If you install even the most expensive and beautiful door, it will not look luxurious and presentable if the door slopes are not made. Door installation specialists do not deal with slopes. But it doesn't matter, because you can always make them yourself.
Types of slope design
After installing a metal door at the entrance to the apartment from the outside, it looks completely perfect and complete thanks to the platbands. But inside you have to work. It is necessary to eliminate the consequences of the installation work - hide the fasteners, close up the opened brick or slabs. That's what door slopes are for.

Today they are made in three ways. So, most often the wall near the door is leveled with cement mortar and plastered. Often glued finishing materials. There is another way, which consists in the manufacture of a frame structure, followed by sheathing it with sheet materials.
If you need the most durable and reliable slopes, then you should stop at this technology. Of course, giventhe method loses in terms of speed and design, but this solution is one of the most reliable. A layer of cement mortar and plaster will create a good barrier to heat that tends to leave the room. Soundproofing will also improve significantly. The cement-sand mortar that has gained all its strength will provide additional structural strength. The disadvantage of plastering is that it is a very labor intensive job. In addition, this is not a finishing stage and not a decorative design. After plastering, the slopes are painted or finished with other decorative materials.
Sticking finishing materials
A wide variety of materials are suitable for this technology. For them to adhere well, the surface must be perfectly flat.

If, during the installation of the front door, the masters violated the geometry of the opening, you will first have to repair and level the defects with a cement-sand mortar.
Frame and skin
Creating a frame and sheathing is the cleanest and fastest technology. Various materials can be used as cladding material. It can be plastic, laminate. Door slopes from MDF look great. You can install recessed fixtures in this design. Recently, this option is very popular.

In order for the design to be not only visually attractive, but also warm, insulation materials are placed inside. The only disadvantage of this method is susceptibility to mechanicaldamage. The strength of plastic, MDF and any other material for sheathing is extremely low.
It is best to use high-quality materials for finishing door slopes. They must also be resilient to the negative effects of the environment.
Slope painting is the easiest and most popular option. Paint has many benefits. With its help, you can make a slope very interesting and bright. With the help of paint, you can make an accent - the slopes can become the center of the hallway.
Interesting idea - the selection of paint in the color of the door. Even metal doors are designed this way. As for the type of paint, it is best to choose acrylic or water-based formulations. Using putties, you can get textured drawings that will also look very original.
This option is perfect for those who not only decided to ennoble the slopes of doorways, but also completely repair the hallway or corridor. Gluing work is quite simple. But, as noted above, a flat wall is needed. Often the same wallpaper is used on it and on the slopes. It seems that the surface is solid and monolithic. So visually expand the doorway and increase the space in the hallway.
PVC panels
This is a very simple material to install, but in terms of decoration it is inferior to plastic. It is somewhat reminiscent of a sandwich panel, but is more reliable. The PVC panel is also thinner.
If the door slope of the front door is deep enough, then you should not useplastic. This is due to the fact that the material is very easily deformed. It doesn't take much effort to damage it. The panels will not be able to provide the same stiffness throughout the slope. But their plus is a varied and interesting design.
This is (according to experts) the best and most suitable option. MDF is resistant to various kinds of aggressive and mechanical influences. It is difficult to scratch this material. Outwardly, it resembles natural wood panels - a slope with it will look beautiful.

MDF is easy to install on any surface. Of course, materials will look best with wooden doors. But modern manufacturers make MDF with imitation of metal surfaces.
Parquet board
Unlike MDF, these are natural and high-quality materials. The board is well suited for making slopes. Usually the material is purchased for wooden doors or the color of the floor. The composition will look beautiful in any case, but it is advisable to choose it so that it fits exactly in texture, tone and relief.
It is also used for door slopes. He is able to imitate a pattern on a wooden door. Laminate is suitable for doors made of solid wood or other wood. There are models on sale that are suitable for any type of wood, stone, marble and other materials.
Preparatory work
Regardless of the type of material chosen for the design of slopes, a series of preparatoryworks.

First of all, we need to protect the door leaf and frame from dirt, dust, damage. Usually, film and masking tape are used for this.
Then level the base of the opening. Protruding irregularities are removed, fragile materials are also removed. After that, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of dust. You need to work with a brush with a hard pile or a broom. Dust greatly reduces adhesion, so it is important to remove it completely.
Next, the surface must be primed. If the wall is made of porous building materials, then ordinary primer mixtures are bought. If the wall is made of concrete or other low-porosity materials, then deep penetration primer is needed.
It is desirable to provide cable routing options so that you do not have to drill the wall later. For through holes, an aluminum tube with a diameter larger than the wire is well suited. It is installed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe plinth. If do-it-yourself door slopes are made in the frame way, then the pipe is fixed after the frame is assembled.
How is this type of work done? To obtain a flat surface, the first step is to install beacons. Gypsum mortar is used for their fasteners, as it quickly hardens. Along the entire length of the slope there are several heaps of the solution, which is diluted according to the instructions. You should install the beacons by level and check their position. They must be in the same plane.
Next, a mortar for plaster is prepared. Cement and sand are taken in a ratio of 1: 4. To mixingredients are best with a mixer attachment.
For plastering use a spatula and trowel. The finished solution is laid out on the slopes and aligned with the beacons. When everything is dry, you can start finishing.
Slopes with glue
Self-tapping screws are installed on the prepared wall surface. The task is to get an emphasis on which the material will fall. When the surface is ready, the space is filled with mortar. The thickness of the layer should be such that the heads of the screws are visible. Then they wait about a day.

Then take measurements and cut out panels from drywall or any other materials. Glue is selected so that it fits the material. Installation of door slopes is very simple. It lies in the fact that the panels are simply pressed against the plastered surface. Cracks and voids are filled with a gypsum-based mortar. Then it remains only to complete the decorative finish.
Frame structure
To make door slopes with your own hands, you will need wood bars or a drywall profile. You should also prepare the finishing material and buy insulation in advance.

The frame will be attached to self-tapping screws or dowel-nails. On each side you need to install two profiles. Then, a cladding cut to size is mounted on the structure. The joints are decorated with corners.
We looked at how to make door slopes in a house or apartment. This job is easy and anyone can do it.master. The main thing is to follow the instructions, as well as select the right material and tools in advance.