Choose the size of the garage in accordance with the desire and / or opportunity

Choose the size of the garage in accordance with the desire and / or opportunity
Choose the size of the garage in accordance with the desire and / or opportunity

On the question of the size of the garage, almost every motorist is like the hero of the famous tale: "Doctor, give me a pill for greed and more." The dream of having a “bigger” garage is quite understandable, because, as worldly experience shows, for a man a garage is not just a “bedroom for a car”. This is a workshop, and a warehouse, and a communication club, and what to hide - a place of gatherings for three. Therefore, thoughts are overcome, what size garage would be appropriate for such a multifunctional purpose?

Garage size
Garage size

Of course, if a car shelter is planned to be built in the cooperative sector, the dream flight will have to be limited to standard norms. As you know, the standard size of the garage is the minimum in all respects: no amenities, no comfort, no men's club. When calculating such a garage, only the size of the car and the half-meter protective zone around it, determined by the distance to the walls, are taken into account. Thus, the minimum allowable garage dimensions are obtained, as a rule, it is installed in building cooperatives3x6x2, 2 m. You can use such a room to store a car, but the garage does not have any additional functions, and you will have to drive into it with caution: so as not to scratch the sides of the car.

What is the size of the garage
What is the size of the garage

If you think at least about the minimum comfort, then the size of the garage should be 4x7x3m. Then it will be possible to move more or less freely in it, without driving the car out of the gate, and decompose the minimum set of tools.

The size of the garage, which is being built far from the watchful eye of the cooperative government, can meet any dream of the owner and is limited only by the size of the site and financial capabilities. The happy owner of such car storage is only concerned with making sure that these opportunities coincide with his desires.

By increasing the size of the garage, you can always entrust it with the functions of other utility rooms: store garden tools and old trash (you don’t raise your hand to throw it away), arrange a real workshop with a workbench and shelving, a pantry for storing conservation. You can also organize a comfortable seating area: a TV, a sofa and the same table for three, most importantly, do not forget to leave a place for the car.

Garage for two cars, dimensions
Garage for two cars, dimensions

Or two if you need a two car garage. In this case, the dimensions will have to be increased by one more place for a car. It is difficult to name the exact dimensions of such a structure, they really depend on the desire of the owner: either to stuff the garage with all sorts of functions, or to limit it to storing a couple ofcars, and engage in service at the service station. In the latter case, the size of the garage should provide space for two cars, and even free movement around the car of the owner with the largest build.

Any garage must be properly designed from the outset, providing in advance free access to any functional area and not forgetting to look into the distant future. What if, in a few years, instead of the current modest Lada, a jeep of the appropriate size will burst into it? Don't overhaul the garage?
