Scheme of the apartment: planning examples

Scheme of the apartment: planning examples
Scheme of the apartment: planning examples

Drawing up an apartment layout plan is an integral part of the work on the design project of a residential building. Before starting to make repairs, it is imperative to draw up this plan in order to know where sockets, switches will be located, where furniture and household appliances will subsequently be placed. This step is especially important when buying an apartment in a newly built building. The scheme of the apartment (no matter how many rooms it has) allows the owners to clearly plan the required amount of building materials such as wires, pipes to the bathroom, sockets, and so on. Read more about layout options below.

What is the scheme

The plan, or scheme of the apartment, is one of the most important documents drawn up by the owner or contractor. It can be:

  • transfer electrical wiring to a horizontal surface (i.e. paper);
  • projection of the arrangement of furniture on the territory of the apartment.
apartment plan
apartment plan

In both cases, it turns out, as it were, a top view of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe living space. With this plan, you candetermine a place, for example, for a desk (taking into account that sunlight falls from the left side or in front, for left-handers - from the right). The preparation of this document must correspond to the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment, therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe the scale. It is recommended to adhere to the ratio of 1:20. This scale is suitable for almost any apartment.

When drawing household items (furniture, appliances), it is imperative to take into account their actual size. This data must also be transferred to the document with a scale of 1:20. For a sample, you can look at the apartment layout plans. Sometimes, if ideas do not come to mind how to arrange the wiring and furniture, it is better to use a ready-made option or contact a contractor (designer). It plays into the hands of the owner, who decided to independently draw up a layout plan, that you can easily find a similar or even identical layout of the living space and simply use the ready-made solution.

Carrying out the necessary measurements

Before planning where to put household items, you need to make the appropriate measurements. To do this, you can use a rangefinder. This device will measure the exact distance (for example, from one wall to another). This option will save you a lot of time and effort.

scheme of a one-room apartment
scheme of a one-room apartment

There is only one clarification. Let's say it's not difficult to measure a room in this way, but what about utility rooms and storerooms or rooms with a lot of corners and vertical pipes? Here the usual will come to the rescueroulette. It will also work well for measuring the thickness of walls and the width of door or window openings.

All data, in order to avoid their loss, should be immediately transferred to paper, on which the apartment diagram with all the specifications will then be built. Although you can use the appropriate computer programs to build a floor plan.

Programs for drawing diagrams online

Technologies are stepping forward, and a person can already make the drawings he needs through various programs. You don't even have to download this software - just follow the link, enter the necessary data, and then the program will arrange everything by itself.

schemes of apartments in panel houses
schemes of apartments in panel houses

Today there are an impressive number of online planners. MyFloorplanner is one of them. With its help, even the most ignorant person will cope with the desired task. Standard library kits have the necessary tools to quickly draw walls and surfaces. You can even add lighting there. Household items can also be arranged very quickly and see how it all will look. The help of such a program will make life much easier for anyone who buys a new home and is thinking about drawing up a layout plan.

If you wish, by the way, before drawing up your plan, you can look for other people's apartment schemes, photos of rooms or drawings. Several schemes are presented in this article. Ready-made plans will help you orient yourself in thinking about the arrangement of furniture and household appliances.

Programs for drawing diagramsoffline

Instead of using an online service, you can simply buy an installation disc with programs like CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator. Their help is also invaluable. Of course, many people have little difficulty in working with these programs, but over time, you can learn how to build circuits in them.

scheme of a two-room apartment
scheme of a two-room apartment

In the case when the user is fluent in the computer, he can use a very good engineering program AutoCAD. This professional software is indispensable for an advanced user. This program is recognized as the best in its field.

An easier option is software from the MSOffice package (the name of the MSVisio program). Even for the average user, this tool will be ideal. The simplicity of building a plan conquers any person.

Plan for conducting electricity in the apartment

Electricity is carried out to the dwelling in the first place, before finishing and even more so when furniture is delivered. Drawing up a wiring plan comes in two versions - typical and individual.

The first option is as follows: the organization providing this type of service draws up a wiring plan on its own, and the customer then adapts to their solution. This is a more inexpensive way, so it is still in demand by quite an impressive number of people. An individual option will cost the owner of the premises more. Where to place switches and sockets, he can decide for himself, and then provide his solution to the organization.

Electrical diagrams of apartments in panelhouses are usually enclosed within the frame of the building. This is the fundamental difference from a brick house, in which electrical panels are installed on the walls themselves.

