The question of why the leaves of Kalanchoe turn yellow is most often of concern to those flower growers who do not yet have sufficient experience in growing this plant. Experienced gardeners are well aware of how to properly handle a flower. They know what care is, how Kalanchoe is transplanted, what it needs, and similar information. Our article is designed specifically for a beginner in the field of floriculture.
Why do Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow

As soon as you see that the plant began to change appearance, and its leaves began to change color or curl, this means that the flower is missing something or it is suffering from improper care. In order to correctly orient the reader in this matter, we first list the possible causes of the phenomenon when Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow and dry:
- flower transplant was carried out in violation of technology;
- the soil in the pot where the flower was planted has the wrong consistency;
- the place where Kalanchoe is located does not suit him;
- not complying with temperature requirements;
- incorrect watering;
- wrong feeding regimen;
- Insect pest attack.
These are the main reasons why Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow. Of course, there is an option that the leaves simply change naturally, but in this case this process is not massive. Older leaves generally turn yellow and fall off one at a time. And in order to respond correctly to any of the reasons, you need to take a closer look at the information on how to properly care for the plant.
Flower care

It is worth noting that this flower is not too fastidious, and talking about how to care for homemade Kalanchoe, we will not discover anything that a simple layman cannot do. The homeland of this plant is Madagascar, and it has a huge number of varieties. They are very different in appearance, but the care requirements are mostly the same.
The first thing I want to talk about is watering. Given the homeland of the flower, we must understand that he does not like waterlogging. It should be watered with settled water at room temperature. When watering, it is very important not to fall on the leaves, but to direct the flow of water directly to the ground. It is necessary to water so that the earth absorbs water and becomes wet, but that there is no excess water left either in the pot or in the pan. ATIn the case of Kalanchoe, the principle “it is better to underfill than overfill” applies. In summer and spring, the flower is watered more often, and in autumn and winter, watering should be reduced.
The next factor that is important is the degree of illumination. The fact is that Kalanchoe is a flower that needs to be “put to bed”. And it's not a joke. From morning until three in the afternoon, it is necessary to keep the flower pot in a well-lit place, for example, on the windowsill on the south side. But after this time, it must be rearranged into the shade, to rest. If you cannot change the place, then just cover the flower with a scarf. If this is not done, then the sun will spoil the leaves.
Requirements for the premises
It is worth talking separately about the temperature regime required by Kalanchoe - a decorative flower. The ideal temperature for its maintenance is considered to be about 18 degrees Celsius. But if it is lowered indoors, the plant will calmly endure if it is not higher than six degrees. However, if the temperature, on the contrary, increases, then this threatens with problems, since the plant will begin to consume a lot of water, and this, in turn, will cause the roots to rot.
It is also important to monitor the humidity in the room. It was previously mentioned that the flower does not like waterlogging, which means that a dry climate must be maintained indoors. This is especially true in autumn and winter, when there is high humidity outside.
Feeding plants

Improper feeding process is another reason why it turns yellowkalanchoe. What to do in this case? To begin with, check which complex you are using and whether it is suitable for this plant. It is recommended to use succulent fertilizer, while following simple tips:
- fertilize the soil in early spring;
- you need to dilute the mixture twice as weakly as indicated in the instructions;
- for proper assimilation of the necessary elements, it is necessary to dissolve the mixture in water heated to a warm state, then let it cool, and only then water the flower;
- do not fertilize the plant during the winter dormant period.

Transplanting Kalanchoe is also not difficult. There is nothing complicated in this process. The flower grows quickly enough, so it needs to be replanted often, otherwise it will begin to wither. It is better to perform this procedure in the spring. First you need to pull the plant out of the pot - carefully, trying not to damage the root system. Together with the remnants of the old soil, you need to place the flower in a new container. It is important to remember that in the new pot there should be an equal amount of old and new earth, while the composition of the soil should be similar. This flower is suitable soil for succulents. Also, you can make the desired mixture yourself by taking in equal proportions:
- humus;
- leaf ground;
- peat;
- fine sand.
The bottom of the pot needs to be well drained. In this case, you do not need to take too large a pot, it is better to transplant the flower again in a year. After a week, the plant fully comes to life and gets used tonew location.
Methods of reproduction

Kalanchoe is an ornamental flower that can be propagated by cuttings and seeds, as well as leaves. Interestingly, the leaves of the flower reproduce on their own. Falling to the ground, they take root, and a new sprout is obtained. If you decide to use the seed method, then after you have placed the seeds on the ground (you do not need to sprinkle them with earth on top), cover them from the light. Water the soil twice a day to keep it constantly moist. A month later, you can transplant the flower into a pot under the film. And only when leaves appear, you can plant Kalanchoe in a permanent place. While the flower is growing and gaining growth, you need to form its crown, removing unnecessary and ugly shoots.
Flower period
Remember that this flower pleases you with buds only once a year. Most do this throughout the winter, but there are varieties that only begin to bloom in early spring. If you did not wait for flowers either in winter or in spring, then you need to inspect the plant for the presence of pests.

One of the likely reasons for the lack of flowering or why the leaves of Kalanchoe turn yellow is the presence of pests. Most often, the plant is visited by aphids and scale insects. Both of them are easily detected with the naked eye on the leaves. To do this, you just need to look after the flower and carefully study it. Aphids are dark green insects thatsucks out everything useful from the plant and leads it to death. Shchitovka gives a gray coating on the plant, as it produces mucus. To get rid of aphids, it is enough to treat with soapy water those places where aphids were found. At the same time, avoid hitting the ground. If the plant was too heavily affected, then some branches will need to be removed. And the scab is afraid of alcohol, so it is removed with its help.
The main thing is to remember that if you properly care for the plant, then you will not have any problems with flowering and its development. And a timely response to pests will ensure a 100% positive result in the fight against them.