Violet Spring Rose: description, cultivation, care and photo

Violet Spring Rose: description, cultivation, care and photo
Violet Spring Rose: description, cultivation, care and photo

Spring Rose violet is rightfully considered one of the best green-flowered varieties, which is distinguished not only by its presentable appearance, but also by its pleasant delicate aroma. The species is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to the conditions of maintenance and care, but for successful cultivation, it is necessary to take into account some of the requirements of the plant.

Description of violet Spring Rose

The progenitor of the variety is the American breeder Paul Sorano. As a result of painstaking work, a violet was obtained with white densely double flowers resembling roses 4 cm in diameter. The edges of the petals have a greenish tint, which weakens during flowering, and subsequently disappears completely. As you can see in the photo, the Spring Rose violet has a bouquet bloom that lasts for 6-8 months if the basic requirements of the culture are met.

Spring rose bouquet bloom
Spring rose bouquet bloom

Spring Rose violet bush compact standard size with light green pubescent leaves with a carved edge andwith a light back. As the plant matures, they become darker in color.

The plant blooms at the age of 10-12 months, forming a large number of greenish buds, towering on strong peduncles above the foliage. The lower edge of the leaves in the process of growth begins to hang down, hugging the pot. Violet forms a superficial root system, which develops rapidly when the requirements of the plant are met. When growing this variety, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules of maintenance, which guarantees long and abundant flowering.


This variety needs enough light for 8 hours, but without direct sunlight. Therefore, the best content option is east, west, northeast and northwest windows with light shading on especially hot days.

Spring Rose violet does not require additional lighting, as in the autumn-winter period it prefers to rest and gain strength before the next flowering.

Temperature conditions

During the growing season and bud formation, the temperature of the content should be within 21-25 degrees, and at the dormant stage this figure should not exceed 18-19 degrees.

The plant responds favorably to a decrease in temperature within 2-3 degrees, but the growth of the bush noticeably slows down. Increased temperature conditions negatively affect the plant. As a result, the leaves are deformed, the flowers become smaller, and the buds dry up.

Water and humidity

Violet Spring Rose can't stand itwaterlogging of the soil, which leads to rotting of the roots. Therefore, watering must be carried out when the top layer of soil dries out, avoiding moisture on the foliage. Therefore, it is best to use a watering can with a long narrow spout.

Optimal watering can for violets
Optimal watering can for violets

The optimum humidity level is 50-60%. However, it is impossible to spray the leaves additionally, as this leads to their deformation and rotting of the petioles. Therefore, in order to increase the humidity to the required level, it is recommended to place additional water containers next to the pot, which will increase the evaporation area.

Plant transplant

In the process of growing Spring Rose violets, it will be necessary to transfer the plant to a new pot every year, which guarantees the full development of the rosette and long flowering.

Violet needs repotting
Violet needs repotting

The main signs indicating the need for a transplant:

  • slow growth;
  • root shoots emerge from drainage holes;
  • a thickened bare trunk formed at the base;
  • prolonged lack of flowering;
  • bush looks weakened.

For a plant, you need to pick up a pot 1-1.5 cm wider in diameter from the previous one. It is recommended to carry out transplantation by transshipment, without exposing the root, but only filling the voids with earth. But if the root system is rotten, it is necessary to cut it to a he althy tissue and remove the old soil as much as possible.

For violets, it is necessary to prepare a special soil,which can be purchased at any specialized store. But you can also cook it at home.

To do this, you will need to mix the following ingredients:

  • peat - 30%;
  • coconut substrate - 20%;
  • turf soil - 30%;
  • river sand - 10%;
  • perlite - 10%.

This composition fully meets the needs of the violet and will allow the full development and growth of the bush.

In the future, the transplantation procedure is carried out in several stages.

  1. Lay a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot 1 cm high.
  2. Pour nutrient soil on top.
  3. Get the plant out and shake off the old soil a little.
  4. Delete the bottom row of leaves.
  5. Center the violet and water a little.
  6. Fill voids with prepared soil, compact slightly.

After transplanting, the lower leaves should be in contact with the edge of the pot. Put the violet for 2-3 days in a shaded place for adaptation, and then move it to the window and water it a little. If the soil settles slightly, it must be added.

Proper deepening of violets when planting
Proper deepening of violets when planting

The procedure can be performed in early spring, as well as during summer and early autumn. In winter, this is not recommended, since the Spring Rose violet is at a dormant stage, so all growth processes in the plant slow down.

Possible problems

With minimal care, Spring Rose violet is able to fully bloom and develop, but sometimes there are situations when, without the help of a grower, it canperish. Therefore, it is important to monitor the general condition of the plant and respond in a timely manner to negative changes, as they are a sign of the impact of pests or diseases.

powdery mildew
powdery mildew

Typical violet problems:

Name Reason Characteristics Remedy
Root rot Regular overflow, use of cold water, low maintenance temperature Dejected appearance of the plant, the leaves lose turgor and become soft, but the color does not change You can save a plant only at the first sign of illness. It should be transplanted into a new soil and watered with the drug "Maxim" or "Previkur"
Powdery mildew Excess of nitrogen in the soil, keeping close to the affected plant, transplanting into infected soil White coating on leaves and petioles Spray the plant with any of these preparations "Topaz", "Skor", "Fitosporin"
Rust Lack of light, non-compliance with the temperature regime Brown spots on leaves that gradually increase in size Spray and water the plant with "Skor" or "Fitosporin"
Spider mite Dry air, low humidity, high temperature content Slow growth, dejected appearance, leaves in the center do not develop, the edge of the leaf plate is tucked down Treat twice with Actellik or Fitoverm with a break of 7 days
Thrips Close content with a bouquet of garden flowers or with an already affected plant Pollen spills out of flowers, dirty spots appear on flowers and white spots appear on leaves Spray the violet "Aktellik" or "Aktotsit", repeat the procedure every 10 days until the pest is completely destroyed

This variety of violet, with proper care, is able to delight with its abundant flowering over a long period of time. But if the maintenance requirements are ignored, the plant will not be able to fully develop.
