Installation of slopes on plastic windows: step by step instructions, features and recommendations

Installation of slopes on plastic windows: step by step instructions, features and recommendations
Installation of slopes on plastic windows: step by step instructions, features and recommendations

Plastic windows today are by no means uncommon. They are widely used due to their positive qualities. Their installation involves finishing the slopes. They play an important role in keeping the heat in the room. If the installation of slopes on plastic windows was performed incorrectly, then problems cannot be avoided. Therefore, everyone should know step-by-step instructions and installation recommendations.

Theoretical data

Many may have heard incorrect information that slopes are not required in the design of plastic windows. This is the deepest delusion. Therefore, you should not make such mistakes.

How should it be?

Some began to believe that wooden structures are better than PVC (allegedly, dampness and mold appear in the house from the latter). Experts say it's not. It is believed that during the construction of the structure there should be a quarter in the window openings. This so-calleda ledge seven centimeters from the outside of the window opening to protect it. During window installation, this gap must be formed from the inside.

slope installation
slope installation

In fact, it happens like this: the width of the window is less than the opening, and everything else is filled with mounting foam. As a result, gaps may form, due to which cold enters the room. As a result, mold and fungus form. How to prevent this? Mold appears at high humidity, due to a large intake of air masses from the street or complete sealing. And the fungus is an enemy not only for windows, but also for the material from which the structure itself is being built. The solution is simple - this is the installation of window sills and slopes on plastic windows.

What slopes are there?

Conventionally, the craftsmen divided this design into internal and external slopes. Those that are outside the window can really be covered with plaster. Doing this with internal slopes will not work, since the clearance can reach up to 15 centimeters. The task is not only to establish, but also to form the volume. Do not forget about insulation. Today slopes can be made of different materials. This is:

  • Sandwich panels.
  • MDF.
  • PVC.
installation of window sills and slopes on plastic windows
installation of window sills and slopes on plastic windows

But which option to choose? Without experience, it is difficult to understand which way to lean. One desire is not enough - you should pay attention to the need for protection. Inside, a wooden model is quite suitable. But outside - more durable aluminum,granite slabs of the facade. Sometimes plastic is enough.

Working with external parts

Installing ebbs and slopes on a plastic window is a simple task, if you do not forget about the recommendations. The work is carried out together with the insulation of the facade of the building. But the main emphasis is on the amount of clearance. Everyone can plaster them. It is necessary to remove unnecessary elements - mounting foam, dust, decorative components. The base must be solid. Beacons are installed, and the entire surface is treated with a primer.

repair slopes after installing plastic windows
repair slopes after installing plastic windows

Each work implies a number of features. Do not forget about the angle of dawn of the outer slopes. It is performed in any way, but its turn is important so that light penetrates. At the same time, it is not difficult to make slopes after installing plastic windows. Everything is done in a few simple steps.

Fixing beacons

Before we plaster, two beacons are installed. It is better when they are not made of metal, so that rust does not appear afterwards. It is also possible to choose a removable component. To cope with the plaster, the necessary set of tools is being prepared:

  • hammer;
  • level;
  • spatula (wide and narrow);
  • grater;
  • ruler;
  • container and mixer for mixing mortar;
  • gon.
installation of window sills on plastic windows
installation of window sills on plastic windows

The rest of the manipulations are carried out in the same way as with standard putty work.

Installation of metal slopes

Many saythat they are impractical, because when the temperature drops, they become rusty. This is due to condensation, as it corrodes the surface. Although there are pluses - if the material is treated with special means, then the service life is much longer.

Some people think that hearing increases when it rains. Metal can be used in decoration, but as the base of the frame. However, in such work without experience it will not be possible to cope.

Working with the inside

Do-it-yourself installation of slopes on plastic windows from the inside can be done from drywall using a frame base made of metal or wood. This helps to create space for laying out the insulation. In addition, this method is durable and reliable for the entire structure. Do not use mounting foam for filling. The material will not properly protect against the penetration of cold streams from the street. Following the recommendations, everyone will be able to install slopes on plastic windows.

installation of slopes on plastic windows
installation of slopes on plastic windows

Everything will depend on the clearance obtained after the installation of double-glazed windows and the frame. Sometimes simple plastering solves the problem. Often the slopes are fixed with glue. The budget option is the use of plaster and strengthening the structure with dowels. The main emphasis is on the desire and capabilities of the owner himself.

The main task when creating any design is to remove the voids between the wall and drywall. It is these conditions that completely eliminate the appearance of condensate. This is a pretty good the question "how to repair slopes after installing plastic windows."

Using plastic structures

It is clear that any material can be used. Therefore, the installation of plastic slopes for windows, the price of which is low (550 rubles per set) is quite a good option. You need to stock up on mounting foam - this is the easiest and most budget option. The surface is not pre-spackled, and there is no need to paint it. Although in terms of environmental performance, experts do not recommend such installations indoors.

how to fix slopes after installing plastic windows
how to fix slopes after installing plastic windows

The main advantages of plastic slopes:

  • The material looks nice and is affordable.
  • It is possible to install on the frame, under which there is a heater.
  • There is no need to putty and level. All the flaws and irregularities are hidden by the plastic slope itself.

There are negative sides:

  • Short service life and impossible to repair.
  • Air does not penetrate under the surface, and condensate can collect in the cracks with all the consequences that come from this.

Despite this, this material is the most popular and common in finishing work when installing plastic windows. Additional procedures do not need to be performed, so the work is done in a short time. Before installing plastic windows, it is worth deciding which method of cladding to choose. Sometimes, when measuring and choosing a supplier, a person receives useful recommendations frommasters. In such conditions, it is easier to make a competent choice and understand what is more suitable for the home. Experts say that it is important to consider what material the building itself is made of.

How to work with wooden slopes?

It is believed that such material is quite practical, breathes and helps to cope with the main task. Therefore, do-it-yourself installation of slopes on plastic windows is made of wood. In addition, such slopes can perform the main task without insulation. They are easy to work with as the width and thickness are decent. Not to do without nuances. For such a slope, a solid foundation is required. A simple polyurethane foam will not cope with their support. Masters say that wood is a good option, environmentally friendly, but definitely not cheap. A beginner will not be able to handle it. To do the work correctly, it is better to contact the specialists.


So, we found out how the slopes are installed on our own. It is clear that it is impossible to leave a plastic window without a slope. This will lead to the formation of mold and fungus, which is harmful and dangerous to human he alth. But even creating something wrong, we will bear problems. If the window is installed, it is worth deciding how the slope will be performed. This can be done by the master himself or by the owner of the house, having little experience in building decoration.

repair slopes after installing windows
repair slopes after installing windows

It turns out that after the double-glazed windows are installed, you can start the main work. Quite a good solution is the slopes of drywall. With their handsinstall is realistic. This is an opportunity to save money and completely eliminate the formation of condensate. Such a building material is often used and fits well into any design solution. You can also use plastic, but it has a number of disadvantages, although this is a common design for windows today. Masters believe that the choice should be approached wisely. It is important that the whole structure lasts a long time and does not harm he alth. The stores have a large assortment of all the agreed slopes - it remains only to make the right decision.
