No single unit of household engineering equipment today can do without a functional control system. Boilers, space heaters and underfloor heating systems especially require efficient and accurate means of monitoring and setting operating parameters. And not always this task is realized at the expense of electronics. Albeit in a partial form, but the mechanical thermostat fully justifies itself. Firstly, this is the usual configuration of the control tool, and secondly, in some versions it wins due to reliability and cost.
General information about mechanical thermostats

Most often these devices are small devices with one or more controls. As the latter, buttons, levers and round regulators in the form of washers can be used. The panels also provide indicators that display basic information about performance. As for the areas of operation, the mechanical thermostat is usually positioned as a universal device, but there are separate modifications designed for special conditions of use. For example, equipment that should beinstalled on the outside, additionally protected by insulating coatings. Also, special versions include combined two-zone models that can be used to service several pieces of equipment.
Varieties of devices
Manufacturers classify regulators according to the nature of the installation, the place of operation and the presence of the programmer function. Installation can be carried out by means of a tie-in or overhead method. The place of operation can be the floor, walls or a suspended structure. Programmers, in turn, are rarely used in mechanical devices, but there are such modifications. In addition, the mechanical thermostat differs in stylistic properties. So, in shape, round, rectangular and triangular models can be distinguished. From the point of view of installation possibilities and ease of use, the choice according to this criterion is of little importance. Most often, external features are paid attention to, evaluating the design compliance of the device with the place of use.

Key Features
Different models differ in a wide range of performance characteristics, including the number of working zones, load power, the range of temperatures available to cover, etc. The number of working zones or channels in typical models can reach 2, but there are also highly specialized modifications, in which more than 10 separate objects are allowed to be serviced. In terms of power, mechanical thermostats for heating have a potential in the range of 3-4 kW. Typically, asAs the number of zones increases, so does the load. An important operating parameter is the temperature spectrum. For simple regulators, it is a narrow corridor on average from 5 to 30°C. However, when operating powerful boilers with high heat output, a wider range should be provided - up to 60-70 ° C. Also, to determine the accuracy, pay attention to the error of the regulators. It is important to understand that mechanical devices initially lose to electronic digital counterparts in this indicator. On average, deviations can reach 2-3°C.
Reviews about the model T6360 from Honeywell
You can say the basic model, representing the middle class of devices of this kind. Users note the versatility of its use in terms of combination with various executive systems. For example, the regulator is connected to pumps, boiler units, valves, home heaters and other equipment. As for reliability, the model as a whole causes more positive reviews. The fact is that Honeywell's mechanical thermostat, in its design, is focused on sensitive perception of the slightest changes in the environment. This allows you to activate the automatic security systems that are necessary at the moment, preventing the device from failing. The user learns about functional processes through a panel with indicators. The owners emphasize the ergonomic interface and the robustness of the case.

Reviews about the thermostat DAIRE TR-TA2
This option is more suitable for those whouses low-power heating equipment in the apartment. In the line of entry-level thermostats, this is one of the best representatives. The development from DAIRE, according to many users, is beneficial in that it not only allows you to adjust the temperature regime to a certain level and maintain it with a high degree of accuracy, but also is able to optimize energy costs. On the other hand, the model is not characterized by a large coverage of operating temperatures. Therefore, if you need a thermostat for a mechanical heated floor or a small convector, then this purchase will justify itself, but it is unlikely to be useful in maintaining a massive boiler plant. This disadvantage is compensated by convenient control and high resource of regulation elements, which is also confirmed by users. According to the manufacturer, the device can withstand about 10 thousand clicks.

Feedback about Heat-PRO RTC-70
This is a special device for controlling the operating parameters of electric underfloor heating. As the practice of use shows, the model copes well with the loads in the network, gives relatively accurate heating indicators, requires a minimum power supply and, at the same time, is durable. However, many owners point to modest functionality and a minimum of regulation tools. For a typical underfloor heating system, this mechanical thermostat is suitable, but the capabilities of expensive powerful systems may not be fully disclosed. But there are no complaints about physical reliability - despite the laconicshape and compact dimensions, the model has a solid body and tightly integrated regulators.
What they say about the Caleo UTH-130
One of the premium models, which, although it does not offer special functionality, but in terms of basic performance is noticeably different from the analogues presented below. First of all, many owners point to the possibility of using the device in combination with powerful heating equipment. This is the optimal mechanical thermostat for a solid fuel boiler or a productive water heating installation. Again, the owners of the device testify that with a wide temperature range, it shows a high accuracy of regulation. As for the other advantages, communication opportunities are also noted. In particular, the user can control the device using a remote sensor with an indication on a two-meter wire.

Temperature controller connection
In general, the operation of installing a thermostat is similar to installing conventional sockets. At least this applies to the physical integration of the device into the wall. There are also overhead models that do not require intervention in the niche of the wall. Direct connection is carried out along three lines - this is a power wire, a cable from a heating actuator and a circuit from a sensor that monitors air temperature. When connecting a mechanical thermostat, it is important not to confuse the types of wires. Usually a white or black marking indicates a phase, in blue -zero, and grounding is done through yellow-green wires. True, to be sure, you should still refer to the instructions with the diagram attached to the thermostat of a particular model.
How to choose the optimal model?

Before purchasing, make a list of mandatory requirements for the regulator for the installed equipment. First of all, the choice is made according to the load power - it should be enough to work with specific heating equipment. The following are the features of the connection. It is important to assess the conditions under which the installation will be carried out - for example, on an overhead principle or by means of a tie-in. So, a mechanical thermostat for a warm floor is usually installed in a wall, but if we are talking about a boiler station, then additional devices for surface mounting may be required. Do not ignore the possible threats in terms of external influence on the device. Both the risk of physical damage and the possibility of moisture entering the case are taken into account. Accordingly, to ensure the safe operation of the regulator in conditions with such risks, it would be useful to turn to models endowed with protective insulating layers in the case.
The cost of thermostats
The cheapest models cost about 500-600 rubles. They are distinguished by modest performance characteristics, inexpensive body material and limited possibilities for pairing with heating equipment. But in this category it is quite possible to pick up a mechanical thermostat for a convector or a systemfloor heating. Powerful devices with a wide temperature range are suitable for boilers and boilers. Such versions of thermostats are available on the market at prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles. average.

Manufacturers of various types of heating units often supply thermostats already in the basic kit. True, regular devices are not always distinguished by sufficient functionality, ergonomics and overall workmanship. It happens that a complete mechanical thermostat for a boiler simply cannot cope with the power load, requiring replacement. Therefore, it is better not to immediately save on this accessory and purchase a thermostat that is suitable for its characteristics. Again, this addition should not be considered only as a temperature setting tool. Most modern models of such regulators allow you to automatically rationally manage equipment resources, which saves financial costs. It doesn't matter if it's mechanical or digital. The difference between them is mostly ergonomic in nature, determining the way the user interacts with the equipment.