At the dacha or in your own home, the Stihl chainsaw can become a real helper. This company has established itself in the tool market from a good side. It produces high-quality, reliable and convenient equipment that allows you to make work easy and comfortable. To have such a tool in the household means to make your work more fruitful.

When building a house or outbuildings, the Stihl chainsaw will be needed to cut timber. Those who have a bathhouse, sauna or fireplace in their country house need it to prepare firewood. This is a universal tool for a real man, indispensable in any situation.
Chainsaw "Calm" has many modifications that differ in power, functionality and size. Chain saws are ideal for sawing firewood and trees in unsuitable conditions (e.g. on the ground). Small and light tools are useful when working on hills where there is noa good fulcrum (for example, cutting down trees). The Stihl chainsaw will easily cope with any problem. Reviews about these tools are the most positive, and there are a lot of fans of this brand.

If you follow the instructions exactly, which tells in detail about the precautions, how to start the chainsaw and how to work with it, then this tool will last more than one year.
Among the huge model range of this manufacturer, the Stihl MS 180 chainsaw can be noted. This is the most popular product, the bestseller, which was appreciated by professionals and amateurs around the world.
Compact size, light weight, high power and convenient design - these are all the advantages that the Stihl 180 chainsaw has. User reviews speak for themselves. The weight of this tool is 3.8 kilograms, which is quite a bit for a quality chainsaw. Its power is 1.5 kW.

A distinctive feature of this model is a reinforced tire, which has 4 rivets on the toe. This innovation makes it possible to work directly with the toe of the tire (make log cabins, etc.). Closest competitors do not have this advantage.
The design of this chainsaw is such that it allows you to freely and easily get to the filters and candles if they need to be replaced. The lid can be opened by hand by simply turning the latch.
Chainsaw "Calm" has an easy start, which is important in the work. All these features of the tool attractpotential buyers.
The main distinguishing feature that all Stihl saws have is the presence of two rings on the engine pistons. Professionals know how this factor extends engine life.
All Stihl chainsaws are equipped with an anti-vibration system, which is important. In addition, the tools are equipped with a compensator that provides constant engine power, single-lever control that leaves one hand free during operation, an economical chain lubrication system and a brake to stop it instantly. The last factor is essential for safety and accident prevention.
Stihl chainsaws are the best choice among construction tools.