Lilies are popular perennial flowers. In almost every garden you can find this royal flower. The beauty and perfection of this plant will not leave anyone indifferent. To date, there are tens of thousands of varieties. According to the international classification, 9 groups of lilies are distinguished. The most common flowers of the Asian group among gardeners. And for good reason. They are disease-resistant, winter-hardy and easy to care for, even novice gardeners can grow them.
Asian group lilies

This large group includes more than 5 thousand varieties. Dwarf lilies up to 49 cm high, medium - up to 129 cm and giant lilies - more than 150 cm. The smell of the flowers of this group is subtle, they practically do not smell. But the beauty of the flowers fully compensates for this. The most common varieties of this group are Lady Jane, Sweet Surrender, Pearl Jennifer, Red Velvet, Aelita, Iowa Rose, White Twinkle, Pearl Justine and, of course, the charming representative of Asian hybrids - Pink Haze. It will be discussed in this article.
Pink lily - preparing the site and soil for planting

Like many members of this group, pink lilyprefers open areas. You can grow it in partial shade, but not next to trees. The place must be protected from the wind. It is advisable to plant a lily on a hill, as it does not tolerate waterlogging. Prefers loose and nutritious soil - fertilized sandy loamy soils and light loams.
It is better to prepare the soil in advance, you need to approach this issue thoroughly, since the pink lily grows without a transplant for at least 3 years. Add peat, sand, humus and organic fertilizers to heavy soil. It is important not to overdo it with organics, because from an excess of fertilizer, a pink lily will grow.
Planting a lily

The preferred time for planting is autumn, next year the bulbs will take root well. In the spring, planting is done as soon as the soil thaws. Asian hybrids are transplanted every 3 years, as they grow daughter bulbs very quickly.
The depth of embedding into the soil depends on the composition of the soil. Usually a pink lily is planted at a depth exceeding the diameter of the bulb by 3 times. In light soil, lilies are planted deeper than in heavy soil. Depth of planting of low-growing varieties - 10 cm; medium - 15 cm, high - 15 - 20 cm. Very small bulbs are deepened by 7 cm. The gap between plants is affected by the variety of lilies: large varieties after 25 cm, low ones - 15 cm.
When planting, make spacious holes so as not to damage the bulbs when embedding the soil. It is better to make a small mound of soil at the bottom of the hole, place the bulb on it, gently straighten the roots and sprinkleearth.
Features of care

Pink Lily is unpretentious in care. All care consists in timely weeding and loosening the soil. It is necessary to feed flowers only if fertilizers were not applied during soil preparation. Watering should be regular, the soil should be moderately moist. The soil around the flowers can be mulched to conserve moisture. It is advisable to water the plants in the evening and under the root to avoid burns on the leaves and diseases.
There are several ways to propagate lilies, but the simplest is dividing the bulbs. Lily pink grows bulbs very quickly. For her, division is not only an easy way to reproduce, but also a necessary process, since dense nests affect the flowering of plants: flowers become smaller, or even the plant stops blooming.