What are dry closets for summer cottages and what are the principles of their work?

What are dry closets for summer cottages and what are the principles of their work?
What are dry closets for summer cottages and what are the principles of their work?

After each of us remains not only household garbage, but also waste products. In the city, few people think about the problem of their disposal, but in the country this question sometimes takes on an epic shape.

dry closets for summer cottages
dry closets for summer cottages

Smell, flies and an ordinary feeling of disgust somehow do not contribute to the creation of an ordinary cesspool, and therefore dry closets for summer cottages look much better against its background. They will allow not only not to feel an unpleasant smell, but also to turn feces into very useful and valuable compost.

Working principle

As a rule, most of these toilets are based on the action of some adsorbents. They absorb moisture and odor without letting them offend your sense of smell. Most often, peat or peat briquettes are used as such a substrate. All dry closets for summer cottages based on them are good not only for their low cost, but also for their hygiene. The fact is that peat itself has an extremely acidic pH, which makes it impossible for bacteria to grow.

In addition, the sphagnum moss underlying this substance is known to botanists around the world for its unique suctionability. Just a kilogram of this material can absorb up to ten liters of liquid, which is extremely important in organizing a toilet.

peat dry closet for giving price
peat dry closet for giving price

What do they look like and how do they work?

Most often, dry closets for summer cottages are designed for installation inside a dwelling, and therefore they are a kind of large toilet equipped with a ventilation pipe. Instead of water, its storage tank contains a supply of dry peat, which the dosing device throws into the faeces accumulation tank each time.

So that the mass in this compartment does not turn into liquid, special drainage pipes are installed in it, designed to divert the liquid fraction into the external environment. To do this, it is advisable to dig some kind of storage well, carefully isolating it from contact with the external environment.

Modern models

Depending on the size of your family, dry closets for summer cottages are designed to be emptied every two to three months. There are some modern models that even connect to the mains. They are special devices for the biological decomposition of waste, as a result of which high-quality compost is formed.

chemical dry closet for giving
chemical dry closet for giving

Note that if you use simple tank toilets, then the mass that you have to rake out of them every few months should not be immediately laid on beds or under fruit trees. It needs to be composted for at least a few years.

Thus, a peat dry closet for a summer residence, the price of which starts from three thousand rubles, can become a stable source of high-quality and effective fertilizers.

Alternative varieties

Other varieties deserve special attention. As you understand, this is a chemical dry closet for giving, which uses special substances that decompose feces to a homogeneous mass, deodorized and disinfected. True, the prefix "bio" in their name no longer corresponds to the nature of their work, but they do their job perfectly.
