Planting plums in spring. Plum: care and cultivation

Planting plums in spring. Plum: care and cultivation
Planting plums in spring. Plum: care and cultivation

It is a well-known fact that plum appeared in human gardens long before our era. Bulk and fragrant fruits are liked, if not by everyone, then by many. They can be eaten fresh, dried, cooked from them compotes and jams, jams and even sauces. Those who have their own garden are doubly lucky, because growing plums will not take you much time. Moreover, many varieties and hybrids have now been bred, even for cold regions.

planting plums in spring
planting plums in spring

What are the types

Breeders work continuously, and as a result, almost every year we get new, more improved varieties. Of course, you can list them in one article, but the list will turn out to be quite long. Currently, about three hundred varieties are actively cultivated. Planting plums in the Urals, in Siberia or in central Russia has the same algorithm, but the main issue is choosing the cultivar that is most suitable for the area. All varieties conditionallygrouped according to different indicators. Let's dwell on this classification in more detail.

  1. Egg plum. The appearance can be judged by the name. Quite large fruits have an even oval shape, without a characteristic longitudinal notch. The names of varieties are distinguished depending on the color: blue, red, yellow. Suitable for fresh consumption and canning.
  2. planting plums in the spring in the suburbs
    planting plums in the spring in the suburbs
  3. Hungarian plum variety. Not many people know that a whole group of cultivars is united under this name. All are characterized by a dark color of fruits with dense pulp and a clearly defined abdominal seam. Trees grow quite tall with a semi-spreading crown. At the very origins is the Italian plum variety Vengerka. Its large fruits are egg-shaped, dark blue with a slight bloom and large subcutaneous points. The pulp is not very fragrant, yellow-green in color. Due to its good transportability, the variety is known almost all over the world. In addition, it is worth noting the Hungarian ordinary (domestic), Azhan, Moscow, winter, Wanheim and others.
  4. Renklod (on the first photo). This is a subspecies of homemade plum. The trees are quite large, up to 7 meters in height, have an irregular crown shape. The fruits are spherical or ovoid, not very large (up to 5 cm in diameter). The color depends on the variety: greenish, red-yellow or blue. The pulp of the fruit is sweet, dense and very juicy. Such plums are stored and transported poorly, so it is better to collect them in a slightly unripe form. The most famous varieties: renklodKarbysheva, Altana, Kolkhozny, etc.
  5. plum cultivation
    plum cultivation
  6. Group of varieties Mirabelle. The fruits are small, golden in color and round in shape, the sides on the sunny side often have a crimson blush. The homeland of the variety is Asia Minor, but now it is very common in Europe, especially in France. It is possible to plant a plum in the spring in the Moscow region or in the middle lane, where it will also feel good. Varieties: Large, Small, Bona, Nancy, September.
  7. Thorns. Small shrub or tree. This is another subspecies of homemade plum. It has high endurance in relation to adverse environmental conditions and variability. Unpretentious and easy to care for, quickly forms real thickets.
  8. Canadian plum. An amazing group of varieties that differ in the number of chromosomes from their European relatives (16 and 48, respectively). Very winter-hardy species withstand severe frosts up to 45-50 ° C, so it is possible to plant plums in Siberia. There is one drawback - these are cross-pollinated trees, you need to plant several plants at once. Fruit size and flavor range from high to mediocre. Productivity is high, up to 70 kg per tree. Popular varieties: De Soto, Terry, Tecumsech, Nansa.

Choosing a seat

The most optimal and favorable option is gentle slopes from the south, south-west and west sides. Planting plum seedlings is recommended in the warmest places, soils with good aeration. If you choose a place in a lowland or near a fence, then you need to make sure that the trees stillgrew on some artificial mound. Their height should be within 40-50 cm, and the width of the base should be 1.8-2 meters.

Hungarian plum variety
Hungarian plum variety

Plum prefers gray forest, loamy and chernozem soils. Moisture and breathability should be good. If you plan to plant several trees, then consider the characteristics of the variety (height, spreading crown, etc.). Approximate scheme - 4 by 2 meters.

Planting plums: spring or fall?

Opinions vary on this. Some gardeners are strictly for the first option, while the latter allow planting at any time. In principle, there is no mandatory rule, but only recommendations. You can buy seedlings in the fall, it all depends on the region, but planting plums in the spring is desirable. In the Moscow region and the southern regions, seedlings will have time to take root before winter and get stronger, but in the Urals or Siberia this is difficult to do, so most often young plants freeze out. Just waste your time, money and energy. The most suitable month is April, but you should focus on the soil (so that it finally thaws and warms up). So, in Siberia, this is the third decade.

