Probably the most common and commonly used adhesive is water-based adhesive. It is used almost everywhere: they glue postal envelopes, leather products and various fabrics, label bottles and produce stickers, glue parquet boards and various types of plastic, drywall, laminate and much more.

General characteristics of water-based adhesive
The principle of operation of such glue is very simple: water evaporates naturally, thereby increasing the adhesion of the composition, due to this, the materials are securely connected. To glue the materials as tightly as possible, it is necessary that the evaporation of water occurs completely. To do this, after the glue is applied to the surface, it must be left for a while. The time varies from a few seconds to several minutes and will depend on the chemical composition of the adhesive.

Sometimes a water-based adhesive requires tight adhesion, as it does not initially have a highadhesion and is used to bond waterproof and high temperature joints that do not require high strength. Such an adhesive composition is highly environmentally friendly, since it does not contain various chemicals, for example, a solvent. But this can also be considered a disadvantage, because it will take quite a long time to dry and achieve high adhesion.
Like any other substance, the described adhesive has its advantages and disadvantages and, despite this, is quite popular. There are many different options on the market today, among which you can choose the most suitable water-based acrylic adhesive. Such a composition has certain features. Water-based acrylic adhesives are based on synthetic fiber.
Types of adhesive
Water-based glue comes in several varieties:
Polyvinyl acetate (PVA)
Considered the most common. This is a white suspension with crushed polyvinyl acetate in the composition. That's why it's called glue. It also contains water, but its content here is small - only 5%. PVA glues porous materials well: wood and materials based on it, drywall, polystyrene, etc. The manufacturer promises frost resistance up to 4 cycles. The glue does not release harmful substances into the environment, is not explosive and is quite easy to use. PVA is divided into construction and universal.
This adhesive has an elastic film base. It is often used in outdoor advertising, for applications on transport, advertising onstands, showcases, etc. If such glue is used indoors, then the manufacturer does not limit its shelf life, since it is not exposed to aggressive environmental influences, such as sudden changes in temperature, humidity, etc. Polyacrylate glue differs in its composition and properties. It is heat-resistant, elastic, soft, with high adhesion, resistant to moisture, various oils, s alts, and weak acids. The required composition is selected in accordance with the material and scope.
This type of water-based adhesive has a very wide application. It has sufficiently high adhesion and elasticity, which allows it to firmly glue porous materials: cork, PVC, laminate, wood, etc. It is applied in a uniform thin layer with a brush or spray. The pre-glued surface must be degreased and cleaned of dirt and dust. Both surfaces are smeared with contact glue and dried a little (5-20 minutes). After that, the parts are firmly pressed against each other, and it is important to initially squeeze the parts strongly. Maximum adhesion is achieved within 24 hours.
Latex glue
It mixes two components - artificial rubber in powder form and water. This suspension firmly connects porous materials: foam plastic, drywall, chipboard, etc. Latex glue penetrates into the porous structures of the material, improves adhesion of surfaces, ensuring high quality and elasticity of the seam.
Water-dispersion adhesive
It is based on a dispersion of PVA and water. This glue is absolutely non-toxic, has nosmell, so it is often used in residential areas. But it also has its drawback - it dries for a long time (usually 4-6 days). Perfectly glues moisture-resistant wood species, such as oak. The price here will depend on the amount of water in the composition: the price is lower if there is more water, but the scope also narrows.

Glue for potali
Potal is called thin sheets of alloys. With this material, gypsum stucco, ceramics, plastic, cardboard, metal, wood, glass are gilded and silvered. To carry out this procedure qualitatively, it is important to choose the right glue.
Very often water-based glue is used. This substance also has its own varieties. There is a white glue that discolors after drying. Surfaces without a primer are decorated with paste. For fine art work, use glue in a tube, pencil or marker.
Skin glue
Water-based leather adhesive may vary. PVA, contact, and latex are suitable here. Very often, in the leather and footwear industry, it is latex glue that is used - a type of rubber composition, that is, a solution with an organic base, by and large consisting of water and rubber diluted in ammonia.

Latex glue with synthetic rubbers is used for gluing leather and leather materials. As a thickener, a polymer soluble in the oligomer and sodium polyacrylate are used, which is a wax-like mass.
Howyou see, water-based glue can be completely different, and choose it depending on the material and the specific situation.