What types of root systems do you know? Can plants reproduce using this or that part of the material, how to transplant a plant with a branched or complex root system? These and more questions will be discussed in the article.
The above-ground part of more than 75% of plants dies off every year. Under the upper fertile soil layer, the root system remains in its original or modified form. From ordinary roots (aerial) such systems are somewhat different. In a modified form, the shoots look like tubers, bulbs and rhizomes.
Rhizomes can be seen in nettles, couch grass, iris, lilies of the valley, houseplant aspirida.
Digging any plant out of the ground, you can replace that its lower part ends with a root. The rhizome is different in that, like the above-ground shoots, it forms apical and axillary buds, membranous scales. Adventitious roots depart from the rhizome itself, young above-ground shoots filled with strength from the buds. During this process, substances deposited by the plant "in reserve" since autumn are used.

Important! If a small part of the rhizomeplanted in the ground as a new plant, it will take root and soon be able to function independently. Some of the ornamental plants reproduce by dividing the rhizome into several parts.
Few plants reproduce by tubers. A typical representative is potatoes. The tuber is the apical thickening of the stolon. Their internodes are short, do not contain chlorophyll, but turn green in sufficient light. You probably noticed that on the surface of each tuber (in small depressions) there are 2-3 buds.

Important! Remember that there are more eyes in that part of the potato, which is considered the apical. The opposite side is the base by which the tuber is connected to the stolon.
Having looked at some of the botanical features and characteristics of the potato, it's not that hard to define what a tuber is. This is a modified underground escape.
The presence of a tuberous root system is characterized by: Corydalis, forage plant Jerusalem artichoke.
At the bottom of the onion bulb is the bottom, which looks like a flat stem. Modified leaves at the bottom are scales. Outwardly, they are dry and compared with the skin of a plant, inside they are fleshy and juicy. They store water, sugar and nutrients. There are traces of kidneys on the bottom, which are hidden in the scaly sinuses. So what is an onion? If you study the characteristics, it becomes clear that the bulb is a modified shoot.
Planting her in the garden,you can see how soon the plant will germinate, forming a fibrous root system at the bottom of the bottom. Sometimes young onions develop from the kidneys, which received a gentle name - "kids". Each of the bulbs in the future gives a separate independent plant.

What is an onion, of course. It remains only to clarify that the formation of bulbs is characterized by: onions, lilies, tulips, narcissus, wild goose onions. All these plants are perennial.
Now you know in general terms what types of underground root systems are and how easy it is to distinguish them by their appearance.