Anthurium red: care and cultivation

Anthurium red: care and cultivation
Anthurium red: care and cultivation

Anthurium red is an ornamental potted plant, characterized by juicy wide leaves and bright inflorescences. This exotic plant can be seen more and more often in apartments. It feels great at home, and with proper care it can bloom all year round. Given that the plant was imported from tropical countries, it is worth observing certain rules when growing. Even well-developed specimens can die if the soil is not properly selected and the light and watering regime is disturbed.

anthurium red
anthurium red

Soil selection

Home flower anthurium refers to epiphytic plants, that is, it consumes nutrients not only from the ground, but also from the air. This is evidenced by air roots that are located above the ground. In addition, when buying a plant, you need to take care of the future substrate, since ordinary soil is not suitable.

In its natural habitat, red anthurium grows on a flooring consisting of a mixture of fallen leaves, bark, peat and litter. That's why you need to choose a spacious pot before transplanting,put a layer of drainage on the bottom. Next, you need to pour out a layer of the substrate, plant the plant, carefully straightening the roots, water abundantly. In this case, you need to make sure that the water does not linger in the pot, but flows out into the pan. With this method of watering, the plant will receive all the necessary moisture, and the soil will quickly ventilate, preventing the roots from rotting.

house flower anthurium
house flower anthurium

Irrigation features

Anthurium red loves moisture. But he takes it mainly from the air. Therefore, you should not flood the plant, but it is also not recommended to overdry the earthen ball. The top layer of the substrate should have time to dry out between waterings, and the bottom layer should remain slightly moist. During abundant flowering, do not increase watering. It is better to maintain high humidity. To do this, put a wide tray or bowl of water next to the pot.

If there is a humidifier, it is better to use it. In extreme cases, resort to spraying. In general, spraying is not the best way to replenish moisture. If water gets on the inflorescences, brown spots may remain. In addition, when spraying, there is a high chance of infection with pathogenic fungi. If a brown coating began to appear on the leaves, and the greens began to turn yellow and dry out, spraying should be stopped.

indoor flowers anthurium care
indoor flowers anthurium care

Lighting and climate

At home, red anthurium prefers partial shade or diffused sunlight. Does not tolerate direct scorching sun, drafts and frequent changes in temperature. indoor flowers anthurium,care for which requires compliance with the temperature regime, grow well in warmth. In summer, the optimum temperature is 20-28 degrees, in winter you need cooler air - from +16 to +20.


It is noticed that intensive budding occurs when winter temperatures drop to +15 degrees. Anthurium red will bloom more luxuriantly and for a long time if numerous side shoots are removed in time. They significantly deplete the flower, the leaves and inflorescences become smaller, the duration of flowering decreases. For cutting, you can use a fully blossomed cob, which will stand in water for 1-2 weeks. But an unblown flower will die in 2 days.
