A system that provides pipe heating can be designed by the homeowner himself. It is important to start to figure out which heat source will be used. If it is gas, then it will be necessary to buy a gas boiler with automatic control, a protection system and pumping equipment. In the absence of a chimney, the boiler must have a combustion chamber and a coaxial pipe that will conduct air and rid the device of exhaust gases. The coaxial pipe can be led through the wall of the house, which will save on the construction of a chimney.
Select heat source
If it is assumed that the house will be heated by an electric boiler, then it is best to purchase automated equipment with a pump, a safety group and an expansion tank. Such a system can be equipped independently using polypropylene pipes. If a solid fuel boiler acts as a heat generator, then only specialists who have the appropriate experience can install it. Conductpolypropylene pipes to the boiler is possible, but a qualified approach will be required in the development of the piping scheme, since the temperature of the heated coolant at the outlet can be 100 degrees.

Scheme selection
If you decide to heat with pipes, you first need to develop a scheme, it may provide for different technologies for connecting pipes to batteries. The simplest is a single-pipe scheme, in which each next radiator from the boiler will have a lower temperature than the previous one. This approach saves material consumption, but the heat is distributed unevenly, so the one-pipe scheme cannot be called efficient, which is why consumers rarely prefer it.

Heating with pipes can also be done according to the collector scheme. In this case, the consumption of material will be greater, since the length of the pipe will increase, however, the regulation and operation of such a heating system will be simplified, the heat will be distributed fairly evenly. The best option for a private house is a two-pipe scheme, in which the elements are laid in the floor or walls of the building around the perimeter. If the system has an expansion built-in tank, then the pump and safety groups are not needed.
Expert advice
In such an important matter, it is imperative to carefully listen to the advice of experts.
When heating pipes are installed, between the security group and the boilerinstallation of shut-off and control valves is unacceptable.

Choice of diameter
When connecting polypropylene pipes with metal-plastic pipes, it must be taken into account that the diameter of polypropylene products corresponds to certain parameters of metal pipes. Thus, polypropylene Dn 25x4, 2 should be supplied to metal-plastic products, the dimensions of which are 20x2. If metal-plastic 16x20 is used, then polypropylene pipes Dn 20x3, 4 should be used. For metal pipes 26x3, Dn32x5, 4 should be used. batteries from the main pipeline with a two-pipe system should use polypropylene 20x3, 4.
Larger pipes and radiator valves larger than 1.2 inches are not practical. When heating a house with polypropylene pipes, you should not be guided by a statement that indicates a higher temperature in the house when using a larger pipe diameter and a thermostatic valve.

In order to ensure efficient operation of the system, the length of the supply pipeline from the boiler equipment to the last radiator should not be more than 25 meters. As for power, its maximum limit can be 12 kilowatts.
As practice shows, efficient and correct operation of the system, where it is supposed to use pipes 20x3, 4, is possible if 6 batteries are used, each of whichhas 10 sections. If you use a larger number of radiators, then the length of the connection pipe must be increased, this, in turn, may cause uneven heating of the batteries that are removed from the boiler.
Additional information on diameter selection
It is important to choose the right diameter of pipes for heating. If you connect more batteries or increase the length of the pipeline, you can use polypropylene products with a large cross section. Sometimes the conditions described are necessary. In this case, the cross section of the pipes can be 32x5, 4. Metal-plastic pipes 26x3 should be connected to such products. There is an alternative solution that involves connecting not one, but two heating circuits at once.

Which polypropylene pipes to choose
If you are deciding which pipe for heating a private house is most suitable, then pay attention to polypropylene products, which are the most modern among those offered on the market. For heating system communications, it is best to use reinforced thick-walled polypropylene products that can be used at temperatures of 80 degrees or more. In this case, the pipes are capable of undergoing a pressure of 6 atmospheres. It is important to remember that high pressure and temperature can reduce the life of products, so it is recommended to use polypropylene elements in systems whose operating pressure does not exceed 7 atmospheres.

On sale you can find pipes with internal and external reinforcement. The latter option is the most accessible, while reinforcement almost does not affect the strength characteristics, its purpose is to compensate for thermal linear expansion, which is inherent in the material. If you use pipes with an external reinforcing layer, then the installation process will be more laborious, since the master will have to clean the pipe from the existing layer to the length of contact with the connecting fitting. If you choose pipes for heating a house, then it is worth considering that the external reinforcement may be subject to mechanical stress.
Selection of combined products and pipes with internal reinforcement
The products with internal aluminum reinforcement are completely devoid of the above disadvantages. Their expansion when heated by 100 degrees is equivalent to 5 centimeters per 10 meters of pipe. Despite the fact that such pipes do not provide for the need for stripping, when connected, the edge will be subject to mandatory trimming. These works involve processing products with a special tool that makes the edge perpendicular to the outer surface.
Combined polypropylene products with polyethylene filling have more attractive thermal expansion characteristics. The core of the pipe consists of a layer of polyethylene, which is coated in the form of a polypropylene part. If you want to choose the best pipes for heating, then you should pay attention to those that have the best thermal expansion characteristics. Whereinexperts recommend preferring products with internal fiberglass reinforcement. The advantage is the proximity of the melting points of fiberglass and polypropylene. Thanks to this, additional manipulations of the connection with the fitting are not required. The fiberglass fuses with the layers of polypropylene, forming everything together into a monolith. But if you decide to choose such pipes, then you should be prepared for a rather impressive cost.

Metal-plastic choice
Before you purchase pipes for heating a private house, you can consider metal-plastic, which is a universal solution. It effectively combines the characteristics of metal and plastic pipes. The products are based on an aluminum alloy coated with high density polyethylene. The outer layer is highly resistant to aggressive environments. Among the positive characteristics are high throughput, attractive appearance, low cost of installation work, flexibility, non-corrosion.
These elements can be connected to each other without the use of welding, they are distinguished by a long service life and excellent tear resistance. But such products also have certain disadvantages, which are expressed in the destruction of the surface under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. However, this process can be restored: at the impact site, protection should be put on as a corrugated pipe. Another disadvantage consumers consider a very limited choice of diameters.
Worth itwhether to purchase copper pipes
If you still cannot decide which heating pipes to choose, then you should consider copper pipes as an example, which were used from the end of the 17th century and are still in use today. This trend is not accidental, as this option is excellent for independent heating systems. For the manufacture of pipes, high-quality copper is used, which is almost devoid of impurities. As a result, it is possible to obtain elements that are highly corrosion resistant and durable.
On sale you can find models whose surface is covered with polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene. This measure can positively influence the reduction of heat loss when water passes through pipes. Among other things, such protection prevents the formation of condensate, improving the appearance of products. If necessary, copper pipes can be purchased in hard or soft form.