What hostess doesn't want to surround herself and her family with warmth and comfort? And what is the most important thing for any family? Of course, the house. What about without furniture? And what furniture to buy, and what is better not needed? It is worth sorting out the range and reviews of furniture from the Bazhenov factory.
A little about the manufacturer

A lot has been said about the furniture factory of the Bazhenov brothers, both good and bad. Let's try to figure out what they offer us under such a well-known brand. A little about the firm itself.
The company has existed since 1997. As the manufacturers themselves say, the materials used for the manufacture of furniture are of exceptional quality, whether domestic or imported raw materials. The design is specially selected so that all relatives would be pleased to gather at home. What could be more important than family these days? These values are taken into account in the manufacture of furniture. The company has proven itself from the best side in the market of Russian regions and even in neighboring countries.
The assortment is represented mainly by upholstered furniture. The Bazhenov brothers specialize inproduction of beds, sofas, modular systems, pouffes, armchairs, frameless furniture, as well as chests of drawers and cabinets, tables and chairs. Each hostess is given the opportunity to choose furniture for her apartment as a separate item or a whole set. In the furniture reviews of the Bazhenov brothers, sofas and beds appear most often. Reading about the advantages of this furniture in advertising posts, you really understand that people are trying in every possible way to bring into our lives, albeit not at all disinterestedly, their impressive contribution of joy, warmth and comfort. In addition, the company everywhere gives information about itself as a reliable partner, ready to conduct a productive dialogue with the buyer. The incredible number of furniture stores operating under this brand is striking.
Difficult choice
But, despite all the joys promised by the company, it is worth considering whether the price-quality ratio is commensurate. We often choose with our eyes rather than our minds. As a result, having acquired a thing, we begin to think about whether all this was worth such costs. So that later there are no such regrets, first read the information about the furniture of the Bazhenov brothers, prices, materials used to make furniture, about pitfalls in the form of additional payments from the manufacturer. As you often read in reviews, even the price quoted by a representative is not always final.

If the choice fell on the furniture of the Bazhenov brothers' factory, then you should look for a store located near your home that cooperates with the factory. You can also order furniture online, but it's betterlook for more real contacts. In the future, for solving further problems, a furniture store is a more reliable partner than the Internet. Further, it is worth familiarizing yourself in a calm atmosphere with the catalog of the presented goods. In this case, it is more convenient to do it at home in front of the computer, and not in a store where smiling and well-trained salespeople will masterfully praise you the advantages of their furniture over all other brands. So at least they write in the reviews about the furniture of the Bazhenov brothers.
Such different furniture

When choosing a model visually, do not forget to look in the description for the dimensions and materials from which your future purchase is made. The color scheme of the furniture is quite diverse, so that everyone will find a sofa or what he needs easily. In addition, furniture is made from leather, and from leatherette, and from various types of fabric, which can also be written as a plus. The sizes are also quite variable: from small sofas to huge modular systems. Models are made in classic, modern and even ethnic style. This makes them even more attractive to caring housewives.
Understanding prices
Product prices are directly dependent on the material used, which often leads to misunderstandings. Therefore, the prices in the catalog are not set with absolute accuracy? It all depends on the fact that the cost depends on the configuration: the more modern fixtures a sofa or bed has, the less effort you will spend when caring for furniture, the more you will be prepared to part with when buying. Almost all enterprises have a similar policy, it is too early to be surprised and upset.
To find out the exact price of the product you like, you will have to contact a company representative who will clearly and clearly explain the difference in prices on sites where it is most often written: "price from …". In this case, it is understood that the product is presented in the cheapest material and basic configuration, which can be improved at the request of the client. Having decided to purchase the cheapest option, be prepared that you will still pay not the amount that you found in the catalog, and it suits you, but a little / much more. Or choose from even cheaper products. For example, of all the furniture of the Bazhenov brothers, Orion-2 is the sofa with the most thoughtful design, according to buyers. But with a discount, it costs from 90,000 rubles, and without a discount - almost 120,000. It is quite possible that by purchasing such a sofa (beautiful and comfortable) at a discount, you will end up paying the same 120 thousand. There are cheaper options, they can also be attractive both externally and in size.
Modules and beds

