Eugenia is a plant native to the subtropics of Australia. In New South Wales they call him Lilly Pilli. At home, it needs careful care. Named after the prince and commander of the Roman Empire, Eugene of Savoy.
Eugene's flower is an evergreen shrub. It is considered an endangered species, since it is almost impossible to meet in the wild. What flower does Eugene look like? Indoors, its growth does not exceed 1.5 m. In its natural conditions, it forms a full-fledged tree, the height of which is 6 m. The powerful trunk is covered with spots. The length of the glossy narrow dark green leaves of the shrub is about 3 cm, but in their natural habitat they can reach 10 cm. They grow opposite and have an elliptical shape. The leaves contain beneficial essential oils. The plant emits a pleasant aroma only when rubbed with the palms of your hands. The new growth has a red tint. Young branches are tetrahedral. Over the years, the bark of the shrub peels off a little.
In warm countries, where the air temperature in winter does not fall below -4 ° C, the plant is grown to create a hedge, which, whencut if necessary. The shape of the shrub can be changed to suit any style of bonsai. In addition, the direction of the branches is perfectly formed with the help of wire. Previously, the bark of the tree must be protected from damage. Do not leave wire on branches for more than three months.

Preparing the soil and watering Eugenia
The shrub is propagated by cuttings, air layering and seeds that germinate within a month. In March-April, shoots about 10 cm in size are rooted in wet vermiculite, sand or water. From early spring to August, a flower planted in a regular pot must be fed once every two weeks with a complex fertilizer for deciduous ornamental plants. The approximate composition of the ideal soil for Eugenia contains an equal amount of sand, humus, sod and leaf soil. The soil should be slightly acidic without lime admixture. Make sure the soil has good air circulation. Excessive soil density is eliminated by adding peat or perlite.
If the leaves of a plant have lost their gloss, it means that it is in dire need of water. In summer, it is enough to water the soil once a week, in the winter season - after 7-10 days. Water should be soft, boiled, without excess s alt. Excessive watering is fraught with the development of root rot, and during drying, the Eugene flower drops its leaves. Excessive soil moisture causes spots on the leaves and, as a result, their fall.

Change the soila young flower is needed every spring. An adult plant is enough to transplant once every 3 years. Old shrubs need to change only the top layer of soil. Also a good reason for changing the soil is the appearance of a reddish or white bloom. When planting or transplanting, it is impossible to deepen the root neck of the Eugenia flower, even if some of the roots remain on the surface. Bushes buried deep in the ground will quickly die.
The plant can be affected by whiteflies, scale insects, mealybugs, aphids and red spider mites. The best times of the year for pruning shrubs are spring and summer. It is necessary to shorten the stems by 1-2 pairs of leaves. After the procedure, it is desirable to treat the shoots with garden pitch.

Lighting and air temperature
Eugenia's flower loves sunlight and slight shade during the hottest time of the day (from 11 am to 4 pm). A greenhouse and a glazed balcony are the best places to grow shrubs. Every day the flower needs direct sunlight for 3-5 hours. In winter, Eugenia especially needs an abundance of daylight at a temperature of 5-18 ° C. Artificial lighting has proven to be an effective substitute for sunlight. The flower loves high humidity (35-50%). It is recommended to spray the gravel in which the pot stands. In summer, it is useful to take the tree out into the garden. On hot days, the shrub should be sprayed a couple of times with boiled or distilled water.
Cold drafts should be avoided, as Eugene's flower, whose photo is locatedin this article, does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. At the beginning of winter, it is required to insulate the pot with a large amount of dry sawdust or foam rubber.

From mid-spring through June, the houseplant is lavishly covered with creamy white flowers, which consist of four petals and many tassels. In autumn, 2 cm berries are formed, which can be eaten. The diameter of the flowers does not exceed 3 cm. Because of their color, Eugene myrtophyllum was also called the Purple Cherry. There is another name for the shrub - the Angina tree, which he got thanks to the berries containing vitamin C and which have shown their effectiveness in the treatment of throat diseases. Based on the crunchy fruits of the Eugene flower, Australian housewives prepare amazing-tasting jams.