Preparing the landing pit

Preparation begins in the fall or early spring a couple of weeks before the intended planting. The pit should be approximately 60 cm deep and 60-70 cm in diameter. The soil must be removed from it and mixed with good humus in a ratio of 2: 1. You can add a small amount of mineral complex fertilizers. Then pour the entire soil mixture back. Planting plums in the spring involves re-shallow digging, as soon as the earth dries out, to a depth of 1.5 bayonet spades. Be sure to prepare a wooden peg. The first couple of years, the seedling needs to be tied up so that the roots are well strengthened.

What to look out for

Firstly, planting plums in spring or autumn must be done correctly. The root neck of the seedling should be placed 5-7 cm above the soil surface. Gradually, the soil will settle, and it will be where it is needed. Deep planting is harmful, as it can lead to rotting of the bark, and this will ultimately have a bad effect on the growth and fruiting of the tree.

planting plum seedlings
planting plum seedlings

Secondly, be careful with fertilizers - it is better to put less than too much. Do not use manure, only manure and compost. With an excess of them, at best, you will stimulate the growth of new branches in the spring, at worst, you will get a burn of the roots.


Planting plums in spring and autumn involves subsequent abundant watering - two buckets for each seedling. Then the soil needs to be mulched. Plum belongs to moisture-loving trees, so in dry summers additional watering will be required (3-4 times per season). The very first is carried out in mid-May, then after the end of flowering, when the intensive development of fruits begins, the third before they begin to pour (July), and the fourth in autumn, in early October. The watering rate directly depends on the age of the trees - from 3 to 8 buckets of water. After that, do not forget to slightly loosen the soil, but only to a shallow depth (5-7 cm) so as not to damage the roots.

landingplums in siberia
landingplums in siberia

Feeding fertilizer

Growing plums on the site involves periodic feeding of the tree. For the first time, fertilizers are applied in the third year after planting. It is recommended to use organic components - humus or compost (up to 7 kg), wood ash (up to 200 g) per square meter for shallow digging of the near-stem circle. During the period of the most active vegetation, mineral complex fertilizers are applied. In early spring, this stimulates the growth of new shoots, leaves and peduncles, and at the very beginning of summer it helps to lay flower buds and develop fruits. Nitrogen fertilizers are best applied in liquid form, but phosphorus and potash fertilizers, which do not dissolve well, are best added to the soil in the fall. Fluffy lime will also be useful (50-100 g per 1 square meter).

Pruning homemade plums

In addition to watering and fertilizing, plum requires periodic pruning and the formation of the correct crown. It is best to do this in the spring, when sap flow has not yet begun. At the same time, the air temperature should be kept at about the same mark without sharp fluctuations (up to -10 ° C). If you choose summer, then let it be the first half of it, so that the wounds have time to heal before winter. Pruning before winter, when the onset of cold weather is already close, is not recommended.

planting plums in the Urals
planting plums in the Urals

It is necessary to start the formation of a tree at the seedling stage, when plum trees are planted in the spring, as young specimens develop and grow quite quickly. This will help create a good, regular crown. Old and mature trees are pruned for the purpose of rejuvenation, they are thinned out, broken, diseased, dried and rubbing against each other branches are removed. If the plum variety is fast-growing and gives an increase of more than 70 cm, then such shoots should be shortened by 1/3 of the length. At first glance, everything seems too complicated, so we advise novice gardeners to turn to specialists, read literature, watch master classes, and only then, armed with pruners, ennoble their trees.

Removing root shoots

This is another important nuance when growing plums on the site. It is worth saying right away that one should not feel sorry for the useless and interfering shoots coming from the roots. No matter how good, strong and even the shoots are, they must be removed. They weaken the tree, reduce productivity. The growth coming from the root is already a signal of problems, which means that the trunk or plum roots are damaged. There are several ways to get rid of it, including chemical treatment. We advise the traditional option - pruning with secateurs. The main nuance is that you do not need to cut at the soil level, as this will provoke even greater growth. Dig up the shoots to their root system and only then remove with a sharp tool. The holes should then be covered with earth.

Plum, which is easy to grow and care for, but requires only a little time, will become one of the most beloved trees in the garden. She will delight you with fragrant fruits year after year.