Among the furniture of the Bazhenov brothers, modular systems occupy a special place. Their cost is not much different from the prices of sofas. In the characteristics, both the dimensions, the material from which the sample is made, and the equipment are indicated in sufficient detail. Among them, you can easily choose the desired option for both a huge hall and a small apartment.
The beds from the Bazhenov brothers are also worth talking about. As the manufacturer promises, your dream is in their hands. Especially for the demanding customer, the most convenient models have been developed. They use in their manufacture a solid and pleasant to the touch material that will last for many years without upsetting its owner. Design, colors, modern equipment, production and delivery time - all this distinguishes the furniture of the Bazhenov brothers from the goods of competing firms. Prices are also stated without specifics, ranging from 30,000 rubles to 75,000.
Reality of reviews on the company's websites: negative

The next step in choosing furniture should be to study reviews of the furniture of the Bazhenov brothers. Opinions are divided into rainbow-positive and negative-negative. Moreover, both satisfied and angry customers defend their point of view so much that you stop understanding who to believe.
The bulk of the negative was left until 2012. Customers claimed that the furniture was of disgusting quality, the sellers were just boors and rude, the assemblers were hacks and dilettantes. It was not necessary to count on the support service at all - all claims were ignored, and if any problems were found, it turned out that the documents were either filled out incorrectly or were completely absent, so it was not possible to file a claim. The company did not give a guarantee, in the third year of operation the furniture began to crumble, and the buyers claimed that the furniture stood almost like a museum piece, they used it infrequently, but it behaved as if the family spent days and nights on it for many years. Photo reports were presented, they are goodit can be seen that the leather on the furniture is cracked and has a very unattractive appearance. For sofas and beds for 120 thousand, as they say in reviews of the furniture of the Bazhenov brothers, this quality is, of course, unacceptable.
Dangerous quality

Often they write not only about the material spreading at the seams and cracked and exfoliated skin, but also about the disgusting smell, from which the head starts to hurt, a dry, hacking cough appears. The smell does not disappear for several years. Representatives of the company either do not respond to requests to somehow eliminate this shortcoming, or they come, make an act that the smell is really present, and disappear without a trace. There has never been any talk of a refund, this is not provided for in the contract. If some kind of furniture replacement is made, then, as a rule, with extended deadlines, the return of the same furniture or new, but of lower quality. There are calls to file class action lawsuits, lists of documents that will be useful in court proceedings have been posted, but, as mentioned above, not all “happy” owners of furniture from the Bazhenovs have all the necessary documents.
After 2012, reviews are rare, wary, something like this: “We bought furniture from the Bazhenov brothers. Were in euphoria. So far, everything suits: the staff is sincere, the deadlines were met, they gave a guarantee for 18 months, the quality of the furniture pleases with comfort and appearance. Let's wait for what awaits us next.”
Recently, there are much more good reviews about this company than bad ones. Ifamong grateful and satisfied customers, someone breaks through who does not like good reviews, he is declared a disgruntled competitor. In addition, according to some supporters of this company, the manufacturer of the material, and not the furniture manufacturer, is responsible for the quality of the material. When ordering this or that matter, the buyer himself chooses the material, for which he then writes claims. However, it is worth recalling the advertisement of the company, in which the guarantee of quality is determined by the use of the highest quality material. That is, the company is still responsible for low-quality products.
Warranty period and service life

In addition, the buyer often confuses the warranty period with the service life. These are completely different legal concepts. If the documents have a guarantee, for example, the same 18 months, this means that the company corrects all the flaws that have appeared during this time three times for free. If the complaint is received for the fourth time, the goods are exchanged for an equivalent one or a full refund of the cost of the goods is made. With the terms of operation, as a rule, everything is more complicated, and they try not to put them down, but the buyer must know that if there is no term, automatically by law he has the right to make claims about the quality of the goods to an unscrupulous company for 10 years (clause 3 article 14 and paragraph 6 article 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights").
Positive reviews of recent years
In the eighteenth year again a surge of positive feedback. This year's buyers simply exude happiness when buying famous products.brands, share pleasant shopping experiences with each other, take selfies on brand new upholstered furniture, give advice that if you take furniture, then only from the firm of the Bazhenov brothers!
So, it is up to the buyer to find out which reviews are real and which ones are ordered by the company or competitors. There is an old tried and tested way - to ask friends you trust what they know about this company, so to speak, use word of mouth.