock in the opposite direction and cut the groove to the desired length.

After the panels are fixed, the ceiling plinths are installed. Their installation is extremely simple. Liquid nails are applied to the inside of the plinth. Then the part is pressed against the ceiling and held in this position for about 10 seconds. Next, remove the excessglue, and the installation of the plinth is over. Liquid nails dry instantly, so you need to remove excess construction adhesive quickly as well.
PVC tiles in the bathroom and kitchen
Plastic panels are perfect for decorating any type of room, as there are a huge number of different types of models on sale. But the most important advantage is the use of them for finishing the bathroom and bathroom. Installing plastic panels in the bathroom is the best option, especially considering the properties of polyvinyl chloride. It resists moisture well. The panels can easily withstand the load if the apartment is flooded by neighbors. Moisture won't mold on them.
Slabs are easy to clean, making them a good choice not only for bathrooms, but also for kitchens. Fat, as well as soot, can be very easily removed using household chemicals.
Do-it-yourself installation of plates on walls
PVC panels for wall decoration make it possible to change the interior of the premises for the better in the shortest possible time and almost without any special costs. Such work is actually no different from installing plastic panels on the ceiling.
So, a metal frame is mounted on a pre-prepared wall, since such plates are heavier and thicker. The wall must first be treated with antifungal agents.

Then the first strip with an angle is inserted into the profile and mounted on the wall. All other strips are mounted in a groove at a slight angle and connected to the firstkleimers are special brackets with latches. They securely fix the panel on the metal profile guides. The last of the panels is installed in the corner in the shape of the letter U, and then mounted on the frame.
After the installation of plastic panels on the walls is completed, the final finishing is carried out. It includes the installation of corners, as well as cornices. Often situations arise when there are sockets and switches in the wall, which can cause certain difficulties. In this case, the installation of boxes and laying of wires is done before the installation of PVC plates. Then it remains to cut a hole for the socket on the panel.
Rules for working with PVC panels
It must be remembered that plastic plates are quite fragile. No need to press on them while working. It will be enough just to press hard with your hands to create a crack on the panel, and it will be impossible to fix it.

Strips are applied very carefully to one another during installation. If necessary, you can use clerical knives or other improvised tools (the main thing is that it be thin).
PVC-plate is now an actual material for finishing works in any premises and especially in bathrooms. Buying panels is not difficult, they are inexpensive, and a large selection of colors will allow you to implement design ideas. Before buying a product, you should inspect it well - it should not have uneven stripes across it, but it should havea sufficient number of stiffeners. Then do-it-yourself installation of plastic panels for a bathroom or any other room will not cause problems, and the panels themselves will last a very long time.