Insulating your home is a good thing. But how to choose the right material? What is the best heater? The task is not easy, so you need to carefully think through everything before proceeding with any action. After all, the cosiness and comfort in the room, the temperature regime in summer and winter depend on the right choice and work. Let's try to understand this issue.
Which insulation is better for home - choose

The choice is influenced by many different factors. First you need to determine which part of the house you are going to insulate: windows, walls, floor or foundation. The material from which the building is assembled also matters: blocks, bricks, wood, etc. The thickness of the walls, facade and other structures of the house is also very important to consider when planning work. What insulation is best to choose from a huge assortment of all kinds of materials offered today by the construction market?
Remember - it is safer to buy material from those dealers and manufacturers who have already been tested by time and have proven themselves on the positive side. Responsible suppliers must have the appropriate certificates and all the necessary conclusions of the sanitary and epidemiological authorities. If such documents do not exist,it is likely that the owners have something to hide from their customers.
Heaters come in various classifications and types. The main ones are: mineral wool, ecowool and polystyrene. What is the best heater? Let's take a closer look.
Mineral wool

This type of material is used for floor, roof and wall insulation. It is delivered in rolls or in the form of plates. Among the properties of mineral wool, the following can be noted: incombustibility, environmental friendliness and moisture permeability. When choosing, you should take into account its density and dimensions.
Polyfoam is a universal insulating material, it is great for any type of construction. Polyfoam is non-toxic, has good sound and heat insulation, and its low cost is very attractive. Therefore, those who think about which insulation is best for walls will not be mistaken by opting for foam.
However, it has a drawback - high flammability. Therefore, do not use foam in wooden houses.
Ecowool is used most often to fill hard-to-reach places during construction work. According to its properties, ecowool is a loose material, so it is not produced in the form of plates or rolls. Its application involves blowing the material into various cavities or spraying in a moistened form. Therefore, to perform such work, qualified specialists with the appropriate skills are required.

Despiteall these subtleties and difficulties, the result justifies itself. The insulation turns out to be even, without seams, every crack is filled with it. In addition, ecowool well resists the destructive effects of the environment.
Which insulation is better and what to choose is a personal matter for everyone. Each of the materials has its own advantages and some disadvantages. Each of the cases requires an individual approach, so it is difficult to answer such a question unambiguously.