How beautiful and cozy it is in a house with indoor plants. They are not only pleasing to the eye and uplifting, but also make the air we breathe much cleaner. In order for the flowers in our house to always be alive, they need to be properly looked after, because how sad it is when they begin to wither.

Permanent residents of many apartments have already become such plants as the money tree and ficus. They are unpretentious in care and, according to some beliefs, have a certain meaning, bringing good luck and prosperity to the house. But very often, our beloved fat woman begins to fall off the leaves. Because of this, she loses her beauty and becomes like an ordinary forked stick sticking out of a pot.
Why do houseplants drop leaves?
So what are the reasons for this phenomenon? First of all, the leaves of the money tree fall due to improper watering. The fat woman is not a fan of excessive moisture, but leaving her dry for a long period of time is also notrecommended. In the summer, the plant should be watered more often. Daily or every other day, depending on when the soil is not wet enough.
It is necessary to carefully monitor and then that the roots are not flooded with water, and moisture does not accumulate at the very bottom of the pot. In autumn, the money tree is watered only once a week, and even less often in winter.
Why do leaves fall on a perfectly he althy plant?

The answer is simple - it can happen due to excessive watering or, conversely, due to lack of moisture. Therefore, the condition of the soil must be monitored very carefully in order to prevent the leaves from falling or turning yellow and drying.
Besides, the fat woman cannot stand direct sunlight, but at the same time loves good lighting. In this regard, it should not be allowed to be under the sun all day, otherwise the leaves will overheat, lose their elasticity and begin to fall off. In order to avoid this, it is better to place the plant pot on a window with sufficient lighting, but at the same time away from the sun's rays. In the event that for any reason you cannot do this, then cover the window with newspaper or paper for the summer.
Why do leaves fall even if the money tree is properly watered?
And the fact is that you pour it with tap water, which you should never do. This water should be allowed to stand for several days. Also, spraying can be a good prevention of yellowing and leaf fall.water from a spray bottle, only at the same time it should be at room temperature.
Another favorite indoor plant is ficus, which is very unpretentious and fairly easy to care for. But, unfortunately, sometimes the ficus leaves turn yellow and fall off. This may be due to several reasons.

So why are the leaves falling?
First of all, this reason may be quite natural. The leaves begin to fall off and turn yellow once every few years. But this can happen due to the plant moving to another place, since ficuses categorically do not like this. Excessive moisture is also harmful to him and can lead to yellowing of the leaves. Until the earth in the pot becomes dry enough, and even at the bottom, it is not recommended to water it. In order to find out, you can use a wooden stick. The ficus does not tolerate direct bright sunlight, but the place where it stands should be well lit. Drafts are also not allowed in the room.
The temperature that ficus loves is 18 degrees. In addition, you can not put it near the battery and air conditioner. It is also possible the appearance of pests in the pot, so their presence should be checked.
If you follow all these recommendations, then your indoor plants will delight you with their beauty for many years!