Currently wooden windows are in demand and popular. The naturalness of the material from which they are made gives the frame a refined and prestigious appearance. It also has a number of significant advantages:
- heat and sound insulation properties;
- indoor humidity control;
- resistance to external influences (snow, rain);
- tolerates temperature changes well.
Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of wood frames of various sizes, shapes and configurations. However, their cost is very high, not all people are able to afford such a purchase. Therefore, the repair of wooden windows is currently still as relevant as before. Owning a certain technology, you can restore the frame yourself so that it cannot be distinguished from a new product.
Tools and materials

In order to repair old wooden windows,you will need to purchase the necessary set of tools and materials that will be used in the reconstruction.
- set of chisels;
- planer;
- jigsaw or saw blade 0.3mm and 4mm wide;
- wide paint stripper;
- wood drill, size is determined after removing the wings;
- angle;
- level;
- plumb.
- kerosene;
- linseed oil;
- liquid nails;
- fine sandpaper;
- brush and roller;
- putty designed for wooden surfaces;
- nails;
- silicone adhesive;
- paint, stain or acrylic lacquer.
After preparing everything you need, you can safely start repairing wooden windows. However, we must not forget that this process is very costly, it will require the investment of considerable effort and patience. But the end result, with the right approach, will allow you to enjoy a beautiful appearance.
Disassembly of window frames and revision

There is a certain technology for repairing wooden windows, which includes several stages. And the first thing to start with is the dismantling of the block structure.
- Removing the sashes. This process requires care, as the hinges are covered with several layers of paint, and glass can crack if pressed too hard. The removed sashes are placed on a pre-prepared plywood shield.
- Dismantling glazing beads(putty). They are removed with gentle movements using a chisel.
- Taking out glasses. After all the fastening elements are removed, it is necessary to inspect the grooves in which the glass is directly installed. If the inspection carried out shows that the adhesives do not hold it, then very carefully from the underside of the frame it is squeezed upwards with one hand and picked up with the other.
- Removing fittings. This process must be carried out most carefully in order not to damage the wooden frame.
- Freeing the front side from the tide, and the inside from the steel squares.
- Be sure to pull out all the nails, self-tapping screws.
- The frame is being aligned.
Before you directly start repairing windows, wooden double-glazed windows and frames, it is necessary to carry out the above manipulations. And only after that you can proceed to the next stage - cleaning the surface of the paint.
Removal of old coatings

In order to completely clean the surface of a wooden frame from paint, two common methods can be applied. For one, special chemicals are used, for the other, exposure to high temperatures. Both options are designed to undermine old layers of paint, thereby making it easier to remove. For this process, you can use a wide chisel or knife, but you must be extremely careful not to damage the surface of the frame. Repair of wooden windows is impossible without the complete removal of old ones.coatings.
Oil treatment
The cleaned wood surface needs to be restored. After all the rotten and dilapidated areas have been removed during the dismantling process, it is necessary to impregnate with drying oil so that the frame does not subsequently succumb to deformation. Processing will consist of 3-4 stages. Using a brush, you need to saturate the wooden surface well from all sides, after complete absorption, the manipulation is repeated several times.
Putting and painting the frame
As a rule, old sashes have many defects, they are especially visible after removing old layers of paint. Therefore, a full-fledged repair of wooden windows cannot take place without such a stage as surface puttying. It is this work that will correct minor flaws in the frame. The main thing is not to forget to install ebbs. Putty can be purchased at the store or made independently. Some take sawdust and knead it in liquid nails, or you can make a mixture of chalk and oil paint. After drying, the putty surface is rubbed with fine sandpaper to perfect smoothness. After that, you can start painting. However, it should be noted that for the outside and inside there are different types that are designed for certain climatic conditions. For several decades now, oil paint has been preferred for this. It is applied in 3 layers:
- primer;
- draft;
- finishing.

Window glazing
The last, final stage -glazing. For better tightness, it is recommended to use silicone glue, which will increase thermal insulation and give additional strength. In order to remove its remnants, simply moisten a cloth in vinegar and wipe the area. At this point, it is necessary to complete the repair of wooden windows, the reviews of grateful readers prove the importance of using sealant during glazing. This method completely eliminates drafts and moisture under the glass, which, in turn, protects the frame from decay.

The described technology appeared long before our time, but its use in conjunction with modern materials and tools gives such an end result that not every master will be able to distinguish a new window from an old one.