Daria grapes: variety description (photo)

Daria grapes: variety description (photo)
Daria grapes: variety description (photo)

Daria grapes are a hybrid form of culture, which is distinguished by early ripening of bunches and a pleasant nutmeg taste. But in order to achieve stability of fruiting, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of this variety. This will help you avoid critical care mistakes and not be disappointed in the end result.

Description and photo of Daria grapes

The hybrid is distinguished by vigorous bushes
The hybrid is distinguished by vigorous bushes

This species was obtained by crossing the specific qualities of the hybrid Kesha and the universal variety Druzhba. This selection work was carried out by V. N. Krainov. The main purpose of crossing these species was to develop a hybrid that is resistant to the main diseases of the culture, such as oidium and mildew. And the end result of the selection fully met the expectations.

Daria grapes are characterized by vigorous bushes up to 2.5 m. The vine ripens well during the season. The leaves of the hybrid are five-lobed with slits and characteristic teeth along the edge. They have a rich green tint.

Grapes are characterized by a stable ovary
Grapes are characterized by a stable ovary

According to the description, Daria grapes (photo above) have bisexual flowers, which guarantees a stable fruit set regardless of weather conditions. The fruiting of the bush occurs 2-3 years after planting the seedling in a permanent place. Since Daria is an early ripening species, this species is suitable for growing not only in the southern, but also in the central, as well as in the northern regions with mandatory shelter for the winter.

Bunches of grapes "Daria"
Bunches of grapes "Daria"

The hybrid has heart-shaped clusters. Berries by the time of technical maturity acquire an amber hue. Fruits are oval, medium size. The skin is thick and edible. The pulp is juicy with 2-3 seeds. The taste of the fruit is unobtrusively nutmeg.

Bunches of Daria grapes have a dense or medium loose structure. Their weight is 700-900 g. The hybrid is resistant to peas and is characterized by high commercial qualities.


The hybrid tolerates transportation well
The hybrid tolerates transportation well

According to the description, the Daria grape variety (photo above) has an early ripening period, so the harvest can be carried out in the first half of August. Later ripening of the bunches indicates an overload of the bush.

Due to the dense skin of the fruit, the hybrid has a long shelf life - 1 month. Grapes of this type are versatile, so they can be used for fresh consumption and for processing.

According to the description, Daria grapes have the following qualities:

  • sugar accumulation -21-24%;
  • acidity - 5 g/l;
  • tasting taste score - 8-9 points;
  • frost resistance -23 degrees;
  • mass of berries - 12-14 g;
  • average bunch weight - 700-900g;
  • ripening time - 105-115 days;
  • number of fruitful shoots 65-85%;
  • resistance to diseases - at the level of 3 points.

When growing this type of crop, it is recommended to use an average pruning of the vine for 6-8 eyes. The total load on the bush should be within 30-35 eyes, since ignoring this rule leads to a slowdown in fruit ripening and a decrease in the marketable yield of berries.

Fit features

The hybrid is not demanding on the composition of the soil, but does not tolerate stagnant moisture and drying out of the root. Daria gives maximum performance when grown on sandy and loamy soils.

The place for planting a seedling should be chosen open, sunny, so the southern, western and southwestern sides of the site are ideal. When planting, the distance between seedlings should be 1-1, 5 m in a row and 5-6 m to the nearest trees.

Vine planting can be done in spring or autumn in this order.

  1. Dig a hole 50 cm deep and 40 cm wide.
  2. Lay broken brick or crushed stone 10 cm high at the bottom.
  3. Pour a layer of earth on top and make a small mound in the center.
  4. Dip the roots of the seedling into a mash, consisting of 1 part of clay and 2 parts of humus.
  5. Place the plant in the center on a hill, straighten the roots.
  6. The root collar should be placed 5 cm above the soil surface.
  7. A wooden support must be placed next to the seedling.
  8. Sprinkle the hole with earth, gently shaking the stalk to fill all the voids.
  9. Tamp the soil at the base.
  10. Water the plant, pouring 20-30 liters of water under the root.
  11. Cut the shoots into 2 buds.
  12. The next day after planting, loosen the soil around the seedling and mulch with humus or peat.

The life potential of a grape bush is 20 years, so you need to immediately place the plant correctly on your site. The stability of the harvest and the quality of the bunches directly depend on this.

Further care

In the future, it is recommended to follow simple recommendations for care.

As the seedling grows, it is necessary to use a support, and then wooden trellises, which will reduce the likelihood of damage to the vine by redistributing the load of the bush.

In the absence of seasonal precipitation, it is recommended to regularly water the seedling. During the period of pouring berries (2 weeks before harvest), irrigation should be stopped to prevent cracking of the fruit. If necessary, it is better to use drip irrigation between rows.

Mineral fertilizers increase yields
Mineral fertilizers increase yields

Three feedings are recommended throughout the season:

  • during the active growing season - nitrogen fertilizers;
  • before flowering - phosphorus-potassium and organic fertilizers;
  • during the period of fruit formation - phosphorus-potash fertilizers.

A few days before flowering, experts recommend pinching young shoots, which contributes to the formation of large clusters. Ripe fruits should be left on the plant for several days, which will enrich their taste.

In the central and northern regions, grapes must be covered for the winter. To do this, you need to remove the vine and lay it on the ground. Insulate the root by pouring an additional layer of soil 10 cm thick and compact. The land for this should be taken at a distance of at least 1.5-2 m from the bush, so as not to inadvertently expose the roots.

To cover the shoots, you should use agrofibre, spruce branches or burlap, that is, only those materials that are able to breathe, otherwise the shoots may sweat out.

Covering the plants is necessary when the air temperature is consistently below 0, as these shelters attract field mice. Rodents eat the bark at the base of the bush, which subsequently leads to the death of the plant.

Diseases and pests

Daria grapes are resistant to diseases
Daria grapes are resistant to diseases

Daria grapes are highly resistant to gray rot, high - to mildew and medium - to oidium. Therefore, to get a good harvest, it is enough to carry out no more than 2-3 treatments with fungicides throughout the season.

Preventive treatment of the vine is applied
Preventive treatment of the vine is applied

According to gardeners, this hybrid is not damaged by wasps. In addition, Daria grapes have high immunity to common pests.crops such as spider mites, leafworms, phylloxera.

Variety Benefits

This hybrid has a number of advantages, among which are the following:

  • early ripening period, which allows growing Daria grapes in regions with a harsh climate;
  • stable set and fruiting;
  • pleasant nutmeg taste;
  • undemanding to the care and composition of the soil;
  • long shelf life of fruits (1 month);
  • good transportability;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • high life potential bush;
  • large bunch size;
  • well propagated by cuttings;
  • fast growth, good vine maturation;
  • high level of frost resistance.


According to experts, the following qualities can be attributed to the minuses of the variety:

  • freezing bush in the central and northern regions in the absence of shelter in the winter;
  • decrease in fruit quality due to excessive bush load.


According to gardeners, the hybrid form of Daria grapes managed to incorporate the best qualities of its ancestors. As a result, this species is distinguished not only by the beautiful appearance and taste of clusters, but also has an increased resistance to common diseases and pests. These qualities of the crop allow you to achieve good and stable yields with minimal plant care.

But you can also find unflattering reviews about Daria grapes. In most cases they concernwater content of berries under the condition of a rainy summer. But, according to the gardeners themselves, this problem can be solved by leaving the ripe bunches on the bush for 7-10 days.

From everything it becomes clear that the Daria grape is a worthy type of culture that is worth paying attention to.
