Orchid in water: features of the method, methods of care and features of plant resuscitation

Orchid in water: features of the method, methods of care and features of plant resuscitation
Orchid in water: features of the method, methods of care and features of plant resuscitation

Growing orchids in water is an original modern method that allows you to get a beautiful flowering plant that requires minimal care. Many do not use this method due to ignorance of the rules or lack of confidence in its feasibility.

Different methods of planting and growing orchids

These tropical bright and beautiful flowers in the wild do not actually grow on the soil, but clinging to the bark of the trunk and tree branches in the forest. They receive useful and necessary substances through "air" roots, which consume water from the air, fog and during rain. It is quite difficult to provide such tropical conditions with high humidity in an apartment. The hydroponics method may be the solution, although many flower growers still doubt it and ask if the orchid can be kept in water.

The main ways to grow orchids are varied. And not all of them involve the use of soil:

  • in a special potting mix;
  • using inert substrates (hydroculture);
  • air positioning (aeroponics);
  • hydroponics - growing orchids at home in water.

When using the latter method, it should be borne in mind that when the roots are completely covered with water, the plant loses the ability to breathe, therefore it is susceptible to fungal attack, as a result of which the process of decay begins. Therefore, some flower growers recommend maintaining the water level within the zone of the outlet, where the roots begin to grow.

Orchids in the water
Orchids in the water

Hydroponic Suitable Orchids

The number of tropical flower species is very large, but not all of them are suitable for growing orchids in water. Phalaenopsis and other home varieties feel best in hydroponics.

Plants that do not have a dormant period are suitable for transfer to water cultivation:

  • Fragmipedium, or Venus slippers, originating from the mountain tropics.
  • Dendrobium growing in nature in a cool microclimate.
  • Cattleya - characterized by large flowers (20 cm), loves warm, but not hot conditions.
  • Mormodes, having spots and dots on the sepals and petals.
  • Zygopetalum - differs in 2- and 3-color petals, etc.
Planting in glasses
Planting in glasses

Preparing for planting: choosing a container and substrate

When growing an orchid in water, it is best to use a transparent pot, and glass vases are not suitable for this because the material is too cold and it is impossible to make the necessary holes for air to enter.

Therefore, plastic containers that are sold in flower shops are considered optimal. Ashome version, you can take a transparent plastic bucket and hide its unsightly appearance inside a decorative planter. Be sure to make holes for air circulation at the level of ¼ height with a diameter of 5-6 mm. Make 3 such holes with a screwdriver or a hot soldering iron.

As a substrate, only substances that are not susceptible to decay can be placed in the container: polystyrene foam, pine bark, perlite, expanded clay, greenmix (mineral wool with perlite), diatomite.

How to transfer an orchid from soil to water?

To prepare a plant to start growing it in an aquatic environment, you need to gradually, following some rules:

  • remove the flower from the soil, clean the roots of adhering particles;
  • immerse for 2 days in water at 1/3 of the length of the root system, then pour it out and let it dry (leave the liquid at 1 cm of depth);
  • after a week, the time spent in the aquatic environment is increased to 5 days, giving a day for a respite (drying out);
  • then keep the roots of the orchid in the water all the time, replacing it and rinsing it periodically;
  • the need for water becomes noticeable by the color of the roots - they turn silver.

During this period, the active growth of aerial young roots begins, and light green sprouts appear on the old ones. If mold or white plaque appears, the plant must be removed from the water for a day, then washed with hydrogen peroxide or any fungicidal agent. Green algae that have appeared on the roots are recommended not to be removed, as they help improve the air exchange of the plant.

white orchid in water
white orchid in water

The process of planting a flower in water

Landing is done in several stages:

  • clear the plant from the remnants of the soil;
  • pour the substrate into the pot to the level of the holes made in the walls;
  • put the plant and straighten the roots;
  • pour nutrient solution (bought at the store depending on the period of development: rooting, flowering, etc.);
  • fill up the substrate to a level of 1.5 cm from the holes in the container.

