The oven has long ceased to be a simple necessity. With the help of this equipment, many modern housewives reveal their culinary talents. Today, a wide range of such household appliances is produced. The Gefest gas stove (Brest) is especially popular. How to turn on the oven of this appliance, you will learn from today's article.
Recommendations for selection
All equipment produced today can be classified according to the principle of operation. Therefore, before turning on the gas oven, you need to figure out which one is better to choose. Devices related to the first type are designed to work with a cylinder. The latter receive blue fuel directly from the main pipeline. The difference between these two groups is only in the presence of some components that provide gas movement and have different diameters.

In addition, there are not only stand-alone ovens, but also those that are directly connected to a gas stove. They all work on the same principle. The only advantageindependent devices is that they are equipped with their own control panel. In all other respects, they are almost identical.
Main Features
Those who are trying to figure out how to turn on the oven on a gas stove, it will be interesting that many models have two heating modes. Therefore, the dishes cooked in it will be similar to those baked on coals. Some appliances are additionally equipped with forced air circulation, which ensures uniform heating of food.

Those who do not know how to turn on a gas oven should remember that most modern manufacturers equip their products with additional functions. They increase the safety of equipment operation and facilitate the process of use. One of them is gas control, which cuts off the supply of blue fuel after an accidental fire extinguishing. Many models of ovens are equipped with double or triple heat-resistant glass doors. In addition, some devices have the option of electric ignition.
Advantages and disadvantages
Those who want to understand how to turn on a gas oven will certainly be interested in learning about the main advantages of such equipment. These include the relatively high speed of cooking, the relatively low cost of the device and the ability to use different types of dishes.

Despite the above advantages, gas wind instrumentscabinets have several significant drawbacks. The most important disadvantages of such equipment include the risk of leakage and explosion, as well as the fact that carbon dioxide is released during combustion.
How to turn on the gas oven: instructions
Actually, there is nothing complicated about it. Simplicity of a design does not reduce convenience, safety and efficiency of preparation of dishes. Moreover, many appliances heat up to the required temperature almost instantly.
Before you turn on the oven on a gas stove, you must carefully study the technical passport of the equipment and the instructions attached to it. This will help you find answers to most of your questions. Do not forget that such devices are usually ignited from an open flame. But some modern models are activated by pressing a special button.

Those who want to understand how to turn on a gas oven should have a minimal understanding of the burner device. This element is made in the form of a curved tube, in which there are holes for the flame. The ignition point is located inside the oven directly below the lower tray.
To turn on the oven, you need to turn the burner tap to the required temperature and bring a pre-lit match or lighter to the hole. After the appearance of the flame, make sure that it has spread along the entire length of the burner tube, and only after that you can close the appliance door. If from the first time something went wrong for you, and the fire went out, then you just need torepeat the above manipulations again.