Wooden siding is a type of finishing material that is fixed to the wall surface on a pre-equipped crate. The concept of "siding" combines cladding panels that can be made of different materials, but for fixing each of them, you must first create a supporting frame.
Why choose wood siding

You can also find siding on sale, a brick that imitates, but it is most often used to finish the basement. The wooden variety of this finish is an energy-efficient building material that perfectly retains heat indoors, and is also characterized by high vapor permeability. This finish allows the walls to breathe, preventing condensation and increasing the life of the entire building. With the help of such panels you will be able to give a presentable appearance to your home.

Siding-log, the price of which is quite affordable, is made from wood by pressing fibers under high pressure. The addition of additives of various kinds makes it possible to obtain a durable facing material that is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and moisture. The material is characterized by strength, durability, resistance to temperature changes, frost resistance, as well as environmental friendliness. Siding under a log, the price of which will be indicated below, is almost not exposed to the harmful effects of external factors, since during the manufacturing process the panels are covered with protective substances that extend the life of the finish. Wood siding is easy to process, and even a person who does not have sufficient experience in carrying out such work can mount it.
Negative reviews

Wooden siding is a material that also has some negative characteristics, among them it is worth highlighting a slight fire resistance and exposure to moisture. According to buyers, wooden panels are not recommended to be strengthened in places where there is a possibility of a fire. However, during the manufacturing process, the panels are impregnated with special substances that allow the finish to resist fire longer than ordinary wood.
Owners of private houses, on the facades of which wooden siding is already installed, note that constant exposure to moisture can adversely affect the appearance and durabilityfinishes. In order to increase the water-repellent qualities, the material is treated with waterproofing impregnations. These manipulations will have to be repeated from time to time during operation. Buyers emphasize that wood siding is a material that is often compared to synthetic counterparts. Despite the fact that the building will look more impressive, buyers sometimes refuse natural products towards synthetic ones, since in the first case the walls will have to be looked after, controlling their condition. Among other things, you will have to pay 40% more for such a finish. When installing such siding, there is a need to create a ventilation gap, which will be located between the facing material and the main walls.
Positive feedback

If you decide to choose siding for finishing your home, what it is, it is important to decide even before purchasing the material. The modern buyer chooses this cladding for the reason that it can be used to create walls that will be very attractive in appearance, as their texture and natural color completely recreate the look of natural wood. The material is safe for he alth, it can be combined with any design. According to experts, the walls acquire sufficient strength, are characterized by maintainability, and they can be operated at temperatures up to -50 degrees.
Varieties of wood siding

By visiting the store, you can find twovarieties of wood siding, one of them is a block house, while the other is a false beam. The first option is made from different types of wood, which determine the characteristics of the finishing material. If you want to choose a cladding that will have the highest resistance to moisture and strength, then larch products should be preferred. The width of panels of such material can vary from 9 to 18 centimeters, while the length varies from 2 to 6 meters. As for the thickness, it is standard and equal to 40 millimeters. The siding house is complemented in the product range with a false beam, the surface of which is flat. Facing may differ in a certain texture, color and shade, installation is quite simple, which involves the installation of a frame.
Mounting Features

Siding is the material that you can install yourself, without resorting to outside help. To fix the siding panels, you can use a crate made of moisture-resistant wooden slats. At those points where humidity is high, bars should be used to create the crate. Fastening of wooden panels is carried out using 50 mm nails, the distance between which should be 40 centimeters or less. It is necessary to start fastening wooden siding, stepping back from the ground 15 centimeters. Starting rails should be used for the first row.
The outer and inner corners of the building are sheathed in one of two ways, the first involves the installation of elements on top of the siding, whilethe second is flush. Above the door and window openings, a horizontal platband should be installed, which will remove excess moisture from the facade. In order to trim the side parts of door and window openings, a vertical platband should be used. Wood siding is a finish that is versatile, as it can be strengthened not only horizontally and vertically, but also at an angle.
After installing the crate, you need to lay a layer of insulation, for this you can use plastic wrap or glassine. In order for the walls to be able to breathe, a special membrane should be used. If it is planned to insulate the walls, then the vapor barrier should be located under the thermal insulation. But the waterproofing is located on top. You can cut panels to size using a hacksaw with small teeth.
Expert Tips

If you decide to use vertical panel mounting technology, then in the process you may encounter the problem of a lack of solid products for the facade. Experts advise to pre-calculate the number of boards that will be needed for each wall. If necessary, start the installation, moving from the central part to the corners. In this case, the panel thickness will be adjusted at the corners. The decoration of this part can be done flush, which is a more suitable method, since in this case the surface of the finish will look more attractive, and will also be effectively ventilated. Between corner and row panels you needleave a gap, the thickness of which should be equal to five millimeters. After completion of work, the gaps are treated with special mastic.
Material cost
If you decide to purchase log-like siding for finishing your house, the price of facing should interest you. For a panel whose length and width are 3660 and 230 millimeters, respectively, you will have to pay 210 rubles. In one package, as a rule, 20 pieces. These products imitate the shape of a log house, have a pronounced texture of natural wood and have a smaller wave width compared to the classic block house. We are talking about the panels of the Alta-profile company. The surface of the products is resistant to UV, as well as climatic and weather conditions.