It's hard to imagine a kitchen without a microwave. Such a technique, unfortunately, is not compact, but without it in any way. Therefore, if you are a perfectionist and strive for the proper organization of space, try to solve the issue with the location of the equipment by mounting it on the wall. In the case of a microwave, there are more than enough options for its placement, and for a small apartment, an additional purchase of a wall-mounted microwave bracket will be the best solution.
This is a great solution, but in the course of such work, you will have to study some nuances and familiarize yourself with some details.

What inventory will be needed during the work?
From the tools, prepare:
- Special brackets. You will need themtwo.
- Fasteners.
- Drill.
- Screws.
- A skein of construction tape, which will be needed if the walls in your kitchen are tiled and it is planned to install appliances on such a surface.
Well, how to do without the product itself during the analysis of the question: "How to hang a microwave on the wall?"
The step-by-step installation instructions consist of four main steps, described later in the article. Mounting on the wall is the best option for the location of individual items of household appliances. It is convenient, easy and reliable.
Selection and purchase of brackets and fasteners
First of all, as with any work, installation, installation, or installation, the purchase of parts precedes. In our case, the main element is fasteners. On the market, these parts are presented in a wide range, each type of which is designed to mount a specific device. Therefore, special fasteners for the microwave oven will be required. Please note that these must be high-quality steel elements that can withstand loads up to 70 kg. It is strictly forbidden to use those designed to support a TV or other household appliances as a microwave stand. Since such a shelf will not withstand a heavy microwave oven. That is why it is so important to figure out how to hang the microwave on the wall and what kind of stands and fasteners are suitable for this.

The microwave bracket looks like an L-shaped holder,made of steel and covered with a special layer of powder paint.
Included with the brackets are special rubber pads with a sticky base and plugs.
Determining the location of the future structure
Before you hang the microwave on the wall, it is worth going through one more preparatory stage, namely, to justify the choice of a place for mounting the structure. It is important that the microwave is as far away as possible from the working triangle (water and gas). This will help to avoid uncontrolled overheating and water ingress.
Understanding the question of how to hang a microwave on the wall, measure the dimensions of the device. This will help to more clearly mark the distance required for mounting brackets and fasteners. To do this, it is convenient to use a regular pencil, which will only have to put marks in the appropriate places.
Preparation of holes
Having estimated the drawing, you can proceed to drilling holes. To make holes, use a drill, and after drilling holes in the wall to the required depth, drive plastic chopsticks into them, into which screws will be screwed later.
You will need to drill four holes in total - two for each of the brackets.
After the holes are prepared, the brackets are twisted, and the microwave is placed on them. Now, knowing how to hang a microwave on the wall with your own hands, you are convinced that this is not such a difficult task.

What else to note?
Manufacturers today produce a number of models of fasteners suitable for a particular model of microwave oven. This is convenient and greatly simplifies the installation process. You can buy any suitable model, branded or choose from cheap mount models. The main thing is that the fasteners can withstand the weight of the microwave oven placed on it.
When choosing little-known products that raise doubts, do not lose sight of even the smallest details. Carefully inspect the fasteners and brackets. The presence of cracks and chips indicates poor quality and is considered a marriage. This product is not recommended for purchase. In addition, the powder coating must be intact.
Quality fasteners are characterized by quality due to the use of strong steel during production. Such products are not afraid of high humidity and temperature changes.
One of the options for how to hang a microwave on the wall is in the photo below.

A microwave oven on the wall in the kitchen is a profitable solution, especially if you live in a small apartment where a modest space is allocated for the kitchen. This kind of placement of small household appliances will eliminate unnecessary inconvenience and allow you to make the most of the free space that has appeared.
As you can see, coping with this task is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The work is generally not laborious, and it is not characterized by the need for special skills, equipment oroutside help. If you can call yourself a jack of all trades, then this task is quite feasible for you, and if you are new to this business, then by studying this material, you can avoid common mistakes during editing.

The main thing to keep in mind after considering how to hang a microwave on the wall in the kitchen is to securely fasten the brackets to the wall and use the appliance correctly.