With the onset of warm weather, cycling in the fresh air is becoming more and more relevant. It's nice to watch when on a day off whole families ride their iron friends through the park area and bike paths. Cycling promotes he alth, general physical development and is extremely beneficial, even if it is not strenuous sports training.

The variety of bicycle transport on the modern market is very large and can satisfy the most demanding customer, both in terms of functionality and cost. Moreover, the price of individual copies can reach several thousand dollars. There are a huge variety of bikes of various types, for example: mountain bikes, track bikes, sports bikes, city bikes. A separate group are homemade bicycles. They are distinguished from each other by various parameters of mass, design, wheel sizes, number of speeds, etc.
Buying a bike is optional
An alternative to buying a bike can be making it yourself. Homemade bicycles are very common and are distinguished by originality. But to implement such an idea, you should be patient and have certain professional skills and tools. And it is best to have access to a workshop equipped with the necessary tool base and equipment. Assembling homemade bicycles from ready-made parts will not be difficult, anyone can do it.
How to make a bike?
In order to assemble bicycles with your own hands, you will need a detailed drawing. You can draw it yourself, but it is best to use ready-made options, which, if desired, will not be difficult to find.

Using a ready-made drawing will help you avoid possible mistakes when assembling your vehicle. It will be impossible to ride a bicycle made according to a technically incorrect drawing. In addition, with an incorrectly calculated balance of elements, the load on some parts and assemblies will be increased, which can lead to their accelerated wear. And soon the most critical moment may come when the vehicle fails or falls apart. There is a very high risk of injury and injury if the breakdown occurs at the time of direct use of the bike.
You can't do without shopping
It is worth understanding that some mechanisms, such as chain and wheels, are not possible to make at home, and even in the workshop. In anycase, they will have to be purchased ready-made. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the material from which the wheel rim and spokes are made. The tire must be selected taking into account the operating conditions of the bicycle. If you intend to drive in quiet urban conditions, then ordinary city-type tires will do. If aggressive driving or operation in rough terrain is planned, then tires with reinforced tread will be needed to improve the adhesion of the wheel to the ground. Homemade tricycles are currently very popular and original. Just before assembling the bike, you should carefully study the drawing and determine the exact sequence of actions.
The stronger the metal, the more durable the bike
For the production of the frame, you will need tubes of various diameters made of durable metal. It will not be superfluous if the metal surface is treated with an anti-corrosion compound. This will extend the life of the bike.

According to the drawing, you need to make all the elements of the frame and connect them together using spot welding. After the frame is ready, it should be checked for defects and, if necessary, finalized all the nuances.
When making a fork, you will need to use special equipment for pressing. You can use for these purposes devices and tools designed for forging metal. When the fork and frame elements are almost ready, you need to drill all the necessarymounting holes for wheels, sprockets and pedals.
Next, you need to make a handlebar, saddle and pedals. If these parts are left over from an old bike, then they can be repaired or simply brought back to normal if they are in good technical condition. The chain, wheels and brakes must also be checked for serviceability and repaired if necessary. Problems can arise due to leaky spokes, lack of lubrication on the brake mechanism and poor quality bicycle chain links.
Homemade bicycles, or rather, parts of them, can be painted after coating with a primer. Even the thinnest layer of paint will protect the metal from corrosion. This will keep the parts looking their best.

Assembly and running-in
If all the components are prepared, then you can mount them on the frame for a preliminary assessment of the technical suitability of the assembled vehicle. The first thing you should pay attention to is the quality and directness of the bike, the ease of pedaling, the functionality of the brakes and other, less significant nuances.
If the ride is not satisfying or impossible without some effort, then you need to sort out the existing inconsistencies, correct them and conduct regular tests. If all parts and components are in good condition, the bike should be completely disassembled for painting.
Buy and collect
If there is no particular desire to resort to such a complex option, then it is easier to purchase ready-made components and assemble bicycleswith your own hands, adapting them to your needs and wishes. You can assemble a lightweight version using a titanium or cheaper aluminum frame. It can be equipped with any components of the appropriate quality and value. It is possible to construct a bicycle with a motor. A homemade version of such transport will be the most convenient and practical. If any node or component has failed or simply ceased to suit its characteristics, then it can be replaced with a new one without any problems.

It is worth remembering that the frequent use of a bicycle instead of a car not only has a positive effect on he alth, but also improves the ecological situation.