Any pipeline located outside the premises requires insulation. The exceptions are highways that are laid below the freezing depth. Thermal insulation is also required for a pipe located in an unheated room. Insulation allows you to increase the functionality of communication lines and extend their service life. The use of high-quality insulation for pipes allows you to reliably protect them from freezing, reduce heat loss from heating systems and eliminate the formation of condensate.

Why is pipe insulation necessary?
Properly executed thermal insulation allows:
- Reduce unnecessary and unplanned heat loss in heating pipes.
- Minimize the possibility of condensation on the surface of the pipes and inside the insulator.
- Provide a certain temperature on top of the insulator.
- Increase the service life of pipes by slowing down the formation of rust.
- Protect polypropylene and metal-plastic pipes and pipes from mechanical damage.
- Insulation for outdoor heating pipes retains heat and prevents them from freezing in winter.

How to choose the right material?
As a rule, the choice is based on the following criteria:
- pipe diameter;
- thermal insulation price;
- under what conditions will operation take place;
- pipeline length;
- performance requirements.

What insulation is used for pipes?
The choice of material for thermal insulation depends, as a rule, on the purpose of the line, pipe diameter and operating conditions. The insulation material must have:
- increased heat saving;
- low thermal conductivity;
- flame retardant;
- resistance to external negative influences;
- ease of installation - for those who wish to conduct insulation on their own, this is an important feature;
- water resistant;
- durability.
For proper heating in the house, it is necessary not only to purchase pipes and other elements, but also to take care of ensuring their functionality. So, in order for communications not to unfreeze under the influence of low temperatures, it is necessary to buy high-quality insulation for heating pipes in advance. Today, the variety of materials for thermal insulation is huge, but before making the final choice, you should familiarize yourself with theirquality characteristics.
Most often, thermal insulation for a pipe is made of the following materials:
- Polyethylene foam (polyethylene foam).
- Foamed rubber.
- Polyurethane foam.
- Mineral wool.

Thermal insulation in the form of bas alt cylinders is also available.
Polyethylene foam (polyethylene foam)
Currently, with a heating device, thermal insulation for a pipe made of polyethylene foam is quite widely used. In terms of quality / price - this is the best choice. Foamed polyethylene thermal insulation is produced in 2 main types:
- two-meter tubes;
- canvas.
Material may be coated with polyethylene, aluminum foil, etc.
PE foam thermal insulation for pipes has the following characteristics:
- Thermal conductivity coefficient (at 40 degrees C) - 0.043 W/mK.
- Steam diffusion resistance coefficient - > 3000.
- Temperature range (operating): -80 to +95 deg.
- Combustibility group - slow-burning materials (G1 and G2).
- Scope of application - heating, ventilation and sewer systems.
- Delivery - in the form of a tube.

This pipe insulation has the following dimensions: wall thickness is from 6mm to 30mm, diameter is 6mm to 160mm.
The price range is very large. The cost of pipe insulationChinese production is 5-7 times less than European, however, the quality is much inferior.
This foam pipe insulation is easy to install. You just need to cut off the necessary strip, wrap and secure with tape.
Foamed rubber
In terms of its performance characteristics, thermal insulation for a pipe made of synthetic foamed rubber is far superior to all other types. But its cost is higher. Therefore, this type of pipe insulation is most often used in the most critical engineering systems that require resistance to very low or high temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, fire, etc.
Main performance characteristics of this material:
- Thermal conductivity coefficient at 40 deg. is 0.038 W/mK.
- Temperature range (operating): -80 to +95 deg.
- Combustibility group of the material - Г1.
- Scope of application - air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
- Supplied as tube, diameter 6-160mm, material wall thickness 6-32mm.
- Material is UV resistant.
Liquid (spray and paint) insulators
These are relatively new materials in the construction industry. There are two main types of liquid insulators:
- Sprayed. They are applied to the surface by spraying, using special devices (for example, PPU).
- Painting. They are applied to the surface like regular paint with a roller or brush.

Both options have a significant advantage: insulators can be used where the use of roll types of insulation is impossible or difficult.
Polyurethane foam
Polyurethane foam semi-cylinders (PPU shell) are rigid insulation designed for pipe insulation. It is possible to cover with different types of waterproofing - glassine, foil, foil glassine FPGK, polyethylene film, etc. One of the main advantages of this type of insulation is ease of installation. For a working day, a team of 2 people will be able to cover 300 m.p. and more.
Material specifications:
- The thermal conductivity is - 0.035 W/mK.
- Temperature range (operating): -150 to +120 deg.
- Combustibility group of the material - Г3.
- Scope of polyurethane foam - heating system and hot water supply.
- Deliveries- half cylinders.
- Size for diameter 32-1020mm is: wall thickness - 40mm (or customized), length - 1-1.5m.
This material has rather high thermal characteristics. It is used, as a rule, on an industrial scale, since a special spraying installation is required to apply it to the pipe.
Penoizol is a multi-component liquid mixture applied by spraying. When the material solidifies, an airtight sheath is formed around the pipe, which practically does not transmit heat.

It should be said that such material cannot be called cheap.
Mineral and fiberglass wool
This is the most affordable material produced in rolls and plates.
It is best to use the roll type of insulation. The material is easy to install (you should wrap the pipe in several layers and fasten the structure with a knitting wire), as well as the possibility of using pipes of different diameters.
Thermal insulation for pipes in the open air with its help is carried out by winding and subsequent fastening with synthetic twine or stainless wire.
It is important to remember that this type of material must also be covered with a layer of waterproofing. On the street, this will save him from getting wet and losing properties, and indoors, it will save him from the presence of material microparticles in the air.
The thermal performance of this material is very good.
Heat insulation for heating pipes in the apartment
It goes without saying that there is no need to hide the batteries in the room. Sections of the heating network located in rooms where a comfortable temperature is maintained also do not require insulation.
Insulation should be used in those areas of heating that are laid in rooms where room temperature is not maintained (for example, in the basement).
Heat insulation for heating pipes outdoors and in the apartment is represented on the building materials market by both domestic and European and Russian manufacturers.
Choose what to insulate heating pipes, there is plenty. Primarilyconsider thermal performance, then ease of installation.
Only last, pay attention to the cost of insulation, because this is how it will be possible to evaluate the effectiveness of each ruble invested in insulation. Cheap but low-quality material may turn out to be unsuitable and of little function, and instead of the expected savings, it will only bring disappointment and related problems.