The amount of substrate can be adjusted depending on its type:

  • expanded clay is filled up to the middle, the flower is placed, then filled up to the top;
  • when using perlite, first put a layer of expanded clay on the bottom, then the plant and add perlite to a level of 1 cm from the holes, for compaction, the substrate must be immersed in water;
  • diatomite also alternates with expanded clay (bottom and top) and is filled up to the beginning of the holes;
  • greenmix must first be filled up, spilled with water to the holes, then pour the nutrient mixture.
Orchids in water and in the substrate
Orchids in water and in the substrate

Rules for caring for an orchid in water

Regular monitoring of the water level is the main rule for caring for the plant, and other recommendations must also be observed:

  • indoor air temperature in winter should not exceed 25 °C;
  • in order for flower buds to form, a preparatory period of 2 weeks is needed with temperatures below 15 ° C;
  • optimal air humidity is 60-75%, whichespecially important during the formation of rosettes, which is favored by growing in water, because the evaporated moisture increases the humidity of the air around the plant;
  • the container with the orchid should be placed in a place away from drafts, in the summer - it is put on the balcony so that direct sunlight does not fall (burns are possible);
  • water for topping up is used either rain or filtered through charcoal for softness (irrigation temperature 23 ° C);
  • you need to make sure that the leaves of the plant do not touch the water (rotting is possible), and when watering, the dropped drops are removed with a paper napkin or sponge;
  • holes in pots should be periodically inspected and cleaned;
  • replace the solution every 3 days;
  • The pot is washed monthly, while the orchid roots are wiped and dried for 6 minutes, then again immersed in a fresh solution.
Orchid Vanda
Orchid Vanda

Possible problems and pests

When grown hydroponically, orchids are more susceptible to attack by flying pests, whose larvae can damage the green parts of the plant by feeding on their juice. When a whitefly butterfly appears, the leaves must be treated with a soap solution prepared in a ratio of 1:6.

With a noticeable wrinkling of the leaves of a flower, the likely cause may be the effect of hot or dry air in the room, temperature changes between day and night, which the plant does not like. In a situation where there is no flowering during the active growth of leaves and roots, it is recommended to stimulate the plantwith a temperature jump of 8°C between day and night conditions.

Flower in a glass
Flower in a glass

Advantages and disadvantages of hydroponics

Having an orchid in water has its advantages:

  • no soil parasites, less chance of rot, which is hindered by fluid and air exchange and circulation;
  • no regular transplant required;
  • the plant does not feel a lack or excess of fertilizers;
  • roots do not dry out and do not suffer from lack of oxygen;
  • nutrient mixtures added to the water have a beneficial effect on the he alth of the flower.
Plants with roots in water
Plants with roots in water

Disadvantages of the hydroponics method:

  • only rainwater or filtered water is used, and it should always be cool;
  • you must constantly monitor the level of liquid in the pot so that it does not fall below the roots;
  • feeding occurs throughout all periods of flower growth.

Resuscitation of orchids in water

The hydroponics method can also be used to save a plant that has lost its roots. This happens for various reasons: from overflow and decay, as a result of infection, the action of pests, etc. It is a pity to throw away the affected plant. After all, you can try to save him.

Orchid resuscitation
Orchid resuscitation

You can grow roots with water and a special rooting method:

  • clean the roots of rot and overdried particles with a disinfected knife;
  • process the neckfungicide, sprinkle cut areas with activated carbon;
  • dry the plant well overnight so that all wounds heal;
  • pour settled water into a jar, put the flower on top with the neck down so that there is a distance of 1-2 cm from the surface (you can not touch the water socket);
  • put the jar of orchids in a warm place and change the water every week;
  • wipe the leaves daily with a solution of succinic acid, because from lack of moisture they will become lethargic and wrinkled;
  • after a month of careful care, the first roots and even fresh leaves may appear, depending on the condition of the flower.

This resuscitation of an orchid without roots in water will help save the affected plant, giving it a new life.
