Majitos - a tomato worth trying

Majitos - a tomato worth trying
Majitos - a tomato worth trying

Growing tomatoes is a laborious process, especially in the middle lane or in the Siberian expanses. Every amateur vegetable grower knows this firsthand. But tomatoes will always be very popular: for their benefits, taste, beautiful fruit, the possibility of harvesting for the winter. Therefore, new and interesting varieties are created every year. Today we get acquainted with the hybrid of the Dutch selection. Meet Mahitos, the tomato that will add variety to your variety collection.

Biological characteristics

Consider the Majitos tomato. The description of this variety is not much different from the description of greenhouse varieties. This tomato is a mid-season, high-yielding vegetable with unlimited growth (on average it reaches 1.8 m). Cultivation - in film greenhouses. The plant is strong, strong, with a powerful stem and rhizome, short internodes. The fruit is bright red in color, round, dense, weighing 220-260 grams. The fruits are even in weight, without a green spot at the stalk.

Dignity of the variety

Machitos is a tomato that has a number of indisputable positive qualities:

  • Wonderful sweet taste.
  • Good transportability.
  • No cracking.
  • Resistant to many diseases.
  • Used both fresh and in preparations for the winter.
  • Adapts well to different conditions.
majitos tomato: fruits
majitos tomato: fruits

Majitos (tomato) is one of the leaders in the market, as its fruits are universal. It is listed in the State Register of Breeding Achievements permitted for cultivation in our country.

Features of cultivation

Let's draw your attention to a number of features characteristic of this variety. Since the plant has a powerful bush, excessive watering and regular fertilization will lead to the growth of the bush, not the fruit. Therefore, both the first and second actions must be performed moderately, as needed. In order for the color of the fruit to be saturated and uniform, a combination of potassium-magnesium supplements is necessary.

Machitos tomato in the greenhouse
Machitos tomato in the greenhouse

Since the fruits are large, their formation takes place in the summer-autumn period, and Makhitos can not be called an early tomato, amicable ripening of fruits is typical when grown in the second turn. The main thing here is not timing, but productivity. To maintain a balance of growth and development, you need warmth, so the optimal time for culture is summer. Like any other, a tomato of this type needs a garter and pinching. But cut the leaves carefully: only those that shade the fruit. Strong pruning is stressful and a serious test for a hybrid, after which it recovers for a long time.

If you have planted this crop for the first time, then observe, study, carefully follow its development so thatavoid mistakes. Focus on the climatic conditions and the situation that you have in the region. And then a good result is guaranteed to you. This strain is really worth trying!
