Dixon grapes: variety description with photo

Dixon grapes: variety description with photo
Dixon grapes: variety description with photo

Dixon grapes are one of the most popular crops among summer residents. The variety was entered into the state register several years ago and is considered a table form. The grapes were bred by the Ukrainian breeder A. V. Burdak by crossing the varieties Anzhelika and Atlant. Grapes Dixon refers to mid-season forms. It ripens in early September. And this is not all the features of the variety.

Dixon berry sizes
Dixon berry sizes


The hybrid is vigorous, capable of growing up to three meters in a year. Leaves are medium sized, deep green.

Dixon grapes give large brushes, weighing up to 1.5 kg. The berries are large, finger-shaped. Most have a pink color with a yellowish nose. The weight of each berry is about 20 g. The pulp is dense, crispy, with a high juice content. The taste is harmonious, light fruity notes are felt. Grapes accumulate sugar well, which is why other varieties are damaged by wasps.

According to the description, Dixon grapes have high cold resistance. He is not afraid of frost up to -23degrees. When grown in the southern regions, the plant is not covered for the winter, but in central and northern Russia it is recommended to cover the plant.

Dixon grapes belong to varieties with high resistance to most diseases. However, there are situations when bushes are affected by fungal diseases - this happens during the rainy season.

With proper care, from 20 kilograms of berries ripen on one bush.

Grape variety Dikson
Grape variety Dikson


Dixon grape variety can be propagated by layering, seedlings, grafting, seeds. If there is at least one bush of a variety, then it is quite possible to propagate it by layering. To do this, choose an adult branch of the vine, bend it to the ground, make a small incision in the bark on the lower part. The branch is sprinkled with earth. After about three months, the new plant is separated from the mother bush and transferred to a permanent place. In the future, the new bush will grow as a full-fledged seedling. This propagation method is recommended to be used in the spring so that the new plant has time to develop a good root system and to take root in the new location after transplanting.

Another method is to graft the cuttings to the rootstock. The method is suitable for those summer residents who have adult plants in their plots that need to be removed. To obtain a new plant, it is necessary to cut the bush so that a cutting 10-15 cm high remains. It is necessary to make a vertical split in it. Dixon's cutting is placed in it. The junction is tied with garden tape. The advantage of this method is the rapid growthshrub, as development occurs on a powerful maternal root. The only drawback of this method is the inability to get a pure variety.

Vineyard reproduction
Vineyard reproduction

Seed propagation

Seed propagation is a complex and lengthy process. Sow seeds in warm soil. After growing up, the bushes must be transplanted. The main drawback of the technique is that the first harvest is harvested only after 4-5 years.

The most popular propagation method is planting a seedling. It is planted in autumn or spring.

For grapes choose a sunny place without drafts, away from plantings that can create shade. Before planting a seedling, a hole is prepared, at least 70 cm deep. A mixture of humus and earth is poured into the bottom. Then a seedling is placed at the bottom of the hole and sprinkled with soil. The plant is watered. To retain moisture, it is recommended to mulch the ground around the grapes.

Dignity of the variety

According to the description, the Dikson grape variety has the following advantages:

  • cuttings root easily;
  • shoots ripen quickly;
  • variety gives a stable, high yield;
  • variety resistant to various diseases;
  • high frost resistance.

This strain is easy to care for.

Grape variety Dikson
Grape variety Dikson

How to take care of the vine

To get Dixon grapes like in the photo, you need to properly care for them. To obtain a tasty, large harvest, at least three vegetation irrigations should be carried out. The first time it is recommended to water the bushafter the release of frost. The second watering is carried out at the end of May, and the third - after fruit set. It is not recommended to water the plant in the last two weeks before harvesting. Water-charging irrigation is carried out before the cold weather.

For irrigation, settled water is used, with a temperature of at least 15 degrees. After watering, it is recommended to loosen the earth.

In order for the grapes to receive all the nutrients they need, it is necessary to remove weeds under them and apply fertilizers.

Bushes are covered for the winter in the central and northern regions. To do this, the grapes are removed from the support, carefully laid on the ground and covered with straw or covering material, spruce branches.

Growing grapes
Growing grapes

Feeding grapes

Feed the plant three times a year. The first time fertilizers are applied immediately after the foliage blooms, the second time - before flowering, and the third - after reaching pea-sized berries. For all top dressing, mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, as well as organic matter are used.

Bird droppings should be taken with care. In its composition there are components contained in a high concentration compared to other types of organic matter. High concentrations of nitrogen negatively affect the growth of the vine.

To prepare a solution for watering grapes, take one part of bird droppings and dilute with four parts of water. The composition is insisted for a week. Before use, the product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5.

Growing grapes
Growing grapes

Fertilizer forDixon

In the description of the Dixon grape variety, the photo of which is presented in the article, it is said that this plant needs proper feeding.

In the spring, when the average daily temperature reaches +16 degrees, it is recommended to add 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of s altpeter and 5 g of potassium s alt. This composition helps plants recover after winter. The bush will require 10 liters of liquid mineral fertilizer. You can carry out the first feeding with any complex fertilizer prepared strictly according to the instructions.

To stimulate flowering, a second top dressing is carried out. It is best for her to use organic fertilizer with the addition of boric acid to the composition. A solution of mullein has a good effect on the plant. It is prepared like this: two kilograms of manure is diluted in five liters of water and insisted for a week. Then the finished mixture is brought to a volume of 12 liters. This number is calculated per square meter of landings.

Don't use bird droppings for second feeding.

The third feeding is carried out with the addition of nitrogen. It affects the size of the berries and the amount of harvest. The following composition has proven itself well: 10 g of potassium magnesia and 20 g of ammonium nitrate are diluted in 10 liters of water. The composition is watered plants under the root.

To prepare the vine for wintering, it is recommended to feed the bush. This method helps stock up on nutrients for the coming season.

The last top dressing can be done with mineral fertilizers or organic matter. In the first case, a composition is prepared from 10 g of potassium, 20 g of superphosphate, 1 g of potassium iodine,boric acid, 2 g of manganese and zinc. All components are diluted in 10 liters of water.

For the preparation of organic fertilizer, dry rotted manure is used at the rate of 2 kg per square meter. You can use a solution of bird droppings, at the rate of 1 kg / l of water. Then a liter of the solution is diluted in 10 liters of water and applied to 1 sq. m at the root. After watering with fertilizer, an ash solution is applied under the bushes at the rate of 300 g per 10 liters of water.

An important step in growing grapes is pruning. Properly pruned vines can produce large berries with great flavor.

grape harvest
grape harvest

Reviews about the variety of gardeners and summer residents

According to numerous reviews, Dixon grapes are a unique crop that can grow quickly, gives a stable harvest in any weather conditions.

Growers say that the color of the berries can vary, and, as some growers suggest, it depends on the composition of the soil, the amount of sun that hits the brushes.

You can learn more about the Dixon variety from the video.


The choice of summer residents of grapes of this variety is not accidental. It has high yield and stability, and is easy to care for. If you follow simple rules of care, you can get huge brushes and a big harvest.
