How to grow blueberries: varieties, planting, top dressing

How to grow blueberries: varieties, planting, top dressing
How to grow blueberries: varieties, planting, top dressing

Blueberries belong to the Heather family and are a distant relative of blueberries. Eating its berries in food is very beneficial for the body. The fruits of this plant are valued, for example, for slowing down the aging process, improving the activity of the nervous system, and contributing to the normalization of digestion processes. Of course, many gardeners would like to see this culture on their site. Therefore, later in the article we will deal in detail with how to grow blueberries in the country.

What varieties are there

The selection of this useful plant began in 1908. To date, a huge number of blueberry varieties have been bred, which can be classified into several large groups:

  • short;
  • northern high;
  • rabbit eye;
  • southern high;
  • semi tall.
how to grow blueberries
how to grow blueberries

All these varieties are rather whimsical in care and require careful adherence to planting technology. A summer resident who wondered how to grow blueberries on a plot should know that northern tall ones are best suited for central Russia.her varieties. They are valued primarily for a fairly good yield and resistance to low temperatures.

Best northern tall varieties

Most often in the gardens of the Moscow region and other regions of central Russia you can see blueberries:

  • Bluecrop. This variety of medium fruiting period attracts gardeners primarily for its drought resistance, frost resistance and productivity. In addition, it is distinguished by immunity to diseases. It is the Bluecrop blueberry variety that is the reference when creating any others.
  • Elizabeth. The berries of this variety ripen rather late, but they differ in simply wonderful taste. It is Elizabeth's blueberries that are usually recommended to summer residents for growing on their plots as a dessert.
  • Patriot. This variety is good primarily for its high yield. Blueberry Patriot is tall and can produce up to 9 kg of fruit in one year.
blueberry patriot
blueberry patriot

For the Urals and Siberia, such varieties of this culture as Taiga Beauty, Canadian Nectar and Divnaya are excellent. All these varieties are characterized by increased resistance to cold. Not bad for the northern regions of Russia, the Blueberry variety is also suitable.

How to choose a seat

In the wild, blueberries are known to grow in swampy and rather shady areas. However, garden varieties of this plant do not like the close occurrence of groundwater and the lack of light. A plot for blueberries should be chosen quite dry. Undergroundwater in the place where this crop is grown should not come closer to the surface than 0.5 meters. This applies to most varieties. In a waterlogged area, blueberries Patriot, Bluecrop, Divnaya and others will not feel well and may even die.

In the absence of sufficient lighting, blueberries stop fruiting. Therefore, it should be planted away from garden trees, solid fences and even berry bushes.

Where to get seedlings

You can buy a young blueberry bush for giving in a nursery or grow it yourself from seeds or cuttings. However, most often, seedlings of this cultivated plant are still purchased from farmers. The fact is that getting blueberry bushes from seeds or cuttings on your own is quite difficult.

blueberry garden planting
blueberry garden planting

How to grow blueberries: planting dates

You can transfer the seedlings of this culture to a permanent place both in autumn and in spring. The latter option is considered more preferable. The fact is that the root system of this plant develops rather slowly. And this means that by winter, blueberries may simply not gain sufficient strength. As a result, the plant will most likely freeze by spring.

What should the soil be like

Blueberries are one of the few garden plants that prefer acidic soil (pH 3.5 to 5). On ordinary loam, this culture does not take root. The best solution would be to prepare a mixture for this plant with the following composition:

  • 1 piece high peat;
  • 1 partconiferous leaf litter;
  • a little crushed pine bark.
fertilizer for blueberries
fertilizer for blueberries

What you should know

When wondering how to grow blueberries in the country, one important advice from experienced gardeners should be taken into account. No organic fertilizers should be used when planting blueberries. The same goes for ash. If this rule is neglected, seedlings may simply not take root. It is completely useless to use organic matter on acidic soils. In addition, it, like ash, leaches the soil.


Plant blueberries on the site in pre-dug trenches or pits. In order to subsequently not mix garden alkaline soil with an acidic substrate prepared specifically for this plant, the walls of the latter are often lined with moisture-permeable geotextiles. Of course, in this case, the pits and trenches must be of sufficient width. Sometimes blueberries are planted even simply in large tubs. The distance between the pits should not be less than 1.5 m.

The blueberry bush itself should be soaked in water for about 10 minutes before planting. Can be used for soaking and rooting agent solution.

Garden blueberries: planting on the site

After the pits for this crop are ready, you need to pour the prepared soil mixture on their bottom with a layer of about 20 cm. All the earth should be removed from the roots of the seedling. You can simply wash it off with warm water. It is impossible to plant blueberries together with an earthen clod, since this plant cannotstraighten the roots yourself.

blueberry bush
blueberry bush

You need to install the seedling in the pit straight and exactly in the middle. Garden blueberries, which should be planted quickly, will be better accepted if their roots are neatly straightened. You need to fill the bush carefully, trying not to damage anything. After planting, the root collar should remain on the surface.

The trunk circle of the plant should be immediately mulched with peat or coniferous leaf litter. Planted blueberries are watered with water with citric acid diluted in it in an amount of 2 tsp per bucket at the rate of 5-7 liters per bush.

Plant care: basic activities

The blueberries planted on the site will later have to:

  • water;
  • weed;
  • fertilize.

Also, the owners of the cottage will need to constantly monitor the level of soil acidity. In order to prevent a decrease in fruiting or even death of plants due to alkalization, it is imperative to purchase a soil acidity test kit from a specialized store.

blueberry bluecrop variety
blueberry bluecrop variety

How to water plants

It is impossible to overdry, as well as strongly overmoisten, blueberries. In the first year after planting, this plant is usually watered once every two to three days (5-7 liters per bush). If the moistening procedure is carried out less often, the peat soil will harden very quickly, and the plant will not be able to put new roots into it.

In subsequent years, blueberries can be watered once or twice a week. AtIn this case, slightly acidified (for example, with 9% vinegar) settled warm water should be used. Watering should be done from a hose with a sprayer. Otherwise, the soil under the plants may overcompact. After each watering, the near-stem circle of blueberries should be loosened.

How to feed

Fertilizer for blueberries should be chosen correctly. They begin to feed her from the second year after planting. Fertilizers need to be applied to the soil twice a season. Crops grown on acidic peat soils are usually deficient in macronutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and magnesium. To make up for the deficiency of these substances, it is worth using complex fertilizers. This can be, for example, "Kemira wagon", compositions intended for conifers, double superphosphate, etc.

Ash for plant nutrition during cultivation, as well as during planting, should not be used categorically. Never use organic blueberry fertilizer.

Blue Ray
Blue Ray

How to determine which macronutrients plants lack

Choose fertilizers for blueberries should be based on what nutrients are lacking in the soil. The lack of certain macronutrients greatly affects, first of all, the appearance of plants. So, if blueberry leaves began to turn yellow and the formation of new shoots slowed down, it means that it lacks nitrogen. Necrotic spots indicate a lack of potassium. Plants with reddened leaf blades should be fed with a product containing more magnesium, and with blue ones -boron.
