How to hide heating pipes in a private house: installation methods, tips, solutions, photos

How to hide heating pipes in a private house: installation methods, tips, solutions, photos
How to hide heating pipes in a private house: installation methods, tips, solutions, photos

When installing a heating system, pipes in a private house or apartment are stretched through all rooms. And of course, such designs do not add beauty to the interiors of the premises. There are several ways to mask heating pipes. And all of them are quite simple to implement.

What techniques can be used

So, let's see how to hide heating pipes in a private house or apartment on your own. You can hide highways in residential premises, for example, in the following ways:

  • lay them inside the walls, floor or ceiling;
  • close pipes with makeshift boxes;
  • hide designs under decorative purchasable items;
  • lay communications under false walls or plasterboard ceilings.

In some cases, pipes can simply be painted or even patterned or patterned.

Pipes under skirting
Pipes under skirting

Choose a way to mask highways depending on the features of the layout of the premises,the design of the heating system, the design of the premises, the financial possibilities of the owners of the house or apartment.

Laying communications in building structures: chasing

Mounting inside walls, floors or ceilings is a good answer to the question of how to hide heating pipes in a private house. This method is easiest to implement even at the stage of building construction. But if you wish, you can lay pipes inside walls or ceilings and already in the finished house.

It is allowed to stretch heating lines inside both panel and concrete or brick enclosing structures. This technology is also a good answer to the question of how to hide heating pipes in a private house made of aerated concrete.

In the stone walls, no matter what material they are built from, the mains are pulled in strobes. This is the name of the grooves made with the help of a grinder in concrete or brick. Work in preparation for the wiring of highways in this case will be as follows:

  • marking is carried out on a wall, concrete floor or ceiling using a level or level;
  • with the help of a grinder, cuts are made in the structures along the entire length of the highway;
  • a strobe is knocked out with a chisel or puncher.

Marking with this method of masking pipes is done in accordance with the width of the line plus a margin for its insulation. The depth of the grooved groove should be such that the pipes, together with the insulator, are sunk into it in relation to the plane of the wall, ceiling or floor.

Laying pipes in strobes

Highwaysbefore laying in hollowed-out grooves, they are wrapped in foil heat-insulating material. This will allow in the future to operate the heating system with maximum efficiency.

How to mask pipes
How to mask pipes

Further, the pipes are laid in a strobe and fastened in it using brackets. Then the groove with the highway is sealed with a concrete mixture. At the final stage, a fine finish of the wall, floor or ceiling is performed.

Which rules to follow

When chasing a wall with this method of disguise, places for fittings should be provided. In the future, those areas in which tees, couplings, corners, etc. are located, are not sealed with concrete, but simply covered with special decorative windows. The same elements are installed at the junctions of pipes inside the wall.

This masking technology can not be used for all types of heating mains. It is suitable, for example, for pipes:

  • copper;
  • steel;
  • XLPE.

Popular metal-plastic lines can be mounted inside the building envelope only if press fittings, not threaded ones, were used to connect them. Polypropylene pipes do not fit inside the walls.

Before you start sealing the strobe with pipes with concrete, the heating system must be checked for leaks. Repair of highways after laying in the building envelope, even with windows, is quite a deal.predicament.

In the event that the system has been installed in the house for a long time, before hiding it in the walls or floor, experts advise replacing old pipes with new ones. This is especially true for steel lines.

Pipes in a residential area
Pipes in a residential area

Laying inside wooden structures

The answer to the question of how to hide heating pipes in a private house if its walls are built using racks and boards is a rather simple technology. It is easy to stretch the highway and inside the wooden floors or interfloor ceilings. The only thing is that in this case, laying can be done only at the stage of building construction.

In the floor of the heating line, it is best to disguise them if the project plans their lower wiring. Radiators using this technology are mounted in a saddle way. That is, the pipes in the process of tie-in are attached to their lower nozzles.

When arranging the floor in this case, holes of such a diameter are made in the logs so that lines with a heat insulator can pass through them. Next, the heating system itself is mounted, and then the floor boards are already stuffed.

Approximately according to the same technology, pipes are pulled in shield walls, as well as in interfloor ceilings. In this case, holes are made in the frame posts and beams, respectively.