Wiring diagram: what to do with it?

This type of plan is used directly to represent the location of electrical networks in a residential area. The wiring diagram of the apartment acts simply as a drawing of the necessary installations. It is included in the list of mandatory documentation, as is the definition of a plan with the placement of furniture and household appliances. It is according to this plan that communications (that is, electricity) will be carried out, and the sockets and switches themselves will be installed directly.

Before creating a wiring diagram, you need to refer to its predecessor - the circuit diagram. It, in turn, shows how electrical networks will operate, that is, the logic of the devices. The existence of one type of schema without the other is impossible. This should be taken into account when developing a power grid plan.

Plan-scheme: what is it?

In essence, an apartment plan is a combination of a wiring diagram and a plan for arranging household items. In addition, changes can be made to the partitions here, or, conversely, to remove part or all of the entire wall. In other words, this is a ready-made document for the start of all construction and finishing work in a residential area.

apartment schemes photo
apartment schemes photo

Only when all changes and rearrangements have already been completed in the plan, the document is a direct indication of action. If preparations are still in progress,repair is not recommended.

Scheme of an apartment with one room

When developing a plan for a one-room apartment, the need for zoning of living space should be taken into account. It is very problematic, having only one room, to plan a bed, a reception area, and so on. In this case, partitions can be useful. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room allows, it will be enough to partially block the space. Another option is to simply highlight the appropriate areas with decoration: various wallpapers, flooring, decor items.

Saving space plays a huge role when drawing up a one-room apartment layout. Especially this problem worries the residents of the Russian Federation and the CIS. On the territory of the former Soviet republics, housing with such a layout prevails: a tiny kitchen and an irregularly shaped room - usually narrow and long with a single small window. Proper placement of furniture can slightly improve this situation, you just need to approach the problem wisely.

wiring diagram of the apartment
wiring diagram of the apartment

The scheme of a one-room apartment should be aimed at visually increasing free space and functionality. When drawing up such a plan, one should not forget about the necessary compactness of all decorative elements. If it is possible to use bunk furniture, then this will help save space significantly.

You can turn your attention to the free layout, that is, turn the delimited rooms into a studio (the bathroom, of course, remains separate). This method has a lotpluses, which include free space and a feeling of spaciousness. But there are also disadvantages, they are especially clearly visible during cooking. If something goes wrong in the kitchen and the food is burnt, there is no escape from the smell.

Two-room apartment: diagram

It often happens that even in an apartment with two rooms there is nowhere to turn around. Before changing the layout (for example, breaking walls or demolishing unnecessary ledges), you must coordinate your desires with the BTI. After issuing a permit, you can begin to make your dream come true.

floor plan of the apartment
floor plan of the apartment

The scheme of a two-room apartment can be adjacent and separate. The first option is access to one of the rooms exclusively from another room. This layout is already moving away from the number of building solutions due to its irrationality. Separate layout is recognized as more convenient.

The main criterion for functional housing is a large kitchen area. In addition, the presence of utility rooms (dressing room, pantry) can also significantly affect the success of the layout.

Three-room apartment and its scheme

Even the smallest apartment with three rooms can successfully replace an impressive two-room apartment. The only problem is that old-style living quarters in the Russian Federation have a very small kitchen. For this reason, it is recommended to combine one of the rooms with the dining room. The scheme of a 3-room apartment in this case will undergo very useful changes.

diagram of a 3 room apartment
diagram of a 3 room apartment

On the territory of such a living space, almost any design solution can be implemented. Most often in such apartments there is a pantry, which is good news.

If the owner's family consists of two people, then you can equip the rooms as follows: make a bedroom in one, a living room in the other, and an office in the third. If there are children, then the plan remains the same with one exception: a children's room is made instead of an office. In large rooms, you can give free rein to your imagination.

In conclusion

Modern new buildings have stepped far ahead in the planning of buildings in general and apartments in particular. But sometimes you still have to make changes to the floor plan. Only in this case you need to know which of the walls are load-bearing, otherwise you can simply destroy the building.

diagram of a 3 room apartment
diagram of a 3 room apartment

The scheme of the apartment should still be created, if not by the owner, then with his direct participation. After all, he was the one to live there. And the arrangement of furniture and household appliances depends on the location of the same electrical networks. Therefore, owners are advised not to let everything take its course, but to regularly ask what the workers are planning to do, and control the processes of communication and finishing.