Where to hide heating pipes in a private house: purchased boxes

When using factory decorative designs, it is very easy to hide heating pipes. Suchelements are usually made of plastic and are installed using several fasteners, according to the instructions from the manufacturer.

When distributing lower lines for masking, a decorative box of a special design, made under the plinth, is often used. How to hide heating pipes in a private house under such a design? The answer to this question is not difficult. Skirting boards of this variety are mounted in the same way as conventional skirting boards. They differ from the latter only in size.

Using FCL

Ready-made decorative boxes are mounted very easily, but such designs are not cheap either. Therefore, many owners of country houses and apartments prefer to hide heating pipes under homemade plasterboard boxes.

Masking pipes in walls
Masking pipes in walls

In this case, the masking structure is mounted as follows:

  • gathering frame;
  • it is being plasterboarded.

The frame for the box can be made of timber or a special metal profile. In any case, its elements are attached to the walls using self-tapping screws. Drywall is pre-cut to the size of the box. Next, the sheets are attached to the frame also using self-tapping screws in increments of 25 cm.

How the pipes look under such a box can be seen below in the photo. How to hide heating pipes in a private house under drywall is thus understandable. But instead of plasterboard, you can use MDF or plywood for sheathing the box. The choice of material in this case depends oninterior design features. If desired, the plasterboard box can later be plastered or, for example, pasted over with wallpaper.

Plasterboard box
Plasterboard box

With your own hands to mask the heating mains, it will not be difficult to make a plastic structure. This material is also a good answer to the question of how to hide heating pipes in a private house. Plastic panels are inexpensive and are resistant to high humidity.

In this case, a metal profile frame is also pre-assembled. Further, it is simply sheathed with plastic panels cut accordingly.

How to hide heating pipes in a private house: disguise under false structures

This method is used if a large number of pipes have to be pulled through the room. The box in this case will most likely be inappropriate to use. False walls and ceilings are made of plasterboard. When using this technology, a frame made of timber or a metal profile is also pre-mounted on the base. Next is the laying of pipes. At the final stage, the walls or ceiling are sheathed with drywall.

The masking of highways is relatively inexpensive when using this method. Rooms with false walls and ceilings look very aesthetically pleasing. However, such designs have one rather serious drawback. They reduce the usable floor space.

Disguise in the bathroom and sauna

In these rooms, characterized by highhumidity, you can hide the heating lines:

  • under the plastic box;
  • using special blinds.

Drywall is also a good answer to the question of how to hide heating pipes in a private house in a bathroom or sauna. However, for sheathing the frame in this case, you must, of course, use special moisture-resistant GKL.

Disguising pipes in the bathroom
Disguising pipes in the bathroom

Pipe coloring

So, we figured out how to hide heating pipes in a private house under drywall, plastic or by chasing walls. But all these methods, despite the technological simplicity, are still quite laborious. They are suitable mainly for living rooms. In utility rooms, pipes are usually masked, however, simply by painting them to match the color of the walls. For processing highways in this way, it is supposed to use exclusively paintwork materials that are resistant to high temperature and humidity.

Plastic pipes are usually white in color and blend well with most other shades. Such designs, of course, are usually not painted. Use this method of masking only for steel lines. For painting such pipes of the heating system, for example, quick-drying alkyd or acrylic enamel can be used. The lines of the heating system are painted as follows:

  • pipes are cleaned of rust and loose old paint;
  • treat the surface of the highways with sandpaper and wipe with white spirit;
  • treat pipes with anti-corrosionprimer;
  • apply paint to the highway, if necessary, in two layers.

How to disguise radiators

How to hide heating pipes in a private house in the floor, walls or behind boxes, thus, is understandable. But masking such elements, the owners of suburban residential buildings usually additionally hide radiators. The radiators of the heating system can be closed, for example:

  • fabric screen;
  • plasterboard frames with decorative mesh;
  • wooden lattice structures.
Copper pipes under the box
Copper pipes under the box

Of course, heating radiators can be painted in order to better fit into the interior. When masking batteries, it is only important to try not to reduce their heat transfer.
